Richard Pryor - Rubber Things - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Richard Pryor - Rubber Things

Rubber Things
Rubber Things
Seiring mentari pagi bersinar indah, saat kau buka jendela
As the morning sun shines bright, as you open up your window
Kicauan burung bernyanyi indah, beri cinta, bagi cerita
The birds are singing sweetly, spreading love, sharing stories
Temani perjalanan usia yang hari ini bertambah.
Accompanying the journey of life that has added another year today.
Dan ku kan tetap disini menemani dengan cinta
And I will be here with you, with love
Lantunan dentingan piano sbg kado yang terindah
The tinkling of the piano as the most beautiful gift
Berikan dengan setulus hati, memori
Given with all my heart, memories
Masa muda utk dikenang suatu hari nanti
Of youth to cherish someday.
Jangan biarkan pupus, jangan biarkan terhapus
Don't let it fade, don't let it be erased
Iringi tiap makna doa yg kau pinta dg tulus
Accompany every prayer you sincerely ask for
Dan hari ini adalah milikmu, seluruh dunia tersenyum
And today is yours, the whole world is smiling
Siap berikan smua yg kau mau
Ready to give you everything you want
Karena mereka tau bahagiamu menghapus galau bukanlah hadiah mewah,
Because they know your happiness erasing sadness is not a luxury gift,
Hanya sebuah lagu untukmu yang teristimewa.
Just a song for you, the most special one.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
(Saat kau buka jendela, kicauan burung bernyanyi indah, beri cinta, bagi cerita) 2x.
(As you open up your window, the birds are singing sweetly, spreading love, sharing stories) 2x.
Tak terasa lagi, banyak waktu terlewati
Before I knew it, much time has passed
Tawa dan tangis datang silih berganti, mengisi setiap sudut hati
Laughter and tears come and go, filling every corner of the heart
Kadang benci, kadang cinta, hapus cita, bangun citra
Sometimes hate, sometimes love, erase ideals, build images
Smuanya kan membuatmu jadi lebih dewasa
All of which will make you more mature
Tapi percayalah kau tak pernah sendiri melewati waktu
But believe that you are never alone through time
Laguku kan temanimu jemput hari baru, lupakan masa lalu
My song will be with you to greet a new day, forget the past
Biarkan smuanya berlalu, slalu tersenyum dan lalu
Let it all pass, always smile and move on
Berdiri dan mulai merajut mimpi mimpi baru
Stand up and start weaving new dreams
Ucapkan janji di tiap tetesan air mata bahagia
Make a promise in every drop of happy tears
Karena sahabat dunia, siap berikan smua yg kau minta
Because the friends of the world are ready to give you everything you ask for
Karena mereka tau, bahagiamu menghapus galau
Because they know that your happiness erases sadness
Bukan hadiah yang mewah, hanya sebuah lagu untukmu yg teristimewa.
Not a luxurious gift, just a song for you, the most special one.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
(Saat kau buka jendela, kicauan burung bernyanyi indah, beri cinta, bagi cerita) 2x.
(As you open up your window, the birds are singing sweetly, spreading love, sharing stories) 2x.
Sadari jalan yang kau tempuh masih panjang
Realize the path you take is still long
Arungi samudera luas masih jauh terbentang
Navigating the vast ocean is still far ahead
Di usia yang masih muda, lewati keras dunia bukan hal yang mudah
At a young age, getting through the tough world is not easy
Banyak masalah kan membuat hatimu menjadi gundah
Many problems will make your heart heavy
Tapi bersyukurlah utk smua hari yang telah kau peroleh
But be grateful for all the days you have received
Tinta kehidupan telah menoreh smua cerita, tanpa harus menoleh
The ink of life has written all the stories, without looking back
Kembali ke belakang, cinta dan cita ada di depan
Backwards, love and ideals are ahead
Menanti utk jatuh dalam dekapan, dekapan.
Waiting to fall into an embrace, an embrace.

Авторы: Richard Pryor

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