The Kingston Trio - Hard Travellin' - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Kingston Trio - Hard Travellin'

Hard Travellin'
Hard Travellin'
Pest & Ledow - Enguneemaa
Darling, I'm on my way to greener pastures
Fenuneemaa thiya kamanaa aharen heybali vaavaruveynikuthymaa reygandugaa kamanaa reyali vaa varuveyenguneemaa eku ulhelymaa dhen hiy kendidhey manjeyeku veemaa eki meehunnaa bosdhy ekirey manjey
I'm on my way to greener pastures, love, my love
Roathan feneyey libumun ethah dhoakaa
Where the river gently flows
Anheneh nethey mivaru, dhunyemathin hoadhaa
And the birds sweetly sing, they sing
Kiyaidheme vaahekeh, jehune mi roagaa
Oh, where the sun does shine and the moon does glow
Meehakah vaahekeh nooney meekee boadhaa
And the stars brightly gleam, they gleam
Heydhaviye vaguthu thakeh masha ekugaa
I'm on my way to see my love
Eynaviye namugaa iffaiytheri kamugaa
I'm on my way to see my love
Eynadhiye bitun kairiah ethah vaguaan
I'm on my way to see my love
Veynahviye adhu mashah keiy mihen kurumuga
I'm on my way to see my love
Madun mashah dheneh mihen nethe hureveykah
My heart's been heavy since I left you
Koh koh maafu alun dheneh nethe kureveykah
Oh, my heart's been heavy since I left you
Ulhefaa thihen adhives thihen loabiveye buneveykan
I've been traveling up and down this lonely road
Kulhefaa kulhigandu erumun rulhigandu neyngune mashah hureveythan
But I'm coming home to stay, I'm coming home to stay
Libigen thimalaa ufalun mashah eiy irehga maadhen ulhevijjey
I'll be home before the sun goes down
Folhifaa huregen enmen kairy thivareh neiy kamah bunevijjey
I'll be home before the sun goes down
Nuvanys gina dhuvaheh moya hee mashah vefa hurevijjey
I'll be home before the sun goes down
Fithigen ekugaa migothah mashah ethakeh dhuvas ulhevijjey
I'll be home before the sun goes down
Basthah athuraa kiyaidhen mithuraa Haalathey miee adhu
I'm on my way to sweeter dreams
Laskon ithurah kiyaigen thikuraa kanthakah badhaleh nethe adhu
I'm on my way to sweeter dreams
Jassaa vahtharu balamun fahathun dhuvamun kulhivaru kulhedhaan
I'm on my way to sweeter dreams
Asthaa kahgandu koggen fey adhu othakas masheh dhn numedhaaney
I'm on my way to sweeter dreams
Fenuneemaa thiya kamanaa aharen heybali vaavaruvey
Darling, I'm on my way to greener pastures
Nikuthymaa reygandugaa kamanaa reyali vaa varuvey
My love, I'm on my way to greener pastures
Enguneemaa eku ulhelymaa dhen hiy kendidhey manjey
I'm on my way to greener pastures, love, my love
Eku veemaa eki meehunnaa bosdhy ekirey manjey
I'm on my way to greener pastures, love, my love
Dhuniye there balaalan nukume ulhumuge thereyga
Through the mountains and valleys
Nufeni mashah Hadhaalan Nufudhey Roomeh thereyga
Through the deserts and plains
Waruge Kuhjeh ereyga
Through the cities and towns
Gayah ereybaa, hadhan kereybaa
Through the rivers and streams
Wee dhimaa adhi dherey ma
And all through the years
Haaluge Dhulun bunanyaa buneveyny mashah
My love for you has grown, it's grown
Dhaanuga elhiliyas fulun nudheveyne mashah
And now I'm coming home
Raalhuga loabeege jehen nudheveyne mashah
And now I'm coming home
Haaluge varu mashah bune nudheveyne mashah
And now I'm coming home
Keri ma gossa ehi gothuntha (noonnama)
And now I'm coming home
Eri ma gossa negi fothuntha (wooslaafa)
I'm coming home to you
Kairy ulhe dhookollyma gossa roan Nerdehtha?
I'm coming home to you
Noony nerelyma Soo boan Porn starehtha?
I'm coming home to you
Mage kairiah thiaee,
I'm coming home to you
Soo Fenna irah manje thihiragen Dhiyaavee
My love, my love, my love
Meethi nikan boalabe, hithi raleh miyaky
My love, my love, my love
Reethi nikan vaanemanje paree akah fiya lee
My love, my love, my love
Ariyakah hinganee, thi Badiyeke Migady
My love, my love, my love
Maa farivamun thidhany
My love, my love, my love
Thi thariyehtha widhanee maa
My love, my love, my love
Thihen ulhe rashu medhah dhariyeke vihany
My love, my love, my love
Badin Mihaa ginaveema jahaa valhi mihaa ginavee
My love, my love, my love
Badin Iraa milanee
My love, my love, my love

Авторы: Woody Guthrie

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