Raffi - Raffi Radio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Raffi - Raffi Radio

Raffi Radio
Raffi Radio
Pernah kulihat lukisan cantik
I saw a pretty picture
Tujuh bidadari dari langit
Seven fairies from the sky
Namun saat kulihat dirimu
But when I saw you
Cantikmu mengalahkan semua
Your beauty defeated all
Pernah kubaca puisi raja
I once read the king's poem
Syairnya indah getarkan rasa
Its verses were beautiful
Namun saat namamu disebut
But when your name is mentioned
Ku tergetar jiwa penuh rasa
My soul trembles
Tuhan yang berikan rasa cinta
God has given the feeling of love
Rasa kasih sayang
A feeling of affection
Buat apalah susah cari kesana kesini
Why bother looking here and there
Sudah didepan mata kamulah takdirku
Your destiny is in front of your eyes
Tuhan ciptakan aku
God created me
Tuhan ciptakan kamu
God created you
Kita berdua di izinkan bersama tuk bersatu selamanya
We are allowed to be together forever
Seperti embun mengerti pagi
Like the dew understands the morning
Seperti ombak paham samudra
Like the waves understand the ocean
Kita yang beda tlah disatukan
We who are different have been united
Dengan kekuatan cinta kasih
With the power of love
Jadilah kisah ini abadi
Let this story be eternal
Kamulah takdirku
You are my destiny
Seperti embun mengerti pagi
Like the dew understands the morning
Seperti ombak paham samudra
Like the waves understand the ocean
Kita yang beda tlah disatukan
We who are different have been united
Dengan kekuatan cinta kasih
With the power of love
Jadilah kisah ini abadi
Let this story be eternal
Kamulah takdirku
You are my destiny
Buat apalah susah cari kesana kesini
Why bother looking here and there
Sudah didepan mata kamulah takdirku
Your destiny is in front of your eyes
Buat apalah susah cari kesana kesini
Why bother looking here and there
Sudah didepan mata kamulah takdirku
Your destiny is in front of your eyes
Buat apalah susah cari kesana kesini
Why bother looking here and there
Sudah didepan mata kamulah takdirku
Your destiny is in front of your eyes
Tuhan ciptakan aku
God created me
Tuhan ciptakan kamu
God created you
Kita berdua di izinkan bersama tuk bersatu
We are allowed to be together forever
Kamulah takdirku
You are my destiny


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