The Law - Nungguin Maghrib - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Law - Nungguin Maghrib

Nungguin Maghrib
Waiting for Maghrib
Perut melilit-lilit, kerongkongan gua kering
My stomach's twisting, my throat is parched
Semacam udah gak kuat, pengen minum yang dingin-dingin
I can barely stand it, I crave something cold
Bau kolak menyengat, wangi bau kolang-kaling
The smell of kolak is strong, the scent of palm fruit
Suara bedugnya mana? Kok belum ada yang mukulin?
Where's the sound of the drum? Why hasn't anyone struck it yet?
Nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nungguin maghrib
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for Maghrib
Caw, selesai sahur gue kagak bisa tidur
Man, after Suhoor I couldn't sleep
Takut kebablasan gak bisa sholat subuh
Scared I'd oversleep and miss Subuh prayer
Abis sholat subuh gue baru bisa tidur
After Subuh prayer, I finally slept
Besoknya kebangun, eh baru jam tujuh
Woke up the next day, it was only seven
Pagi-pagi gue biasanya sarapan bubur
In the mornings, I usually have porridge for breakfast
Minum kopi susu ame kue cucur
Coffee with milk and kue cucur
Tapi sekarang, eh, kagak bisa gitu
But now, eh, I can't do that
Mesti nahan lapar ampe sehari penuh
Gotta endure hunger all day long
Gak boleh marah-marah, harus menahan napsu
Can't get angry, gotta control my desires
Harus menahan kata, mata dan juga itu
Gotta control my words, my eyes and also that
Yang lain gue bisa tapi urusannya lapar
I can handle the rest but the hunger
Sungguh sangat menyiksa, gue jadi tepar
It's truly torturous, it's wearing me down
Pingin makan ketoprak ama es teh manis
I want to eat ketoprak with sweet iced tea
Pingin soto babat cuma bisa meringis
I want soto babat, I can only grimace
Gue liat jam baru jam delapan, sadis
I look at the clock, it's only eight, brutal
Dzuhur aja belon apalagi maghrib
It's not even Dzuhur, let alone Maghrib
Perut melilit-lilit, kerongkongan gua kering
My stomach's twisting, my throat is parched
Semacam udah gak kuat, pengen minum yang dingin-dingin
I can barely stand it, I crave something cold
Bau kolak menyengat, wangi bau kolang-kaling
The smell of kolak is strong, the scent of palm fruit
Suara bedugnya mana? Kok belum ada yang mukulin?
Where's the sound of the drum? Why hasn't anyone struck it yet?
Nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nungguin maghrib
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for Maghrib
Jam dua belas ambil wudhu sholat dzuhur
At twelve o'clock, I take wudu for Dzuhur prayer
Kalau waktu sholat jangan diundur-undur
When it's time for prayer, don't postpone it
Abis kelar sholat bingung mau ngapain
After finishing prayer, I'm lost on what to do
Bagaimana caranya ni laper dihilangin?
How can I get rid of this hunger?
Sambil nunggu waktu jalan-jalan ke PIM
While waiting, I take a walk to PIM
Nyari baju koko, peci ama kain
Looking for a koko shirt, a peci, and a sarong
Lagi jalan-jalan ada cewek nyamperin
While walking around, a girl approaches me
Ngajakin foto bareng bodinya (cin)
Asking for a photo together, her body (fine)
Iman gue diuji, doi ngajakin nongkrong
My faith is tested, she asks me to hang out
Kenapa hari gini? Ya Allah tolong
Why today? Oh Allah, please help
Kalau hari biasa pasti gue jabanin
If it were any other day, I'd definitely go for it
Jangan gara-gara cewek, puasa dibatalin
Don't break my fast because of a girl
Lapar haus hilang, birahi yang nongol
Hunger and thirst disappear, lust emerges
Harusnya tadi jangan jalan-jalan ke mall
I shouldn't have gone to the mall
Liat teh yang dingin ada di dalam botol
I see cold tea in a bottle
Gue liat jam baru jam tiga, oh no
I look at the clock, it's only three, oh no
Perut melilit-lilit, kerongkongan gua kering
My stomach's twisting, my throat is parched
Semacam udah gak kuat, pengen minum yang dingin-dingin
I can barely stand it, I crave something cold
Bau kolak menyengat, wangi bau kolang-kaling
The smell of kolak is strong, the scent of palm fruit
Suara bedugnya mana? Kok belum ada yang mukulin?
Where's the sound of the drum? Why hasn't anyone struck it yet?
Nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nungguin maghrib
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for Maghrib
Setengah empat, ambil wudhu sholat ashar
Half past three, I take wudu for Asar prayer
Mau nyari mushola, ke bioskop ane nyasar
Looking for a prayer room, I end up lost in the cinema
Jam empat lewat, cabut dari mall ke pasar
Past four o'clock, I leave the mall for the market
Beli es kelapa bonusnya kue nastar
I buy iced coconut with a bonus nastar cake
Sampe lagi di rumah langsung nyetel TV
Back home, I immediately turn on the TV
Liat orang ceramah, semoga gue ngerti
Watching a lecture, hoping I understand
Jadi inget dosa, gue jadi ngeri
Remembering my sins, I get scared
Gak mau ke neraka, ke surga belum pasti
I don't want to go to hell, heaven is not certain
Pindah-pindah saluran nyari suara azan
Flipping through channels searching for the sound of the adhan
Perut udah gak tahan, rasanya mana tahan
My stomach can't take it anymore, I can't bear it
Dan di atas meja macam-macam makanan
And on the table, there are all sorts of food
Mulai dari ayam bakar sampai kolak
From grilled chicken to kolak
Pisang, biji salak, macam-macam gorengan
Bananas, biji salak, various fried foods
Beraneka minuman dingin menggoda iman
A variety of cold drinks tempting my faith
Ya Tuhan, kapan ni azan dikumandangkan?
Oh Lord, when will the adhan be called?
Nunggu satu menit rasanya satu bulan
Waiting one minute feels like a month
Dan akhirnya azan pun berkumandang
And finally, the adhan is called
Makan secukupnya jangan terlalu kenyang
Eat just enough, don't get too full
Ingat nanti malam tarawih berjamaah
Remember tonight's Tarawih prayer in congregation
Sambil nyari cewek baru buat lebaran
While looking for a new girl for Eid
Perut melilit-lilit, kerongkongan gua kering
My stomach's twisting, my throat is parched
Semacam udah gak kuat, pengen minum yang dingin-dingin
I can barely stand it, I crave something cold
Bau kolak menyengat, wangi bau kolang-kaling
The smell of kolak is strong, the scent of palm fruit
Suara bedugnya mana? Kok belum ada yang mukulin?
Where's the sound of the drum? Why hasn't anyone struck it yet?
Nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nunggu, nungguin maghrib
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for Maghrib

Авторы: The Law

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