Terxero - Casa Sola - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Terxero - Casa Sola

Casa Sola
Casa Sola
Tibios... ni los paños,
Lukewarm... nor the cloths,
Ya la grulla de "Daniel San" tiene sus años,
Already the crane of "Daniel San" has its years,
Me dicen que no joda y sigo molestando,
They tell me not to fuck around and I keep bothering,
Escribo con mi "Huawei" no me alcanza pal "iPhone",
I write with my "Huawei" it doesn't reach me pal "iPhone",
Aunque no escuchen por el "iTunes" o "Spoti", si es por mí,
Even if they don't listen for the "iTunes" or "Spotify", if it's for me,
Voy a gastarme el saldo con mi hobby,
I'm going to spend the balance with my hobby,
Pero tranquilo "Bobby", "Bobby" tranquilo...
But take it easy "Bobby", "Bobby" take it easy...
Las cuentas no se pagan solas, que no se te vaya el hilo,
Bills don't pay for themselves, don't let the thread go,
Yo ya llore tres veces el caudal del "Nilo",
I have already cried three times the flow of the "Nile",
Merezco la felicidad por la que me he jodido,
I deserve the happiness I've fucked myself for,
Y esta gente no juegan fino,
And these people don't play fine,
Que aquí no eres samurái, porque comas arroz chino,
That you are not a samurai here, because you eat Chinese rice,
Bájate de esa nube primo,
Get off that cloud primo,
Que hasta Bruce Lee beso la lona cuando le entraron a tiros,
That even Bruce Lee kissed the canvas when he was shot at,
Conozco bien los mal nacidos; "Soy uno",
I know the ill-born well; "I am one",
No soy de apellido "Díaz", tengo más traumas que "Bruno",
I'm not surnamed "Diaz", I have more traumas than "Bruno",
Como "Negro González" traigo el flow montuno,
As "Negro González" I bring the flow montuno,
Dios bendiga a "Rima" y guie a "Ana" por lugar seguro,
God bless "Rima" and guide "Ana" to a safe place,
Por lo demás están las tácticas de judo,
Then there are the judo tactics.,
Esos libros de autoayuda, nunca sirvieron de mucho,
Those self-help books, they never did much good,
Te hacen falta cartuchos, primo esto es Vietnam...
You need cartridges, cousin, this is Vietnam...
Aquí el "Capitán América" perdió su orgullo,
Here "Captain America" lost his pride,
No me interesa ese chanchullo, yo rompo ese cerdito,
I'm not interested in that scam, I'll break that little pig,
Cuando la cosa esta fea y me hace falta lucro,
When things are ugly and I need profit,
Mal nacido con trucos...
Badly born with tricks...
Vivo posponiendo de manera continua lo que ejecuto,
I live by continuously postponing what I execute,
Marcador en contra e incluso...
Score against and even...
Faltan quince minutos "Viniltex" de "Pintuco",
Fifteen minutes left "Viniltex" from "Pintuco",
Parezco un "Panda" entre tanto bambuco,
I look like a "Panda" in between bambuco,
Yo la hierba me la como, ni la prendo, ni la fumo,
I eat the grass, I don't light it, I don't smoke it,
Esos parecen del "ESMAD" te lo aseguro,
Those look like the "ESMAD" I assure you,
Disparan lo que tienen Y solo te venden humo.
They shoot what they have and only sell you smoke.
Y Pasan... pasan, pasan las horas,
And They Pass... they pass, the hours pass,
Vivo planeando a ver si el canto funciona,
I live planning to see if the singing works,
Ya los panas me acusan de "Casa Sola",
Already the panas accuse me of "House Alone",
Simpatizar con gente ya no emociona,
Sympathizing with people no longer excites,
Y Pasan... pasan, pasan las horas,
And They Pass... they pass, the hours pass,
Vivo planeando a ver si el canto funciona,
I live planning to see if the singing works,
Ya los panas me acusan de "Casa Sola",
Already the panas accuse me of "House Alone",
Simpatizar con gente ya no emociona,
Sympathizing with people no longer excites,
Mi empleo es errático;
My job is erratic;
Solo quiero ser Judío, pa' tener mi año sabático,
I just want to be a Jew, to have my gap year,
Realmente vivo con lo básico,
I really live with the basics,
Pero si hablamos de existencia; ponme un beat pa' reventártelo,
But if we're talking about existence; give me a beat to blow it up,
(Ha...) Al haragán deja que suba,
(Ha...) To the lazy man let him come up,
Lo agarro cuando baje porque se brindar ayuda,
I grab him when he comes down because help will be provided,
Y qué le voy hacer si dan ternura,
And what am I going to do to him if they give tenderness,
Antes gritaban que eran reales ahora son caricaturas,
They used to scream that they were real now they're cartoons,
Se van disipando las dudas, me dicen "Battōsai",
Doubts are dissipating, they call me "Battōsai",
La parto como Kenshin Himura,
I give birth to her as Kenshin Himura,
Vivo en el oriente donde es basta la llanura,
I live in the East where the plain is enough,
Queriendo escapar en pos de mi hacia mis aventuras,
Wanting to escape after me to my adventures,
Irme de gira sin que afanen las facturas,
Going on tour without having to worry about the bills,
Dejarme el pelo afro sin un jefe que censura,
Leaving my afro hair without a censoring boss,
Reyarme el antebrazo con el nombre de la cucha,
Laughing my forearm off with the name of the cucha,
Y si toca madrugar que sea para llamar la musa,
And if it's time to get up early, let it be to call the muse,
Aunque me traten de gentuza, usted se desmenuza,
Even if they treat me like a rabble, you crumble,
Como la "Maggi" pal' caldo se usa,
As the "Maggi" pal' broth is used,
Sigo aumentando mi pietaje sin excusa,
I keep increasing my pietage without excuse,
Como en el reto Tokio ganándole a los "Yakuza",
As in the Tokyo challenge beating the "Yakuza",
Discografías tengo muchas...
I have many discographies...
Panas; de maquetas tengo diez los long plays que mis compás escuchan,
Panas; of models I have ten the long plays that my compás listen to,
Aunque ya no viva en el mar siempre ando trucha
Even if I don't live in the sea anymore I always walk trout
Moviendo mis canciones como un dealer en "Lollapalulooza"
Moving my songs like a dealer in "Lollapalulooza"
Ya no hay ninguna excusa...
There is no longer any excuse...
Pero puse fe en alguna gente y deje vainas inconclusas,
But I put faith in some people and left unfinished pods,
Pero hale de la esclusa,
But hale of the lock,
Cuando sea mi tiempo como a "Karol G" les va a quedar "La Tusa",
When it's my time like "Karol G" they'll have "La Tusa",
Porque si perdono no olvido,
Because if I forgive I don't forget,
No vivo a la sombra de nadie labró mi propio camino,
I don't live in the shadow of no one carved my own path,
Y si nos vimos ni nos conocimos,
And if we saw each other or met,
Entre tanto sigo escribiendo mis vainas en sigilo.
Meanwhile I keep writing my pods in stealth.
Y Pasan... pasan, pasan las horas,
And They Pass... they pass, the hours pass,
Vivo planeando a ver si el canto funciona,
I live planning to see if the singing works,
Ya los panas me acusan de "Casa Sola",
Already the panas accuse me of "House Alone",
Simpatizar con gente ya no emociona,
Sympathizing with people no longer excites,
Y Pasan... pasan, pasan las horas,
And They Pass... they pass, the hours pass,
Vivo planeando a ver si el canto funciona,
I live planning to see if the singing works,
Ya los panas me acusan de "Casa Sola",
Already the panas accuse me of "House Alone",
Simpatizar con gente ya no emociona,
Sympathizing with people no longer excites,
Libre en su canto,
Free in his song,
Ritmo en su llanto,
Rhythm in her crying,
Libre en su canto,
Free in his song,
Ritmo en su llanto
Rhythm in her crying

Авторы: Héctor Manuel Tercero Gómez Torres

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