Snuffi - Festival - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Snuffi - Festival

John Slim det keybord
John Slim on the keyboard
Der er festival og piger i lårkort
There's a festival and girls in booty shorts
Vi er festival med en masse piger
We're at a festival with a bunch of girls
FTP og Vodka John og John Slim de siger
FTP and Vodka John and John Slim say
Hvis du ik er helt væk, du ik vær her mere x2
If you're not completely out of it, you can't stay here anymore x2
Vi er festival med en masse piger
We're at a festival with a bunch of girls
FTP og Vodka John og John Slim de siger
FTP and Vodka John and John Slim say
Hvis du ik er helt væk, du ik vær her mere x2
If you're not completely out of it, you can't stay here anymore x2
Svæver rundt i mit telt og min Nokia den er slukket
Floating around in my tent and my Nokia is off
Damer spørger om (Papvin?) meget har jeg drukket
Ladies ask if (Bag-in-box?) I've drunk a lot
John Slim er gået kold, det jo sket før
John Slim has passed out, it's happened before
Ruller op i indkøbsvogn med Vodka som chauffør
Rolling around in a shopping cart with Vodka as the driver
Baller i en campingstol, det er moderne
Dancing in a camping chair, that's modern
Spotter piger i sommerkjole ude i det fjerne
Spying girls in sundresses in the distance
Danser med min Penasol (lige i min hjerne?)
Dancing with my Penasol (right in my brain?)
Være stiv festival, fuck det vil jeg gerne
Getting wasted at a festival, fuck I want to
Vi er festival med en masse piger
We're at a festival with a bunch of girls
FTP og Vodka John og John Slim de siger
FTP and Vodka John and John Slim say
Hvis du ik er helt væk, du ik vær her mere x2
If you're not completely out of it, you can't stay here anymore x2
Vi er festival med en masse piger
We're at a festival with a bunch of girls
FTP og Vodka John og John Slim de siger
FTP and Vodka John and John Slim say
Hvis du ik er helt væk, du ik vær her mere x2
If you're not completely out of it, you can't stay here anymore x2
Iskold i den brandvarme sol
Ice cold in the scorching sun
Kongen sine trone, Vodka John i klapstol
The king on his throne, Vodka John in a deckchair
Vodka, Nikotin og Pena løber i mit blod
Vodka, nicotine and Pena run through my blood
Snuffi ganget sørgede for at papvin kom mode
Snuffi gang made bag-in-box fashionable
Penas logo mit telt skrevet med grafitti
Penas logo on my tent written in graffiti

Snuffi - Festival
дата релиза

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