Ramón Ayala y Sus Bravos Del Norte - Manuel Juárez - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ramón Ayala y Sus Bravos Del Norte - Manuel Juárez

Manuel Juárez
Manuel Juárez
En un ranchito en la sierra
In a small ranch in the mountains
Felliz vivía Maunuel Juárez
Manuel Juárez lived happily
Arrendando sus caballos, cuidando sus propiedades
Renting out his horses, tending his properties
Trabajando bien sus tierras,
Working his land well,
Poco sale a las ciudades
He rarely leaves for the cities
Bonita estaba su chata,
His sweetheart was beautiful,
Estaban recién casados,
They were newlyweds,
Vivían en casa de adobe,
They lived in an adobe house,
Pero bien enamorados.
But they were deeply in love.
La feria del cuarto viernes, señores,
The fair on the fourth Friday, gentlemen,
Se celebraba en el pueblo,
Was held in the town,
Cerca de semana santa,
Close to Easter week,
Pero andaba suelto el diablo.
But the devil was on the loose.
Manuel ensilla una yegua,
Manuel saddled a mare,
También su potro más fino,
Also his finest stallion,
Con su sonrisa y su chata,
With his smile and his sweetheart,
Con rumbo al pueblo se vino,
He set off for the town,
¡caramba! ¡qué mala pata!
Darn it! What bad luck!
¡qué jugada del destino!.
What a twist of fate!
Un tipo grito en la calle:
A guy shouted in the street:
¡ay que rechulas caderas!
Hey, what nice hips!
No se refería a la yegua
He wasn't referring to the mare
Y esas si son tiznaderas.
And those really are full of soot.
Manuel le dió vuelta al potro,
Manuel turned the stallion around,
El otro sacó pistola,
The other guy pulled out a gun,
Juárez es herido de un brazo,
Juárez was wounded in the arm,
El otro muerto hecho bola
The other guy lying dead
En las patas del caballo que Manuel Juárez adora.
At the feet of the horse that Manuel Juárez loves.
Testigos hubo del caso,
There were witnesses to the incident,
Y aunque a Manuel aprehesaron,
And although Manuel was arrested,
Luego de averigûaciones, en libertad lo dejaron
After an investigation, he was set free
Mientras que calladamente al hocicón sepultaron.
While the loudmouth was buried quietly.
Y en un ranchito en la sierra,
And in a small ranch in the mountains,
Allá vive Manuel Juárez
Manuel Juárez lives there
Con sus hijos y su chata
With his children and his sweetheart
Tiene pocas amistades
He has few friends
Trabaja cuacos y tierras,
He works on horses and land,
Ya no sale a la ciudades.
He no longer goes to the cities.
Ya con esta me despido, señores,
Now, with this I say goodbye, gentlemen,
Y les recuerdo una cosa:
And I remind you of one thing:
Que aunque sea humilde el ranchero,
That even if the rancher is humble,
Hay que respetar su esposa.
You must respect his wife.

Авторы: Joan Sebastian, Jose Manuel Figueroa Figueroa

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