Sedat Uçan - Fahri Alem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sedat Uçan - Fahri Alem

Fahri Alem
Fahri Alem
Kaside Sözleri Fahr-i Alem Göç Eyledi Dünyadan
My Sweetheart Departed Our World
Fahr-i âlem göç eyledi dünyâdan
The best of all humankind departed our world
Ümmetlerim size olsun elveda
My followers, farewell until the end of time
Bize gel oldu ol yüce Mevlâdan
He has come to us, the highest of the high
Ashâblarım size olsun elveda
My companions, farewell until the end of time
Bûnu dedi yaşlar doldu gözüne
Thus he spoke, his eyes filled with tears,
Bir figândır düşdü halkın özüne
A cry of anguish cast into the hearts of the masses,
Hasan'le Hüseyn'i almış dizine
He took Hasan and Husayn upon his lap,
Kuzularım size olsun elveda
My little lambs, farewell until the end of time
Çağırın Bilâlı gelsin yânıma
Summon Bilal to come to my side
Yükümü yükledim bindim âtıma
I have borne my burden and mounted my steed
Helâlım Âişe kızım Fâtıma
May peace be upon Aisha and my daughter Fatima
Ehl-i beytim size olsun elveda
My household, farewell until the end of time
Ebû Bekre eder ey pir-i fani
Abu Bakr speaks, oh mortal guide,
Veren alıı^imiş bu tatlı cânî
He who gives to me grants me this sweet soul
Firdevs-i âlâda bulun siz beni
In the highest of heavens, seek me out
Ashâblarım size olsun elveda
My companions, farewell until the end of time
Cebrail geldikte Hakk'dan emn-ile
As Gabriel came from God with safety
Gelmiş idi onda Azrail bile
Azrael came with him
Taşradan içeriye kıldı nida
From outside, he called out,
Dedi kim ehl-i beyt-i Mustafâ
He said, "Oh, household of the chosen one,"
İzniniz var içeriye girmeye
"Do you grant me permission to enter?"
Ol münevver hûb cemâlî görmeye
"To see that radiant, beautiful face?"
Ol vakit dedi Resûl-i müctcbâ
At that moment, the chosen prophet said,
Ey emîn hoş geldin imdi merhaba
Oh faithful one, welcome, my greetings to you.
Fâtıma âh ıdüp anda ağladı
Fatima let out a sigh and wept
Babasının boynuna el bağladı
And embraced her father's neck
Ağlayüben dedi ey canım baba
She wept and said, "Oh, my dear father,"
Gönlümün sultânı cânânım baba
My heart's sultan, my beloved father,
Ölme sen senin-için ben öleyim
"Do not die, let me die for you,"
Sen sağ-ol ben sana feurban-olayım
You live on, and I will sacrifice myself for you.
Mustafâ dedi Fâtıma canım benim
Mustafa said, "Fatima, my dear,"
Sil yaşını ağlama câmm benim
"Wipe your tears and weep not, my jewel."
Câm-ı mevti sunan öldür Âdeme
The cup of death was offered to Adam,
Nâr-i firkat saçan öldür âleme
The fire of separation burns the world.
Ol gelendir îden oğullar yetim
He who comes to take children as orphans,
Canlar alûb tenleri kılan remîm
Who takes their souls and leaves their bodies as dust.
Yüzleri gül dilleri bülbülleri
Their faces like roses, their tongues like nightingales,
Tûtî gibi ol güzel oğulları
Their beautiful sons, like parrots.
Ayırandır oğlu kîzî anadan
He separates sons and daughters from their mothers,
Bağrı bâşî yüreğini kaniden
Breaks their hearts and fills their souls with blood.
Mahveder nûrunu şehlâ gözlerin
He extinguishes the light in their beautiful eyes,
Hem sarardır benzin ol gül yüzlerin
And turns their rosy cheeks pale.
Alır ananın gelinlik kızların
He takes the brides of their mothers,
Kalır analar döverek dizlerin
Leaving mothers to weep and beat their knees.
Firkat odiyle yakar kardeşleri
The fire of separation burns their hearts,
Acı eder, tatlı tatlı aşları
Turning their sweet love into bitter ashes.
Geldi Azrail Resûlün yânına
Azrael came to the Prophet's side,
Kasd kıldı almakÂçün cânına
Intending to take his soul.
Sundu elin kim Resule yapışa
He reached out to the Prophet's hand,
Nûrvoldu Muhammed Mustafa baştan başa
And Muhammad Mustafa was filled with light from head to toe.
Nur içinde geldi bir âvâz âna
A voice came to him from within the light,
Sen mi verdin Melek canı bana
Did you give my soul to me, oh Angel?
Hakk Teâlâdan nida geldi hemîn
A voice from God Almighty came at once,
Geri dur sen dedi Rabbül âlemîn
"Stand back," said the Lord of the Worlds.
O benimdir ben ânınam melek
"He is mine, I belong to him, oh angel,"
Ânın çün devreder çarh-ı felek
"For him, the wheel of fate turns."
Geçirdi Hakk cemâlinden nikâb
God removed the veil from his face,
Hoş tecelli eyleyüb kalkdı hicâb
Revealing the beauty of his countenance.
Kudretinin elini açdı ana
He opened the hand of his power,
Muhammed dedi gel benden yâna
Saying, "Oh Muhammad, come to me."
Dedi kim ashaba ol Hayrül -enam
The best of creation said to his companions,
Ümmetime kılasız benden selâm
Convey my greetings to my people.
Ey beni cân-ile seuen ümmetim
Oh my followers, who love me with all your hearts,
Hem seve cânı gibi her sünnetim
And love my every teaching as if it were your own life,
He işi ashaba tâlim-eyledi
He taught everything to his companions,
Dahî cânın Hafefe'a teslim-eyledi
And surrendered his soul to the One he loved.
Aşkile Allâh dedi bir gez hemân
With the love of God, he exclaimed,
Cân âşık oldu mâşûkâ revân
His soul became a lover, and his beloved, a flowing river.
Çün sefer kıldı cihândan
When he departed from this world,
Mustafâ Dünyâdan hiç kimse ummasın vefâ
Mustafa No one in this world should expect loyalty
Her nedenlü çok yaşarsa bir kişi
No matter how long a person lives,
Âkibet ölmekdürür ânın işi
Their end is always death.
Ol Muhammed hürmeti-çün ey
For the sake of Muhammad, oh
Hudâ Eyleme bizi Muhammed'den cüdâ
God, do not separate us from Muhammad.
Bize ânın izzet-ile izzet-et
Grant us honor through him,
Fazlın ile cümlemize rahmet-et
And have mercy on us all with your grace.
Hem Süleymân-ı fakire rahmet-et
Have mercy on Sulayman the poor,
Yoldaşın îmân, makâmm cennet-et
Grant him faith as his companion and paradise as his abode.
Tanrıdan yüzbin tehıyyât-ü selâm Ol
May God send ten thousand greetings and blessings
Resûlün rûhuna her subh-u şâm
Upon the soul of that Prophet, every morning and evening.
Olsun âline dahî ashâbma
May it be upon his family and companions,
Tâbiîn, ensâr-ü hem ahbâbma
The followers, the supporters, and the friends.
Ümmetinden râzî olsun ol Muîn
May the Helper be pleased with his people,
Rahmetüllâhi aleyhim ecmeîn.
The mercy of God be upon them all.

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