Radikal feat. Tafrob - Mp3 generácia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Radikal feat. Tafrob - Mp3 generácia

Mp3 generácia
The Mp3 generation
Žijeme vo svete častého násilia,
We live in a world of frequent violence.,
Kde sa zbraň, skoro za všetko nabíja.
Where the gun, almost everything charges.
Drogy, vojny, prepady (razia), spory, hrozby, nenávisť (mafia).
Drugs, wars, raids( raids), disputes, threats, hatred (mafia).
Opitý foter a bezbranná matka,
Drunk father and defenseless mother,
Len ďaľšia hádka, desiata facka,
Just another fight, the tenth slap,
Psychická záťaž a cynická láska,
Psychological burden and cynical love,
Každý ťa pomaly vidí za blázna.
Everyone sees you as a fool.
Vidím jak kráčaš po ostrých hranách,
I see you walking on sharp edges,
A všetci sa na tebe kokotsky bavia,
And they're all fucking having fun at you.,
Bibliu držia, morálku hlásia,
They hold the Bible, they preach morality. ,
Zajtra tu bibliu do radu pália.
They're burning the Bible in line tomorrow.
Nechcený systémom jak ja,
Unwanted system like me,
Len slová v éteri depresií zbavia,
Just words in the ether of depressions get rid of,
A tak sa flákaš, potácaš ulicou,
And so you slouch, you stagger down the street,
Kráčaš po mlákach na ušiach s muzikou.
You walk in puddles with music on your ears.
Lepšie na ulici v totálnom mraze,
Better on the street in total Frost,
Ako sedieť zase, v tom domácom chaose,
How to sit again, in that domestic chaos,
Zavrieť sa do seba, to bol môj pancier,
Close in, that was my armor.,
A hľadieť do neba cez oči prázdne.
And look to heaven through empty eyes.
Sme hluchý, vnímame len jazyk múzy,
We are deaf, we perceive only the language of the muse,
Je čudný, aj keď líhame do truhly,
It's weird, even when we're in a box.,
Je hlúpy, no máme v piči tých múdrych,
He's stupid, but we don't give a shit about the smart guys.,
Pán psychológ, vzdajte to, nás liečia zvuky (hudby).
Mr. psychologist, give up, we are treated by Sounds (Music).
HipHop, je pre nás omnoho viac ako len hudba,
HipHop is more than just music.,
Je to morfium, čo v srdci hasí vulkán.
It's the morphine that extinguishes a volcano in the heart.
A vďaka rapu vieme veľa vecí ustáť,
And thanks to rap, we can do a lot of things.,
Aj v burkách, aj v mukách a v putách.
Even in burqas, and in tortures and in handcuffs.
HipHop, je pre nás omnoho viac ako len hudba,
HipHop is more than just music.,
Je to morfium, čo v srdci hasí vulkán.
It's the morphine that extinguishes a volcano in the heart.
A vďaka rapu vieme veľa vecí ustáť,
And thanks to rap, we can do a lot of things.,
Aj v burkách, aj v mukách a v putách.
Even in burqas, and in tortures and in handcuffs.
Lidi chcou ven, pryč z reality,
People want out, out of reality.,
Pryč z toho života co nenávidí,
Away from the life they hate,
Z toho života, kde nenašli cit,
From that life where they found no feeling,
A těď to vypadá, že přestali žít,
And now it looks like they've stopped living,
Těď to vypadá, že nemají cíl,
They don't seem to have a target.,
Možná si ho jen nechali vzít,
Maybe they just let him take it.,
Ztracení bloudí a hledají skrýš,
The Lost wander and seek refuge,
Poslouchat okolí přestali chtít.
Listen to the surroundings ceased to want.
Doma jim postupne sebrali sny,
At home, they gradually took away their dreams,
Ve škole, šikana, krev a jizvy,
At school, bullying, blood and scars,
Stres a bitky neznají klid,
Stress and fighting know no peace,
Někteří začnou si řezat žíly,
Some begin to cut their veins,
Mají svůj svět, rap a víc níc,
They have their own world, rap and more,
Mají svůj hněv, bolest a výkřik,
They have their anger, pain and scream,
Nikdo jim ani víc nenabízí,
No one offers them more,
A nemají síly nezačít pít.
And they have no strength not to start drinking.
Prázdny kapsy, sluchátka na uších,
Empty pockets, earphones,
Prázdy pohledy, aspirin na duši,
Emptiness views, aspirin for the soul,
Nevnímat problémy se snadno naučíš,
Ignoring problems is easy to learn.,
A chvíli potrvá, než to zadusí,
And it'll take a while to choke you,
Slepí, hluší ke svému okolí,
Blind, deaf to their surroundings,
Nechcou bejt slušní a žít jak otroci,
They don't want to be decent and live like slaves.,
Něco si užít, mít vlastní hodnoty,
Enjoy something, have your own values,
Nachvíli utéct a nekoukat do očí.
Run away for a while and don't look me in the eye.
HipHop, je pre nás omnoho viac ako len hudba,
HipHop is more than just music.,
Je to morfium, čo v srdci hasí vulkán.
It's the morphine that extinguishes a volcano in the heart.
A vďaka rapu vieme veľa vecí ustáť,
And thanks to rap, we can do a lot of things.,
Aj v burkách, aj v mukách a v putách.
Even in burqas, and in tortures and in handcuffs.
HipHop, je pre nás omnoho viac ako len hudba,
HipHop is more than just music.,
Je to morfium, čo v srdci hasí vulkán.
It's the morphine that extinguishes a volcano in the heart.
A vďaka rapu vieme veľa vecí ustáť,
And thanks to rap, we can do a lot of things.,
Aj v burkách, aj v mukách a v putách.
Even in burqas, and in tortures and in handcuffs.
HipHop, je pre nás omnoho viac ako len hudba,
HipHop is more than just music.,
Je to morfium, čo v srdci hasí vulkán.
It's the morphine that extinguishes a volcano in the heart.
A vďaka rapu vieme veľa vecí ustáť,
And thanks to rap, we can do a lot of things.,
Aj v burkách, aj v mukách a v putách.
Even in burqas, and in tortures and in handcuffs.
HipHop, je pre nás omnoho viac ako len hudba,
HipHop is more than just music.,
Je to morfium, čo v srdci hasí vulkán.
It's the morphine that extinguishes a volcano in the heart.
A vďaka rapu vieme veľa vecí ustáť,
And thanks to rap, we can do a lot of things.,
Aj v burkách, aj v mukách a v putách.
Even in burqas, and in tortures and in handcuffs.

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