Puerto Candelaria - Cumbia para el Final de los Tiempos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Puerto Candelaria - Cumbia para el Final de los Tiempos

Cumbia para el Final de los Tiempos
Cumbia for the End of Days
Todas las noches de luna llena
On all nights the moon is full
Recorre las calles del puerto con su guitarra
You roam the streets of the port with your guitar
El espectro de una dama alta y traje colorido
The ghost of a tall lady in a colorful frock
Ella busca los niños sonambulos
She looks for sleepwalking children
Que merodean sin rumbo por el malecon
Who wander aimlessly along the promenade
Para hechizarlos con su encanto y su voz
To bewitch them with her charm and her voice
Ahi viene
Oh, here she comes
She appears
La ruiseñora
The nightingale
Sobre las ruinas de un monasterio
On the ruins of an abbey
Se abren las puertas de un cementerio
The gates to a cemetery creak open
Sobre las ruines de un monasterio
On the ruins of an abbey
Se abren las puertas de un cementerio
The gates to a cemetery creak open
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas, vas, vas vara vas
You'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there
A media noche se abre una tumba
At midnight, a tomb bursts open
Sale un esqueleto bailando una cumbia
Out comes a skeleton dancing a cumbia
A media noche se abre una tumba
At midnight, a tomb bursts open
Sale un esqueleto bailando una cumbia
Out comes a skeleton dancing a cumbia
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas vas tumba ra vas
You'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get to the tomb
Con agua sucia le lavan los pies
They wash its feet with dirty water
Los esqueletos preparan el cafe
The skeletons make the coffee
Con agua sucia le lavan los pies
They wash its feet with dirty water
Los esqueletos preparan el cafe
The skeletons make the coffee
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas vas vas vara vas
You'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there
Con la sotana de un viejo cura
With the habit of an old priest
Los esqueletos preparan la verdura
The skeletons prepare the vegetables
Con la sotana de un viejo cura
With the habit of an old priest
Los esqueletos preparan la verdura
The skeletons prepare the vegetables
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas vas tumba ra vas
You'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get to the tomb
Con una tibia y un perone
With a tibia and a fibula
Se arregla las uñas maria salome
Maria Salome grooms her nails
Con una tibia y un perone
With a tibia and a fibula
Se arregla las uñas maria salome
Maria Salome grooms her nails
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Cas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas vas vas vara vas
You'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there
Con mocos secos de un recien nacido
With the dried mucus of a newborn
Los esqueletos preparan el cocido
The skeletons make the stew
Con mocos secos de un recien nacido
With the dried mucus of a newborn
Los esqueletos preparan el cocido
The skeletons make the stew
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
A media noche se abre una tumba
At midnight, a tomb bursts open
Sale un esqueleto bailando la cumbia
Out comes a skeleton dancing the cumbia
A media noche se abre una tumba
At midnight, a tomb bursts open
Sale un esqueleto bailando una cumbia
Out comes a skeleton dancing a cumbia
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas por alla
You'll go that way
Vas por aqui
You'll go this way
Vas vas vas vara vas
You'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get there

Авторы: Juan Diego Valencia Vanegas

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