Txarango feat. Safari Children's Choir - Meravellós Regal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Txarango feat. Safari Children's Choir - Meravellós Regal

Meravellós Regal
Wonderful Gift
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Tambira ye jehovah
Tambira ye jehovah
Yelele, mamawe
Yelele, mamawe
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Tambira ye jehovah
Tambira ye jehovah
Wa baraka
Wa baraka
Wabaraka eeeh
Wabaraka eeeh
Hakuna mungukuma wewe bwana eh eh
Hakuna mungukuma wewe bwana eh eh
Ah Wa upendo
Ah Wa upendo
Wa upendo eeh
Wa upendo eeh
Hakuna mungukama wewe bwana eh eh
Hakuna mungukama wewe bwana eh eh
Una gota cau avall
A drop falls from the sky
Acaronant l'arbre que aguanta
Nurturing the tree that endures
El pas dels anys.
The passing of the years.
Una brisa que desperta.
A breeze that awakens.
Camina al meu costat.
Walking by my side.
Una flor neix al desert.
A flower blooms in the desert.
Batega vida
Life pulsates
A la selva i en el cel.
In the jungle and in the sky.
Un crit al cor de la terra.
A cry from the heart of the earth.
Camina al meu costat.
Walking by my side.
Que tot és vida al teu voltant.
Everything around you is life.
Meravellós regal, brilla.
Wonderful gift, it shines.
I el món segueix girant per tots igual.
And the world continues to turn for everyone.
Meravellós regal, viure.
Wonderful gift, to live.
Sentir l'Àfrica al meu pit.
Feeling Africa in my heart.
On tots els pobles
Where all peoples
Començaven el camí.
Started their journey.
Una brisa que desperta.
A breeze that awakens.
Camina al meu costat.
Walking by my side.
L'univers en mil fanals.
The universe in a thousand lanterns.
Balla la vida
Life dances
Amb els tambors de Caparan.
With the drums of Caparan.
Un crit al cor de la terra.
A cry from the heart of the earth.
Camina al meu costat.
Walking by my side.
Que tot és vida al teu voltant.
Everything around you is life.
Meravellós regal, brilla.
Wonderful gift, it shines.
I el món segueix girant per tots igual.
And the world continues to turn for everyone.
Meravellós regal, viure.
Wonderful gift, to live.
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Tambira ye jehovah
Tambira ye jehovah
Yelele, mamawe
Yelele, mamawe
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Yelele yelele, yelele yelele
Tambira ye jehovah
Tambira ye jehovah
Wa baraka
Wa baraka
Wabaraka eeeh
Wabaraka eeeh
Hakuna mungukuma wewe bwana eh eh
Hakuna mungukuma wewe bwana eh eh
Ah Wa upendo
Ah Wa upendo
Wa upendo eeh
Wa upendo eeh
Hakuna mungukama wewe bwana eh eh
Hakuna mungukama wewe bwana eh eh
Que tot és vida al teu voltant.
Everything around you is life.
Meravellós regal, brilla.
Wonderful gift, it shines.
I el món segueix girant per tots igual.
And the world continues to turn for everyone.
Meravellós regal, viure.
Wonderful gift, to live.

Txarango feat. Safari Children's Choir - Meravellós Regal
Meravellós Regal
дата релиза

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