Putolargo - No Hay Juego - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Putolargo - No Hay Juego

No Hay Juego
There Is No Game
El estilo soy yo! lo queráis ustedes o no
The style is me, whether you like it or not, babe.
Rapeo desde yo que se ya y aun ruge el motor
I've been rapping for who knows how long, and the engine still roars.
Como si fuera el primer día y tengo pa más,
Like it was the first day, and I have more to give.
Un vieja escuela que solo se guía por el boom y el clap
Old school that is only guided by the boom and the clap.
Con ganas de avanzar, otros van patrás
Wanting to move forward, others go backwards.
Que coño os voy a contar yo que no sepáis ya verdad?
What the fuck am I going to tell you that you don't already know?
Pero es tan real como la calle,
But it's as real as the street,
Como que me crié en los bancos verdes en Pino montano, en los mares
Like I grew up on the green benches in Pino Montano, in the seas.
De allí sale este cabrón, que jugaba y la lesión
This bastard comes from there, who played and the injury
Le aparto del basket, me jodió bastante.
Removed him from basketball, it fucked him up a lot.
Perdió toa la ilusión hasta que conoció otra manera de clavarlas,
He lost all hope until he met another way to nail them.
Bueno ahora mas que antes.
Well, now more than before.
Y perdí el contacto con el mundo, me volví iracundo,
And I lost contact with the world, I became angry,
Sin un folio lo tenia chungo
Without a sheet of paper, I had it rough.
La necesidad manda, formamos una banda
Necessity rules, we formed a band.
Y a día de hoy dos discos fuera y yo a por el solo.
And today, two albums are out, and I'm going for the 2nd solo.
Son muchos años ya, no controlo? no mongolo?
It's been many years now, I don't control? Not a moron?
Pongo el modo rap y me los como!
I put on rap mode, and I eat them up!
Y no sabes cómo? pero se os va de las manos primo
And you don't know how? But it slips through your hands, cousin.
Yo cambio de plano, de palo y uff! suena pepino!
I change the plane, the stick, and uff! Sounds like a cucumber!
Porque saco jugo al ritmo que me pongan,
Because I get juice to the rhythm they put me on,
Cojo el micro y caen bombas, luego alfombras rojas.
I take the microphone and bombs fall, then red carpets.
Me nombran y todas esas miradas me deslumbran
They name me, and all those looks dazzle me.
Esa mierda de la fama a mi me sobra
That fame shit is too much for me.
En mi vida y me intimida y jamás quiero que me pidas que lo acepte,
In my life, and it intimidates me, and I never want you to ask me to accept it.
Aunque sepa que tengo el don de gentes
Even though I know I have the gift of people,
Pero soy un tipo corriente y voy contra ella.
But I'm an ordinary guy, and I'm going against it.
Un porro, un litro observando las estrellas.
A joint, a liter, watching the stars.
Y sigo haciendo equilibrios en la vida y no creo que me caiga,
And I keep balancing in life, and I don't think I'm going to fall.
No chillo paso! aunque no me oigan.
I don't yell step! Even if they don't hear me.
Yo voy a mi rollo, a intentar sobrevivir en esta jungla
I go to my roll, to try to survive in this jungle
De haters frustrados que solo odian,
Of frustrated haters who only hate,
Y no construyen, solo huyen de sus propios fallos
And they don't build, they just run from their own mistakes.
Se prostituyen, contribuyen a que crezca el callo
They prostitute themselves, they contribute to the callus growing.
Yo busco el calor del sol en este frío valle helado
I look for the warmth of the sun in this cold, frozen valley.
Y a vosotros que os parta un rayo!!
And you guys get struck by lightning!!
Y si no me callo, es porque no me sale de la polla,
And if I don't shut up, it's because I can't help it,
Y si me rayo, no voy corriendo a comerte la olla.
And if I shoot, I'm not running to eat your pot.
Pues pasa de mí, como yo paso de vuestra cara
So get over me, like I get over your face.
Pasa de mí! y aun así me apuntan, me disparan.
Get over me! And they still point at me, they shoot me.
Pero no hay huevos, no hay fuego que pueda quemarme
But there are no eggs, there is no fire that can burn me.
No hay juego, NO HAY JUEGO! en el que puedas ganarme
There is no game, THERE IS NO GAME! in which you can beat me.
Pero se que luego, ciegos de coraje, intentareis joderme
But I know that later, blind with rage, you will try to fuck me.
Y me partiré la polla aquí fumando un verde
And I'll split my dick here smoking a green.
Porque me resbala cada palabra, cada desplante,
Because every word, every snub slips me off,
Son hierba seca crujiendo bajo mi tanque
They are dry grass crunching under my tank.
Pon atención! me escuchan en bloques y parques
Pay attention! They hear me in blocks and parks.
El Largo te invita, siempre comparte
Largo invites you, always share.
Porque se que es tu droga favorita y claro, te incito a hacerlo
Because I know it's your favorite drug, and of course, I encourage you to do it.
Yo abuso y me pongo cerdo
I abuse and get pig.
Me acuerdo cuando empecé, éramos unos putos enfermos,
I remember when we started, we were fucking sick,
Como ahora! llenando el puto cuaderno de todas
Like now! Filling the fucking notebook with all
Las cosas que pasan por esta cabeza
The things that go through this head.
Exploto si no suelto mierda y pesa
I explode if I don't drop shit and it weighs.
Como unos cuernos consentíos de tu princesa
Like some consensual horns of your princess.
El monstruo sale escondío de entre la maleza,
The monster comes out hidden from the undergrowth,
Con el doble de fuerza, con su boca de presa,
With twice the force, with its mouth of prey,
El Aroca regresa, te coje por sorpresa
Aroca returns, catches you by surprise.
Fuera inútil! vete coño! que sobras en mi mesa
Useless! Get the fuck out! You're too much on my table.
Call of duty no! el Pro! y litros de cervezas.
Call of duty no! The Pro! and liters of beers.
Piensa que lo importante es disfrutarlo
Think that the important thing is to enjoy it,
Y si lo empiezas ya no puedes pararlo
And if you start it, you can't stop it.
Ya lo se joder. yo? ya no puedo controlarlo,
I know, fuck. Me? I can't control it anymore,
Por eso me rapeo este puto trozo tan largo
That's why I'm rapping this fucking long piece.
Esto es Hip Hop para mi gente!
This is Hip Hop for my people!
Esto es Hip Hop para tu gente!
This is Hip Hop for your people!
Esta es mi vida, una pelea constante
This is my life, a constant fight.
Y quiero enseñarte como a mi me hace fuerte
And I want to show you how it makes me strong.
Esto es Hip Hop para mi gente!
This is Hip Hop for my people!
Esto es Hip Hop para tu gente!
This is Hip Hop for your people!
Esta es mi vida, una pelea constante.
This is my life, a constant fight.
Narcotraficantes de droga para oyentes
Drug traffickers for listeners.

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