Tirso Duarte - Un Mal Sueño - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tirso Duarte - Un Mal Sueño

Un Mal Sueño
A Bad Dream
Que me esta pasando, que me pesa el aire
What's happening to me, why does the air feel heavy
Que estoy respirando y se me acaba el día
I'm breathing, yet the day is slipping away
Sin yo comenzarlo y no sobran horas
Without even starting, and there are no hours left
Y me falta tanto para irme llenando
And I still have so much to fill myself with
El vacio adentro que me has dejado
The emptiness inside that you've left me with
Dentro va quemando, todo ha sido en vano
Burns within, everything has been in vain
Todo ha sido falso, esto es un mal sueño
Everything has been false, this is a bad dream
Esto es un engaño que llamas amor
This is a deception you call love
Pero el amor es blanco y me lo has manchado
But love is white and you've stained it
Es un niño ingenuo que has maltratado
It's a naive child you've mistreated
Es confiado y libre y ahora mi bendición
It's trusting and free, and now my blessing
El amor es todo y lo has vuelto nada
Love is everything and you've turned it into nothing
Es calor de un beso en una fría cama
It's the warmth of a kiss in a cold bed
Es una pareja convertida en uno
It's a couple turned into one
Y y yo somos dos
And you and I are two
Ya logré borrarme la última caricia
I've managed to erase the last caress
Ya no siento pena, ya no tengo risa
I no longer feel sorrow, I no longer have laughter
Ando por la calle, como programado
I walk down the street, as if programmed
Tengo fria el alma, estoy desorientado
My soul is cold, I'm disoriented
Este sentimiento, que nos consumía
This feeling that consumed us
Lo has contaminado, todo ha sido en vano
You've contaminated it, everything has been in vain
Todo ha sido falso, esto es un mal sueño
Everything has been false, this is a bad dream
Eso es un engano que tu llamas amor
This is a deception you call love
Pero el amor es blanco y me lo has manchado
But love is white and you've stained it
Es un niño ingenuo que has maltratado
It's a naive child you've mistreated
Es confiado y libre y ahora mi bendición
It's trusting and free, and now my blessing
El amor es todo y lo has vuelto nada
Love is everything and you've turned it into nothing
Es calor de un beso en una fría cama
It's the warmth of a kiss in a cold bed
Es una pareja convertida en uno
It's a couple turned into one
Y y yo somos dos
And you and I are two
(Es que el amor es todo y lo haz vuelto nada)
(Love is everything and you've turned it into nothing)
(Ya no es nada, ya no es nada)
(It's nothing anymore, it's nothing anymore)
(Nada es... es)
(Nothing is... is)
No es como yo soñe, es un amor alrevez
It's not like I dreamed, it's a love in reverse
(Es que el amor es todo y lo haz vuelto nada)
(Love is everything and you've turned it into nothing)
(Ya no es nada, ya no es nada)
(It's nothing anymore, it's nothing anymore)
(Nada es...) Amor sin clave sentimiento envuelto en llama
(Nothing is...) Love without a key, feeling wrapped in flames
Sin azucar no hay café
Without sugar there's no coffee
(Es que el amor es todo y lo haz vuelto nada)
(Love is everything and you've turned it into nothing)
(Ya no es nada, ya no es nada)
(It's nothing anymore, it's nothing anymore)
(Nada es...) Sin colores, sin sabores
(Nothing is...) Without colors, without flavors
Amor sin flores, amor por internet
Love without flowers, love through the internet
(Es que el amor es todo y lo haz vuelto nada)
(Love is everything and you've turned it into nothing)
(Ya no es nada, ya no es nada)
(It's nothing anymore, it's nothing anymore)
(Nada es... es)
(Nothing is... is)
Ya no es ni la mitad de lo que un día fue
It's not even half of what it once was
Mira si tu tienes un amor y no lo cuidas
Look, if you have love and you don't care for it
En un momento ese amorcito se termina
In a moment that little love ends
Te ordina y te coje la mala vida, se enfria
It dictates and takes over your bad life, it gets cold
Y ojo con el sida
And watch out for AIDS
(Ya vez no lo supiste cuidar y se fue)
(You see, you didn't know how to care for it and it left)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
quieres que te de un amor bonito
You want me to give you a beautiful love
Yo me pregunto ¿Pa' qué?
I wonder, what for?
(Ya vez no lo supiste cuidar y se fue) parale
(You see, you didn't know how to care for it and it left) stop it
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
Pa' qué me llamas, si no me conoces ¿Pa' qué?
Why do you call me, if you don't know me? What for?
(Ya vez no lo supiste cuidar y se fue)
(You see, you didn't know how to care for it and it left)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
Hay yo goze ya, todo lo que pude
Oh, I enjoyed everything I could
Hice todo lo que quise
I did everything I wanted
(Ya vez no lo supiste cuidar y se fue)
(You see, you didn't know how to care for it and it left)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
Estoy seguro la culpa de usted
I'm sure it's your fault
Mira, ahora lo quieres pero yo no
Look, now you want it, but I don't know
(Ya vez no lo supiste cuidar y se fue)
(You see, you didn't know how to care for it and it left)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
Es una gran necia
You're a big fool
Una estupida engreída
A stupid, conceited
Egoísta caprichosa
Selfish, capricious
(Ya vez no lo supiste cuidar y se fue) tramposa
(You see, you didn't know how to care for it and it left) deceitful
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo...) oye
(Now you want it, but I...) listen
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
Me voy a tirar en el piso
I'm going to throw myself on the floor
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo...) oye
(Now you want it, but I...) listen
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo...)
(Now you want it, but I...)
De la niña que me mata
Of the girl who kills me
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé)
(Now you want it, but I don't know)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo)
(Now you want it, but I)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo no sé) oye
(Now you want it, but I don't know) listen
Pa' roma que llego la visa
For Rome, where the visa arrives
Amor al Revez (Ahora lo quieres pero yo)
Love in Reverse (Now you want it, but I)
(Ahora lo quieres pero yo)
(Now you want it, but I)

Авторы: Tirso Duarte

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