Txarango - Alegre i Encantada - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Txarango - Alegre i Encantada

Alegre i Encantada
Joyful and Bewitched
He buscat mil i un tresors de plaça en plaça,
I have sought a thousand and one treasures from square to square,
He negociat amb el rellotge a cada passa.
I have negotiated with the clock with every step.
He vessat llàgrimes dolces quasi per tot arreu
I have shed sweet tears almost everywhere
I he ballat amb cada lluna i he vist pondre′s la veu.
And I have danced with every moon and have seen the sunset of the voice.
El record sota la pell ha fet trinxera
The memory under the skin has made a trench,
I el teu cos ara forma de cançó.
And your body now has the shape of a song.
I quan dormo el meu somni és presó i tu ets presonera.
And when I sleep my dream is a prison and you are a prisoner.
I quan bufa l'aire cau la maledicció.
And when the wind blows, the curse falls.
Assalta′m com la nit a les teulades,
Assault me like the night on the rooftops,
Arrencam el desig a mossegades.
We tear desire to shreds.
Vine a dormir amb mi alegre i encantada
Come to sleep with me, joyful and enchanted,
Assalta'm com la nit a les teulades.
Assault me like the night on the rooftops.
He vist com pateix la vida i com s'ensorra.
I have seen how life suffers and how it crumbles.
He vist com entre els teus dits el tems s′escorre.
I have seen how time slips through your fingers.
A cada passa que es camina una petjada s′endevina,
With each step we take a footprint is guessed,
Rere una altra que s'esborra, com un dibuix la sorra.
Behind another that is erased, like a drawing in the sand.
Ets tan efímera, jo tan esquerp,
You are so ephemeral, I am so rugged,
Que ha fugit la primavera en un sol dia
That spring has fled in a single day,
I ara enyoro aquella nit que em passejava pel teu cos
And now I long for that night that I walked through your body,
Quan érem dos en un sol crit de rebel·lia.
When we were two in a single cry of rebellion.
I no descansa.
And it does not rest.
Caminant del neguit n′he fet matança.
Walking the anxiety I have made a massacre.
El teu cos ara és cançó i el vent és dansa.
Your body is now a song and the wind is a dance.
Se l'emporta ben lluny per buscar-te
It takes him far away to find you,
On cada viatge renova l′esperança.
Where every journey renews the hope.
Santa vida que mai no descansa.
Holy life that never rests.

Авторы: Pau Puig Barbena, Alguer Miquel Bo, Marcel Lazara Aguila, Joaquim Canals Morera, Ivan Lopez Navarro, Jordi Barnola Ferre, Alex Pujols Canudas, Sergi Carbonell Verges

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