SEAMO - Tears - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SEAMO - Tears

君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
OH なんてあなた罪深い ゾッコン 僕の一人舞台
OH, how sinful you are, Making me head over heels, My one-man show,
二人でひとり24時間 いつでも想えば愛しい
Together as one for 24 hours, Wherever you are, I think of you, and I love you.
想う気持ち 数字で言うと1000% レンガ積み重ねたアドベンチャー
The feeling of love, In numbers, it's 1000%, An adventure stacking bricks.
100回のメールより10回の電話 10回の電話より会っての会話
100 emails or 10 phone calls, 10 phone calls or having a conversation.
毎晩想いふけり想像し たまに違うおかずで労働し
Every night, I think and imagine, Sometimes working on different dishes.
ごめんね でも現実は君だけだ これだけは神に誓えるさ
I'm sorry, but the reality is that you're the only one, I can swear to God.
君の想う大好き僕はその倍好き いっぱい好きちょっとパイ好き
You think you love me, but I love you twice as much, I love you a lot, You like pies a little.
なの許してご愛嬌 相性は最高の恋愛のサイボーグ
So forgive me, my love, We're perfectly compatible, The cyborgs of love.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君困ってたならば 勝ち戦でも放棄しすぐ行くさ
If you're in trouble, I'll give up even a winning battle to come to you.
病気の時は秒針がいくつか 回る頃に家に急行し
In times of illness, I'll rush to your home as soon as possible.
全てをFOR YOUし 共有し 今日中に風邪移してよエロ教授に
I'll do everything FOR YOU, I'll share everything, I'll catch a cold today from that erotic professor.
ウイルスを供給し これで早急に病気も小休止
I'll give you viruses, And this will give your illness a break.
治るころ僕が発病 お返しの看病 湖の白鳥
By the time you recover, I'll be sick, Returning the favor of nursing you, Like the swans on the lake.
側にいてくれれば風邪楽勝 二人で病の城を落城
If you stay by my side, I'll easily beat this cold, Together we'll conquer the castle of illness.
疫病神も逃げ出す 少年と少女が織り成す 恋の共鳴
Even the plague gods will flee, As a boy and a girl intertwine, A symphony of love.
愛の深さを証明する 世界に向け のろけの SHOW ケース
A display of love's depth, To the world, A showcase of love.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
宇宙一夢中 君が好き 君と僕は SO 陸続き 理屈抜きに好き
I'm the most infatuated in the universe, I love you, You and I are SO connected, Irrationally in love.
この大陸に伝わる 愛の話の続き
A continuation of the love story told on this continent.
あん時作ってくれた手料理 味付け濃かったね非常に
The food you made me that time, The flavor was very strong,
しかしどんなシェフもかなわぬ貴重品 残さず食べたデザートは騎乗位
But no chef could compare, A priceless treasure, I ate the dessert without leaving a trace, in a骑骑骑riding position.
願わくばご褒美に膝枕 眠りこける羊と小悪魔
I wish I could be rewarded with a lap pillow, A sleeping lamb and a little devil.
子沢山目指すカップルの漫談 晩餐会のような華やかな団樂
The talk of a couple who want to have many children, A lively and festive banquet.
病気のようで病気じゃない こんな気分は中学以来
It's like an illness, but it's not an illness, I haven't felt this way since junior high school.
未来こんな好きな人出ない 眩暈すらするこれが恋愛
In the future, I won't find anyone I love like this, This love makes me dizzy.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.
君が零した涙の滴 僕の身体でそっと拭う
I gently wipe away the teardrops you shed from my body.
君と過ごした時間の記憶 僕にとってはたった一つ
The memories of our time together are the only thing for me.

Авторы: 高田 尚輝

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