Vlad Flueraru - Ii Omor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vlad Flueraru - Ii Omor

Ii Omor
I Kill Them (Iomor)
Pare ca ma baga lumea-n seama daca ma calesc des, eu nu ma prajesc
Seems like the world only notices me when I lose my temper, but I don't fry
Pot sa controlez actiuni ca din PES,
I can control actions like in PES,
Ma bag sa sutez, o sa fac sa contez
I'm gonna get involved, I'm gonna make myself count
Ca trag si-mi pontez prezenta la
Because I pull the trigger and score my presence at
Vers, am multe donez, MCii ii vanez
Verse, I have many I donate, MCs I hunt them down
Ei cred ca rimez si atat am dovezi,
They think I just rhyme I have proof,
Te rog sa probezi, in rap sunt obez
Please test it, in rap I'm obese
Cand vin mitraliez sa recuperez putin din progres, stacheta n-o vezi
When I come I spray to recover some progress, you can't see the bar
Cat sange pompez pana levitez, direct decolez si nu-s stele verzi
How much blood I pump until I levitate, I take off directly and it's not green stars
Sa-ncepi un protest,
To start a protest,
Eu nu ma opresc si nu ma flexez, mai bine-mi luxez
I don't stop and I don't flex, I'd rather indulge
Putin din cortext s-aud in cor textul apoi la concert, apoi ma flexez
A little bit of cortex I hear in chorus the text then at the concert, then I flex
Ma tin de nas ca belciugul, ca prea va simt din belsug
I hold my nose like the earring, because I feel you too much in abundance
Ma luati de parca sunt ciung, mofluzilor va subjug
You take me as if I'm blind, I subjugate you fluffs
Nu cazi de acord ca nu cazi pe beat
You don't agree because you don't fall on the beat
Si nu-mi cade bine, nu-i cum se cade
And it doesn't suit me, it's not how it should be
Cad pe ganduri nu-n dizgratie nu-mi vine-a crede, pai asa se cade?
I fall into thoughts not disgrace I can't believe it, is that how it should be?
Freci menta vreo 3 minute pui un refren si e gata frate
You rub the mint for about 3 minutes, put a chorus and it's done bro
Le-arati piesa, imi arati si mie, nu vedem nimic, avem cataracte
You show them the song, you show me too, we see nothing, we have cataracts
Ce miscare? ca-s multi praf, nu discriminez, avem si ratate
What movement? there are many dust, I don't discriminate, we also have failures
S-ai pretentia sa faci bani cand softurile-mi nu-s piratate
You expect to make money when my software is not pirated
Turu lasat, coaiele mari imi dau eu drumul daca cere situatia
The tour left, big balls I'll let myself go if the situation requires it
Ton apasat, poalele sar am flow cat sa pot sa provoc inundatia
Pressed tone, skirts jump I have enough flow to cause a flood
Turul patat, e de rahat hip-hop-ul nu vrea sa mentineti relatia
The tour is stained, it's crap hip-hop doesn't want you to keep the relationship
Tunul lansat, gata de-atac sa te pun rabatat ca n-ai treaba-n ecuatia
The cannon launched, ready to attack to put you down because you have no business in the equation
Asta. mentin trepidatia, totul suna SF
This. I maintain the trepidation, everything sounds SF
Mi se zic multe, dar mai intai stii ca mi se zice VF
I'm told many things, but first you know I'm called VF
Bag haotic, ma cert, nu vreau sa fie concret
I put it chaotic, I argue, I don't want it to be concrete
Ci pur si simplu cum cred, asta asa ca portret
But simply how I believe, this as a portrait
I-o diferenta imensa intre cei care fug si cei care alearga
There's a huge difference between those who run and those who run
Ma regasesc in a doua varianta, frica nu poa′ sa m-aleaga
I find myself in the second variant, fear can't choose me
Scriu in asa fel incat sa nu poata sa vina niciunul sa stearga
I write in such a way that no one can come and erase
Cu muzica imi e ca un prunc aproape de 1 an. incepe sa mearga
With music I'm like a child close to 1 year old. it starts to walk
Wow bon appetit mes amis de rally nu ma satur
Wow bon appetit mes amis de rally I can't get enough
Ca sa duce de rapa rapul se petrece-n capul astora ce nu iau in calcul
To take rap down the drain happens in the head of those who don't take into account
. Faptul ca suntem in 2019, sincer eu nu am rabdare
. The fact that we are in 2019, honestly I don't have the patience
Sa treaca din nou o gramada de ani pana sa vina startul
To pass a lot of years again until the start comes
. Sunt serile-n care nu coabitam intr-un mod natural
. There are evenings when we don't cohabit in a natural way
Elevate-s ideile si-asta cand pieile tre' sa ne confirme saltul
The ideas are elevated and this is when the skins have to confirm our jump
. Iti iei o bucata lejer fiindca nu sunt intreg eu la minte
. You take a piece easy because I'm not all there in my head
Nu-s genul ce trage de par mai degraba genul ce da jos scalpul
I'm not the type to pull hair more like the type to take off the scalp
VF peste CF, tot un chef e, toti sunt teferi, zic: multumesc!
VF over CF, it's still a party, everyone is fine, I say: thank you!
BF-mi este de fel armonia, preferabil sa-i multumesc
BF is my harmony, it's preferable to thank him
Targu Muresu-l ocrotesc. reprezint pana-mi potolesc
I protect Targu Mures. I represent until I quench
Foamea. rapul e singurul sport unde n-o sa m-auzi zicand "obosesc"
Hunger. rap is the only sport where you won't hear me say "I'm tired"
Poposesc numai in cazu-n care mor, pana atunci n-am pana
I only stop in case I die, until then I have no end
Da trapul pentru multi dintre rapperi e intr-adevar capcana
But trap for many of the rappers is indeed a trap
Si e atat de simplu sa-i decojesc de la cap la coada banana
And it's so simple to peel them from head to tail banana
Trag aer in piept, potentialu-l incerc
I take a deep breath, I try my potential
Adevar langa cep, glasu lor e incet
Truth next to the tap, their voice is quiet
Mersul lor e carcel, nu-s populari ca Sandel
Their gait is a cramp, they are not popular like Sandel
Ridic mereu din spranceni, astia nu sunt aborigeni
I always raise my eyebrows, these are not aborigines
Ochii exoftalmici la cum se-nfige rahatul
Exophthalmic eyes at how the shit sticks
Inca-mi par mici nu poa′ sa ridice palatul
They still seem small to me they can't lift the palace
Nu sunt harnici experimenteaza-nselatul
They are not industrious they experiment with deceit
Nu taraganez eu asaltul la adresa
I do not delay the assault on the address
Celor ce iau forma de pudra ca talcul
Of those who take the form of powder like talc
Exoftalmici la cum se-nfige rahatul
Exophthalmic at how the shit sticks
Inca-mi par mici nu poa' sa ridice palatul
They still seem small to me they can't lift the palace
Nu sunt harnici experimenteaza-nselatul
They are not industrious they experiment with deceit
Periclitez aparatul. pentru mine nu-nseamna decat unu' si altul
I endanger the device. for me it only means one and another

Авторы: Vlad Catalin Flueraru

Vlad Flueraru - Ii Omor
Ii Omor
дата релиза

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