Remmy Valenzuela - El Rescate - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Remmy Valenzuela - El Rescate

El Rescate
The Rescue
Repase mi vida en segundos, cuando balas vi pasar nos
I've gone over my life in seconds, when I saw bullets flying past us
Reportaron los puntos un comboy se vio llegar mi ubicación
They reported the location, a convoy was seen arriving at my location
Les fue dada salieron de madrugada, con la luces apagadas
They set out early in the morning, with the lights turned off
Para poderme atrapar.
So they could catch me.
No se logro su objetivo pues logramos escapar cuando
They did not achieve their objective, because we managed to escape when
Estabamos perdidos alcanzamos a escuchar ráfagas y camionetas,
We were lost, we could hear gunshots and trucks,
Barret y un m-60, wachos brincando las cercas el apoyo nos llego.
A Barrett and an M-60, guys jumping over the fences, the support group came to us.
Me cerraron la pasada de la blindada baje todavía nos
They blocked my path from the armored vehicle, I got out, they
Corretearon con pura corta pelie mis muchachos desarmados
Still chased us with just handguns, my unarmed guys
Nunca se me separaron dijeron si es que nos toca pues
Never left my side, they said, "If it's our time, then
Nos vamos a morir.
We're going to die."
Toda la noche pelearon pa poderme rescatar el jefe
They fought all night to rescue me, the boss
Personalmete el apoyo nos fue a dar se escuchaba por
Personally gave us the support, we could hear over
El radio plebes echenle chingazo aquí estoy para
The radio, "Guys, give it your all, I'm here to
Apoyarlos esto pronto va a acabar.
Support you, this will be over soon."
Se rumoro en la mañana la muerte de un gran señor cuernos
It was rumored in the morning that a great lord was killed, big
Y rifles 50, blindadas y municion, reporte de militares
Guns and 50 rifles, armored vehicles and ammunition, a report from the military
Noticias por todas partes no sabian que al que buscaban
News everywhere, they didn't know that the one they were looking for
De la muerte de escapo.
Had escaped death.
Se que ya me traian ganas pero esta vez les fallo en un
I know they were already after me, but this time they failed, in a
Uno aquí sigo firme a la orden del señor por un poco de
One here, I'm still standing firm at the lord's command, for a little bit of
Dinero hubo quien me puso el dedo torretas y mitoteros
Money there were those who pointed the finger at me, gossipers and troublemakers
Tambien me los voy a chingar.
I'm going to kill them too.

Авторы: remmy valenzuela

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