Verba - Noc Mówi Dobranoc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Verba - Noc Mówi Dobranoc

Noc Mówi Dobranoc
Night Says Goodnight
Cos bylo nie tak, on nie chcial wytłumaczyc powodow,
Something was wrong, he didn't want to explain the reasons,
Skupiony w ciszy skladal rzeczy w swym pokoju
Focused in silence, he packed his things in his room
Milczenie lamie serca w takich chwilach zawsze
Silence breaks hearts in such moments always
Ona chciala spytac, ale bala sie uslyszes prawde
She wanted to ask, but was afraid to hear the truth
On byl spokojny, jak nigdy jej nie zauwazal
He was calm, as if he never noticed her
Lza splywala po policzku, a on sie odwracal
A tear rolled down her cheek, and he turned away
Najlepszy facet dla niej teraz byl skonczonym draniem
The best guy for her was now a complete jerk
Pewnie kogos ma i zaplanowal juz rozstanie...
He probably has someone and has already planned a breakup...
Jednak on cierpial, nigdy nie chcial wyjezdzaćc
However, he suffered, he never wanted to leave
A jednak Bog tego chcial akurat nie rozdawal szczescia
And yet God wanted it that way, he wasn't handing out happiness
W koncu powiedzial, musisz mnie zrozumiec
He finally said, you have to understand me
Wyjezdzam jutro rano i nie wiem kiedy wroce
I'm leaving tomorrow morning and I don't know when I'll be back
Przed nimi jedna noc, ostatnich kilka godzin
One night ahead of them, the last few hours
Kiedy odchodzi ten ktos czujesz ze milosc zawodzi
When that someone leaves, you feel like love is failing
A jednak robisz wszystko zeby byc najdluzej przy nim
And yet you do everything to be with him as long as possible
Odlozyc pozegnanie z nadzieja, ze zostanie...
To postpone goodbye with the hope that he will stay...
Sa zmeczeni, zagubieni, nieprzytomni
They are tired, lost, unconscious
W milosci, ktora teraz tak boli...
In love that hurts so much now...
W jednym uczuciu podzielonym na dwie drogi
In one feeling divided into two paths
Ona mowi kocham slyszac gorzkie zapomnij...
She says I love you, hearing a bitter forget...
Gdzies odchodzi ten najblizy
The closest one is leaving somewhere
Razem ukladali to, co teraz musza zniszczyc
Together they arranged what they must now destroy
Ostatnie wspolne chwile
Last moments together
Sprobuja dzis nie zasnac
They will try not to fall asleep today
Chociaz noc mowi dobranoc...
Although the night says goodnight...
Ona nie chciala wstac wiedzac, ze nie ma go przy niej
She didn't want to get up knowing that he wasn't with her
Odjechal nic nie mowiac nie calujac jej w policzek
He left without saying anything, without kissing her on the cheek
Ona sama w swoich czterech scianach w ciszy gluchej
She is alone in her four walls in deaf silence
Myslac o tym jak jej mowil, ze ja kocha czule
Thinking about how he told her that he loved her dearly
Zasloniete zaluzje ona okryta koldra biala
Blinds drawn, she is covered with a white duvet
Czujac zapach tam gdzie lezal w ta noc ostatnia
Feeling the smell where he lay on that last night
Jej kochany aniol ktory odszedl z marzeniami
Her beloved angel who left with dreams
Skarb jedyny jak cudowny sen urwany rano...
The only treasure like a wonderful dream interrupted in the morning...
Siedzial samotnie w wagonie rysujac na szybie serce
He sat alone in the wagon drawing a heart on the window
Myslac o niej, ze nie zobaczy jej wiece
Thinking about her, that he won't see her anymore
Zachowal sie jak szczeniak, wyszedl kiedy ona spala
He acted like a puppy, left when she was asleep
Nie mowiac do widzenia tak bez pozegnania
Without saying goodbye, just like that, without saying goodbye
Teraz w przedziale siedzi sam zamkniey w sobie
Now he sits alone in the compartment, closed in himself
Zanim nastal dzien jeszcze kochali sie oboje
Before the day came, they still loved each other
Zanim nastal dzien jeszcze ufali sobie
Before the day came, they still trusted each other
Zanim nastal dzien mysleli o zyciu we dwoje...
Before the day came, they thought about life together...
Sa zmeczeni, zagubieni, nieprzytomni
They are tired, lost, unconscious
W milosci, ktora teraz tak boli...
In love that hurts so much now...
W jednym uczuciu podzielonym na dwie drogi
In one feeling divided into two paths
Ona mowi kocham slyszac gorzkie zapomnij...
She says I love you, hearing a bitter forget...
Gdzies odchodzi ten najblizy
The closest one is leaving somewhere
Razem ukladali to, co teraz musza zniszczyc
Together they arranged what they must now destroy
Ostatnie wspolne chwile
Last moments together
Sprobuja dzis nie zasnac
They will try not to fall asleep today
Chociaz noc mowi dobranoc...
Although the night says goodnight...

Авторы: Bartłomiej Kielar

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