Sophie Hunger - Dia Fahrenda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sophie Hunger - Dia Fahrenda

Dia Fahrenda
The Travelers
Kömend doch nöcher, liebi Lüt
Come closer, dear people,
I bringen oi e musig mit
I bring you music with me.
Sensatione stönd üs no bevor
Sensations still await us,
Mir fühered si dur e goldigs tor
We will lead them through a golden gate.
E schöne tänzer turned umenand
A beautiful dancer twirls around,
En alti häx list eim us der hand
An old witch reads your palm,
Üse philosoph wird oi öppis welle bewiise
Our philosopher will want to prove something to you,
Und üsri lösli versprechend hoochi priise
And our lottery promises high prizes.
So ghört mer de spiilmaa singä in der straase
So we hear the minstrel singing in the street,
gaukler wird däzu faxe mache müese
The juggler will have to do tricks,
De zauberer schwingt scho wider sine staab
The magician waves his wand again,
Und au d′rössli gönd ganz hübsch im trab
And even the horses trot quite nicely.
Das sind kinder useren andere rasse
These are children of our other races,
Sind liebi lüüt und tüend niemer hasse
They are kind people and never hate.
Si züchen ume ihres läbe lang
They travel around their whole life long,
Und ihres läbe teilens ine gsang
And share their life in a song.
Die lüüt, die kömed us däm dunkle
These people come from the darkness,
Wo mer ghöre ka die tote munkle
Where you can hear the dead moan,
Wos stei git wo hell tüend funkle
Where there are stones that sparkle brightly,
Wo mer träum dri ka go tünkle.
Where you can go to dream and twinkle.
Die lüüt, die tüend endlos fahre
These people travel endlessly,
Und tüend üs wunder offebaare
And reveal wonders to us.
Scho vo wiit her ghört mer si ko
You can hear them coming from afar,
Dänn bliibs für e paar tag doo
Then stay here for a few days.
Säge tüenz di tegend stähle und
The legend says they steal and
Die tegend fremdi chinde quäle
Torment foreign children.
Die lüüt sind bruun und gsehnd gsund us
These people are brown and look healthy,
Und schöön sinds, dass mer stuune muess
And they are so beautiful, it makes you wonder.
Si läbend freier als alli andere zäme
They live freer than all others together,
Aber die andere sägend me sötti sich drum schäme
But the others say they should be ashamed of it.
Und in ihrere mitte git's e frauezimmer
And in their midst, there is a lady,
Si gsend si alli ganz genau a ihrem flimmer
They all watch her closely by her flicker.
Das isch ihri lilie oder ihri dornerose
This is their lily or their sleeping beauty,
Die macht männer zu helde in kämpferpose
She turns men into heroes in fighter poses.
Sie lueget stolz uf d′auge vo dene buebe
She looks proudly into the eyes of these boys,
Dän laat si ihre kopf i irne arme ruebe
Then lets them rest their head in her arms.
Und d'auge steched gförlich umenand
And their eyes dart dangerously around,
Und eine treit e mässer in sinere hand
And one carries a knife in his hand.
Die lüüt, die kömed us däm dunkle
These people come from the darkness,
Wo mer ghöre ka die tote munkle
Where you can hear the dead moan,
Wos stei git wo hell tüend funkle
Where there are stones that sparkle brightly,
Wo mer träum dri ka go tünkle
Where you can go to dream and twinkle.
Die lüüt, die tüend endlos fahre
These people travel endlessly,
Und tüend üs wunder offebaara
And reveal wonders to us.
Das isch halt z'vill für min verstand
This is all too much for my mind,
I gspühr die zeiche i minere hand
I feel the signs in my hand.
Mi trägend d′füess dene vögel na
My feet carry me after those birds,
Könt i ächt au no mit oi ko
Could I really come with you too?
Während anderi bunde sind an ihre erde
While others are bound to their earth,
Läbe träged und treit könd werde
Live, bear, and can be borne,
Kann us mir nur en spiilmaa werde
I can only become a minstrel,
I im exil bin da uf erde
I am in exile here on earth.
Drum schliich i amigs in straase ume
So I sneak around in the streets sometimes,
Tun zum motorebrumme lieder summe
Humming songs to the engine rumble.
Dän tumal nomal d′schicksalkarte weg
Then I throw away the cards of fate again,
Morge lan i mi vo de fluugzüüg wecke
Tomorrow I will be awakened by the airplanes.
Dän gang i bis an stadtrand us
Then I walk to the outskirts of the city,
Suech mer es plätzli, won i könti pfuuse
Look for a place where I can rest.
Dänn luegi zum abehimmel ufe
Then I look up at the evening sky,
Und tuen deht d'wätterzeiche überprüefe
And check the weather signs.
Miis bluet, das rünnt deht us dem dunkle
My blood, it runs from the darkness,
Wo mer ghöre ka die tote munkle
Where you can hear the dead moan,
Wos stei git wo hell tüend funkle
Where there are stones that sparkle brightly,
Wo mer träum dri ka go tünkle
Where you can go to dream and twinkle.
Und au i will endlos fahre
And I too want to travel endlessly,
Und will oi wunder offebaare
And reveal wonders to you.

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