Rytmus feat. DJ Premier - Jediný - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rytmus feat. DJ Premier - Jediný

The One
Kde tie časy keď som začal rap-ovať,
When are those days when I started rapping,
Boli sme všetci spolu nikto nič ne-negoval,
We were all together, no one opposed to it,
Stál som pred zrkadlom a skúšal prvé rap-y,
I stood in front of the mirror and tried my first raps,
Nikdy by som nepomyslel že mi zmenia život tieto vety,
I would have never thought that these lines would change my life,
Cítil som od začiatku že to šľape,
I felt from the beginning that it works out,
Veľa ľudí mojim rap-om som musel poj*bať mater.
I had to curse so many people's mothers with my raps.
Nechceli dopustiť že idem stále hore,
They did not want to allow me to go up further,
Zabudli že som ten cigán čo necíti vlastnú bolesť,
They forgot that I am that gypsy who does not feel his own pain,
Keď som po prvýkrát stál na pódiu sám,
When I stood on the stage alone for the first time,
Vtedy som pochopil že toto je cesta kerú mám,
That's when I realized that this was the path for me,
Chceli ma zastaviť sami sa poj*bali,
They wanted to stop me and screwed themselves over,
Vaše predsudky som zničil dneska napĺňame sály,
I destroyed your prejudices, today we fill the halls,
Nezabúdam na časy keď ste sa mi smáli,
I won't forget the times when you laughed at me,
Dneska sa smejem ja do vašich stroskotaných tvárí,
Today, I laugh at your broken faces,
Toto je pre ľudí kerý mi verili,
This is for the people who believed in me,
Ko-k*t-ko-via sami sa zdisovali,
Motherfu*ckers dissed themselves,
Keď som prišiel zoči-voči do backstage-u, rýchlo utekali,
When I came face-to-face in the backstage, they ran away quickly,
Za biletárov sa to schovávali,
Hiding behind the ushers,
Keď prišli domov sadli za počítač, zasa silné reči mali,
When they came home, they sat down at the computer, and again had strong words to say,
Ja som tu na Slovensku predstavil rap,
I introduced rap here in Slovakia,
Za všetku pozornosť od ľudí môžte ďakovať mne,
You can thank me for all the attention from people,
Ja som tu JEDINÝ koho počúvajú všetci že???,
I am THE ONE here whom everybody listens to, what???,
To čo som zaj*bal z vás nikdo nikdy nedokáže.
What I screwed up, none of you imbeciles will ever be able to accomplish.
Vaše predaje mizerné ako vaše rap-y,
Your sales are as miserable as your raps,
Nikdo vás nepočúva iba poj*bané deti,
Nobody listens to you, except for stupid kids,
Keby som predával jak vy sa na to vyj*bem,
If I sold like you, I would give it up,
Chápete že aké to je, keď beat ti robí PREMIER???
Do you understand what it's like, when PREMIER makes you a beat???
Tam kde vy končíte ja si začínam honiť,
Where you end, I start jacking off,
Toto je čistý hip-hop pochádzam zo starej školy,
This is pure hip-hop, I come from the old school,
Ja ľúbim hip-hop to úplne každý,
I love hip-hop, now everybody knows it,
20rokov rap-ujem a zostávam tu navždy.
I've been rapping for 20 years and I'm staying here forever.

Авторы: Dj Premier, Rytmus

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