Saurom - Mendigo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Saurom - Mendigo

Cae la noche en cualquier lugar
Night falls anywhere
En un rincón acogido estará
In a welcoming corner it will be
Sobre cartones asienta su hogar
On cardboards he makes his home
Y como amigo a un perro tendrá
And as a friend, he will have a dog
Por sus ropajes le suelen juzgar
By his clothes they usually judge him
Miradas e insultos tiene que aguantar
Looks and insults he must endure
Una limosna si hay suerte caerá
A gift if he's lucky will fall
En su sombrero, ya podrá cenar
In his hat, he can have dinner
De la noche al alba
From night to dawn
Preso libre del frío serás
You will be a free prisoner of the cold
De la noche al alba
From night to dawn
Triste vagabundo sin hogar
Sad homeless wanderer
Un haz de luz un día le despertó
A beam of light woke him up one day
Era algo extraño, le hendió el corazón
It was something strange, it pierced his heart
Mustias las flores, gris torna su faz
Flowers wilted, his face turned gray
Su fiel amigo yace en un portal
His faithful friend lies in a doorway
Pudo contigo la pena, el amor
Sorrow and love could defeat you
La vida en soledad te consumió
Life in solitude consumed you
Reclamará tu alma aquel animal
That animal will claim your soul
Y en el más allá al fin podréis habitar
And in the afterlife you will finally be able to dwell

Авторы: Narciso Marquez

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