Ruffedge - Onjak Sekaki feat. Noraniza Idris & Sedozen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ruffedge - Onjak Sekaki feat. Noraniza Idris & Sedozen

Onjak Sekaki feat. Noraniza Idris & Sedozen
Onjak Sekaki feat. Noraniza Idris & Sedozen
N: Onjak sekaki
N: Onjak sekaki
Langkah tari injit ke injit
Steps of dance, inch by inch
Semua lenggang ikut ayunan irama.
Everyone sways to the rhythm.
R: Onjak sekaki
R: Onjak sekaki
Ayuh layan diri
Come, enjoy yourself
Usah dok perhati
Don't just watch
Mulakanlah tari
Start dancing
Dam dum dam berkumandang
Dam dum dam is resounding
Marilah berdendang
Come sing along
Melenggokkan pinggang
Swaying your waist
N: Rentak lagu yang berbeza
N: Different rhythm of the song
Menjadi satu irama
Becoming one rhythm
Gaya baru rentak lama...
New style, old rhythm...
R: Bersiualan yang muda
R: The young whistle
Tua turut gembira
The old are happy too
Kopak kompang bergema onjaklah bawa ke sana
The sound of the kompang resonates, take the onjak over there
N: Kita adunan semula
N: We are a new blend
Tapi jangan kita lupa
But let's not forget
Adat resam hidup kita...
The customs and traditions of our lives...
R: Gelang tari dibuka
R: The dance bracelet is opened
Bawa langkah sempurna
Bring your perfect steps
Semoga teruja bila acara pun dah mula
Hopefully you'll be excited when the event starts
(Bumi beronjak bersama)
(The earth moves together)
N: Onjak sekaki
N: Onjak sekaki
Langkah tari injit ke injit
Steps of dance, inch by inch
Semua lenggang ikut ayunan irama
Everyone sways to the rhythm
R: Onjak sekaki
R: Onjak sekaki
Ayuh layan diri
Come, enjoy yourself
Usah dok perhati
Don't just watch
Mulakan lah tari
Start dancing
Dam dum dam berkumandang
Dam dum dam is resounding
Marilah berdendang
Come sing along
Melenggokkan pinggang
Swaying your waist
Melecet kaki urat pelikat dah lari
Legs are sore, stiff muscles are gone
Bubuh joget yang asli hentam dari tadi
Put on the real joget, hit it from earlier
Udah terjengket jengkut menjerit jerit
You've been jumping around, shouting
Kelibat kelam kabut minang datang menghasut
The shadowy figure of the Minang people comes to tempt
Sedozen RE makin menjadi jadi
Sedozen RE is getting stronger
Berlaga kaki tak habis menari lagi
Legs collide, still not finished dancing
Dema dah geleng lenggok terumbang ambing
They are shaking, swaying, tossing and turning
Hinggap tempeleng
Get hit, slap
Baru reti nak beronggeng
You'll only learn to dance
Mari beronjak bersama (Zain)
Let's move together (Zain)
S: Dari kuala kangso
S: From Kuala Kangso
Teman ke kuala lumpo
Companion to Kuala Lumpo
Onjak sekaki memang eh gemo bebeno
Onjak sekaki is really fun
Tengah berolo deme sebok dok tebo gebo
They are having fun, they are busy dancing
Tunggu dulu jangan risau
Wait a minute, don't worry
Bawa de sabo
Be patient
Berenti kejap kita ikut renta kak ani
Stop for a moment, let's follow Kak Ani's rhythm
Gerak tari jari jemari macam ini
Dance moves, fingers like this
Kalau silap langkah cuba sekali lagi
If you make a mistake, try again
Sedozen, RE
Sedozen, RE
Mari amati!
Let's watch!
N: Walau jauh nya dimata
N: Though far away in my eyes
Ingin ku kirim irama
I want to send the rhythm
Biar terubat semula...
Let it be healed again...
R: Lenjan si jantan keras
R: The strong male muscles
Hentak kaki selaras
Stomp your feet in sync
Gendang berpalu - palu terubat hati yang pilu
The drums beat, healing the sorrowful heart
N: Datang angin dan cahaya
N: The wind and light come
Bawa cerita gembira
Bring happy stories
Bila beronjak bersama...
When we move together...
R: Nada bunyi bergegar
R: The sound of the music vibrates
Lagu sudah berputar
The song has spun
Kami mempersembahkan
We present
S: Onjak sekaki meh sini tengok
S: Onjak sekaki, come here and see
Salah letak kaki terpeleot jari
Put your foot in the wrong place, your finger will twist
Sedozen berdozen meh sini joget
Sedozen by the dozen, come here and dance
Ikut kak ani onjak sekaki
Follow Kak Ani, onjak sekaki
Ya boleh!
Yes, you can!
Layan lentik jari kasi cantik!
Let your fingers be flexible, make it beautiful!
Sini macam inj
Here it is like this
Jangan tunggang terbalek
Don't fall over
Tari menari jom!
Let's dance!
Layan diri jom!
Enjoy yourself!
Opie mari cat re onjak sekali
Opie, come here, cat, re, onjak sekaki
Ayuh beronjak (Sein)
Come on, move (Sein)
S(Rock): Coba belum bagi tahu apa sudahnya
S(Rock): Try it, I haven't told you what it is yet
Jari lembut kejap tadi punyalah kasar
Your fingers were soft a moment ago, now they're so rough
Lenggang lagu rasa macam pernah dengar la?
The swaying song feels like I've heard it before, huh?
Bikin pinggang turut ikut rentak irama
Make your waist follow the rhythm of the music
Kompang dan gendang
The kompang and the drum
Inang dek abang
Sister, brother
Jangan menendang
Don't kick
Nanti terlentang
You'll end up lying on your back
Belum tak pernah buat dah sudah
Never done it before, you've already done it
Jangan melatah
Don't get flustered
N: Onjak sekaki
N: Onjak sekaki
Langkah tari injit ke injit
Steps of dance, inch by inch
Semua melenggang ikut ayunan irama
Everyone sways to the rhythm
R: Onjak sekaki
R: Onjak sekaki
Ayuh layan diri
Come, enjoy yourself
Usah dok perhati
Don't just watch
Mulakanlah tari
Start dancing
Dam dum dam berkumandang
Dam dum dam is resounding
Marilah berdendang
Come sing along
Melengokkan pinggang
Swaying your waist
R&N: Tari kita takkan berakhir
R&N: Our dance will never end

Авторы: Farish Bin Ramli, Amer Munawer Bin Yusoff, Noraniza Idris, Azan Addin

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