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Текст и перевод песни Separ - Studený Svet

Studený Svet
Cold World
Za svojim cieľom cez mŕtvoly dopredu a sám,
Towards my goal, over dead bodies, forward and alone,
Mapa plná ulíc, ťa vedú hocikam,
A map full of streets, leading you anywhere,
V hmle nevidíš za chrbát kulisám,
In the fog, you can't see behind the scenes,
Tam v tme patri celý svet len krysám,
There in the darkness, the whole world belongs only to rats,
Tak pre svoje blaho všetci robia zlé,
So for their own good, everyone does evil,
Na oko dobrá jak med v noci lieta na metle,
Seemingly good as honey, at night she flies on a broomstick,
Svoj špinavý charakter spoznáš iba v zrkadle,
You'll only recognize your dirty character in the mirror,
Za chyby tlačí sa hlaven železa na mandle,
For mistakes, the iron head presses on the tonsils,
Všade nechutné tváre falošná mimika,
Disgusting faces everywhere, fake expressions,
Bežné dohody na slovách ktorým chýba statika,
Common agreements on words that lack static,
Habitat vyjebancov je úplne všade,
The habitat of assholes is absolutely everywhere,
Ležíš vypnutý po prvej pästi na brade,
You lie unconscious after the first fist on your chin,
Není kade utekať preč tak to funguje,
There's nowhere to run, that's how it works,
ľudia jebnutí čim ďalej tým viac ľutujem,
People are fucked up, the more I regret it,
Na normálne veci nikto nereaguje,
No one reacts to normal things,
Dávaj pozor otoč sa možno ťa niekto sleduje.
Be careful, turn around, maybe someone is watching you.
Studený svet zakrýva tma,
The cold world is covered by darkness,
život je studený jak hmla,
Life is cold as fog,
Do očí stúpa len chlad,
Only coldness rises to your eyes,
Je to horšie jak sa ti môže zdať,
It's worse than you might think,
V panike opúšťaš sektor,
In panic, you leave the sector,
Zo zeme vyviera peklo,
Hell is springing from the earth,
Je to jak trieska pod nechtom,
It's like a splinter under your nail,
Vyjebane hyeny nám ukradli svetlo.
Fucking hyenas stole our light.
Byť prepnutý dokáže s prehľadom každý,
Anyone can easily be switched on,
A možností je viac jak kvapiek po daždi,
And there are more possibilities than raindrops,
V tomto meste behajú po uliciach blázni,
In this city, madmen run through the streets,
Dopicha ťa nožom nemusíš ho ani dráždiť,
They'll stab you with a knife, you don't even have to provoke them,
Je to tak ne-neklame ťa zrak,
It's like that, your eyes don't deceive you,
Nad celým svetom visí búrkový mrak,
A storm cloud hangs over the whole world,
No ľudia miesto činov čakajú na zázrak,
But people wait for a miracle instead of action,
Lebo majú všetko v piči nech je to hocijak,
Because they don't give a fuck, no matter what it is,
šedý povlak je všade (kokoti),
Gray coating is everywhere (assholes),
A malé decko sa narodí ako vyjebaný grázel,
And a small child is already born as a fucking thug,
Kandel sviň neschová vôňa aviváže,
The stench of pigs can't be hidden by the scent of fabric softener,
Studený svet funguje na tejto báze,
The cold world works on this basis,
Falošná kázeň jak skurvena cirkev,
False sermon like a damn church,
Keď sa raz zrúti ver tomu že som prispel,
When it collapses, believe me, I contributed,
Dajte ich do vnútra zapnem ten mixér,
Put them inside, I'll turn on the mixer,
Starý musí padnúť aby vznikol nový systém.
The old must fall for a new system to emerge.
Studený svet zakrýva tma,
The cold world is covered by darkness,
život je studený jak hmla,
Life is cold as fog,
Do očí stúpa len chlad,
Only coldness rises to your eyes,
Je to horšie jak sa ti môže zdať,
It's worse than you might think,
V panike opúšťaš sektor,
In panic, you leave the sector,
Zo zeme vyviera peklo,
Hell is springing from the earth,
Je to jak trieska pod nechtom,
It's like a splinter under your nail,
Vyjebane hyeny nám ukradli svetlo.
Fucking hyenas stole our light.
sa preberte a prestaňte sa štelovať,
Wake up and stop pretending,
Nechám si narásť vlasy, lebo je moderne sa fénovať,
I'll let my hair grow, because it's trendy to blow-dry,
Keď bude moderný smrad prestanem sa sprchovať,
When stink becomes trendy, I'll stop showering,
Asi mi jebe neviem sa prestať čudovať,
I think I'm going crazy, I can't stop wondering,
Fungovať to bude lebo ste jedno stádo,
It will work because you are one herd,
A bohužiaľ každý druhý Slovák je gádžo,
And unfortunately, every second Slovak is a gádžo,
čo vitrínu plnú keramických pičovín,
Who has a display case full of ceramic trinkets,
čipkované dečky viac ti k tomu nepovím,
Lace doilies, I won't tell you more,
Povedz sám jak to je, (povedz sám)
Tell me yourself how it is, (tell me yourself)
Buď si kokot alebo ne nedá sa byť oboje,
Either you're an asshole or not, you can't be both,
Lebo každého čokla škrtí iný obojek,
Because every mutt is choked by a different collar,
Tak sa každý chová inak tvorí svoje okolie,
So everyone behaves differently, creating their own environment,
Pokojne si nechaj pribiť vajca o stôl,
Feel free to have your balls nailed to the table,
Držať piču za 5 korún so stiahnutým chvostom,
Keep your mouth shut for 5 crowns with your tail between your legs,
Celý život prežiť podla nezmyselných osnov,
Live your whole life according to meaningless outlines,
Možno ťa to prejde zavri oči rátaj do sto.
Maybe it will pass, close your eyes, count to a hundred.
Studený svet zakrýva tma,
The cold world is covered by darkness,
život je studený jak hmla,
Life is cold as fog,
Do očí stúpa len chlad,
Only coldness rises to your eyes,
Je to horšie jak sa ti môže zdať,
It's worse than you might think,
V panike opúšťaš sektor,
In panic, you leave the sector,
Zo zeme vyviera peklo,
Hell is springing from the earth,
Je to jak trieska pod nechtom,
It's like a splinter under your nail,
Vyjebane hyeny nám ukradli svetlo.
Fucking hyenas stole our light.

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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