Scrop - Pocos Tratos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scrop - Pocos Tratos

Pocos Tratos
Few Deals
Por todas esas veces que queria un abrazo pero nadie aparecia
For all those times I wanted a hug but no one appeared
porque nadie me hizo caso por esos dias grises que tenia
because no one paid attention to me during those gray days I had
estando a solas donde la soledad me apuñalaba a cualquier hora
being alone where loneliness stabbed me at any hour
No es por debil que se llora se llora porque sentimos cuando
It's not because of weakness that one cries, one cries because we feel when
el dia esta pesado y feo se pone el camino por esos dias donde
the day is heavy and ugly the road becomes, for those days where
el concierto salio fino pero minutos antes lloraba en el
the concert went fine but minutes before I cried in the
dressing room
Son muy pocos los amigos los que de verdad estan los
There are very few friends, those who are truly there, those
que cuando tu no tienes estaran con mas afan es mas sincero el
who when you have nothing will be there with more eagerness, the
cariño que regala el enemigo por eso siempre digo yo soy mi
affection that the enemy gives is more sincere, that's why I always say I am my
mejor amigo
best friend
Por eso pongo en tela de jucio aquel abrazo que senti como un
That's why I put into question that hug that I felt like a
coñazo de aquel supuesto hermanazo por eso pongo en practica
drag, from that supposed brother, that's why I put into practice
la total desconfianza porque el peor cocodrilo circula por
total distrust because the worst crocodile circulates through
aguas mansas
calm waters
Porque yo solo me tuve cuando cai porque yo fui el que dio
Because I only had myself when I fell, because I was the one who gave
color a mi dia gris porque yo decidi que el compromiso era
color to my gray day, because I decided that the commitment was
personal cuando eramos bastantes pero solos caminaba igual
personal, when we were many but I walked alone anyway
Solo habra una persona que no fallara y es facil saber deducir
There will only be one person who will not fail and it is easy to know to deduce
de quien se trata es mi mama es la unica que yo se que podria
who it is, it's my mom, she's the only one I know who could
decir que esta llena para que yo tome la unica arepa que hay
say that she's full so that I can take the only arepa there is
en la cena
at dinner
Y es que podria contar como por 10 años seguidos los entre
And it's that I could tell how for 10 years in a row the
comillas amigos que falsean cuando descuando pero todo es tan
quote-unquote friends who fake it from time to time, but everything is so
relativo, dales comida seguido y cuando no la tengas te
relative, give them food often and when you don't have it they
comeran vivo
will eat you alive
Todos quieren que hagas que regales que fracciones que
Everyone wants you to do, to give, to fraction, to
compartas que te entregues que no tengas restricciones pero
share, to give yourself, to have no restrictions, but
porque todos esos no fueron acompañarme cuando me mantuve
why didn't all those people come with me when I stayed
aislado sin nadie pa' desahogarme
isolated with no one to vent to
Todos estaran cuando el dinero no escasee cuando mujeres te
Everyone will be there when money is not scarce, when women
rodeen cuando tu nombre se coree pero cuando sea el antonimo
surround you, when your name is chanted, but when it's the antonym
de lo que he relatado todos te veran de lado seras solo un
of what I have described, everyone will see you sideways, you will be just a
forgotten one
Yo comprendi muy tarde que el que no esta no hace falta de que
I understood very late that the one who is not there is not needed, that
si tienes panico a otro le da igual si saltas que las madres
if you have panic, another person doesn't care if you jump, that mothers
no se pelan cuando te dicen que el vecino como puede tratarte
don't mess around when they tell you that the neighbor, how can he treat you
fino tambien te escupe el camino
fine also spits on your path
Bastantes dias rezo para que ni por un tropiezo me encuentre
Many days I pray that not even for a stumble I will meet
con esos que son piedra pa mis progresos se que muchos de esos
with those who are stones for my progress, I know that many of those
quieren tomar mis ingresos hasta chuparme los sesos tendran
want to take my income, even suck my brains, they will have
que chuparme el hueso
to suck my bone
Queridos compañeros se cual es la jugada las trampas que me
Dear colleagues, I know what the play is, the traps that they
ponen todas las tengo curadas les invito a que ahorren el
set for me, I have them all cured, I invite you to save the
tiempo que han invertido porque igual no les confie ni el
time they have invested because I didn't even trust them with the
nombre ni el apellido
first name or last name
Los verdaderos amigos llegan siempre justo a tiempo los demas
True friends always arrive just in time, the others
no tienen tiempo los demas son un invento quisiera contar los
don't have time, the others are an invention, I would like to count the
falsos amigos que me dio Dios que actuan como si mi espalda
false friends that God gave me who act as if my back
fuese un buzon de voz
was a voice mailbox
Por eso no estoy triste por lo que de mi dijistes me alegro
That's why I'm not sad about what you said about me, I'm glad
porque fallastes y por esa razon te fuistes siento un alivio
because you failed and for that reason you left, I feel a relief
en la mente si te vas no me molesta de lo contrario habran mas
in my mind, if you leave, it doesn't bother me, otherwise there will be more
cotillones en mi fiesta
cotillions at my party
Lo mas comico es ver como me abrazas cuando por dentro me
The funniest thing is to see how you hug me when inside you
amenazas y por fuera te disfrazas y yo sabiendo de que se
threaten me and on the outside you disguise yourself and I knowing what it's
trata al igual te trato porque amo pasar el rato viendo tu
about, I treat you the same way because I love to spend time watching your
falso retrato
false portrait
No les guardo rencor pero tampoco quiero tratarlos es inutil
I don't hold a grudge against them but I also don't want to deal with them, it's useless
saludarlos y casi que fingir amarnos si me ves en la calle
to greet them and almost pretend to love each other, if you see me on the street
cruzala tu pagina conmigo pasala tus patas de mi casa sacala tu
cross it, your page with me, turn it over, your paws from my house, take them out, your
trato me sabe a wakala
deal tastes like wakala to me
Por los caminos verdes para despistarlos para no tratarlos
By the green paths to mislead them, to not deal with them
para no mirarlos para precisarlos cuando tu estas lejos las
to not look at them, to pinpoint them, when you are far away things
cosas se ven mas claras las manos que alza tu cara la acomoda
are seen more clearly, the hands that raise your face, accommodate it
y te dispara
and shoot you
Dejame solo quiero estar solo
Leave me alone, I want to be alone
dejame andar por la vida yo solo
let me walk through life alone
de polo a polo me cuido solo
from pole to pole I take care of myself alone
soy mi mejor amigo porque ando solo
I am my best friend because I walk alone
Dejame solo quiero estar solo
Leave me alone, I want to be alone
dejame andar por la vida yo solo
let me walk through life alone
de polo a polo me cuido solo
from pole to pole I take care of myself alone
soy mi mejor amigo porque ando solo
I am my best friend because I walk alone

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