Zipera - Patriota - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Zipera - Patriota

Legendy powstawaly ludzie tracili to co cenne
Legends were born, people lost what was precious
Prawdomownosci slowa szczelne rzetelnie
The truthfulness of words, tight and reliable
Nie sadze na ten temat mamy zdania podzielne
I don't think we have divided opinions on this matter
W rachube nie wchodzi zachowanie bezczelne burzliwe i
Unacceptable behavior is out of the question, brazen, boisterous and
Nieuczciwe czy to sie zmieni czy Polska to kraj nadziei
Dishonest, will this change, is Poland a country of hope
Wolnosci slowa i idei czy to pozory
Freedom of speech and ideas, or is it just an illusion
Zabytkowe ulice szlachetne dwory plus slumsy zakazane nory
Historic streets, noble manors, plus dingy forbidden dens
W starym miescie gdzie biedota kontra burzuazja
In the old town, where poverty contrasts with bourgeoisie
Przewage ma nad wszystkim hajs zloty blask (blask)
Money has the upper hand, golden shine (shine)
Ochrania twoj system kontrolny jak kask slyszysz werbla trzask
It protects your system, control like a helmet, you hear the snare drum crack
To Patriota studium przedmiotu na szybkich obrotach
This is Patriot, a case study at high speed
Jego mnie i ciebie - Was - to dotyczy bo to polska ziemia
It concerns him, me and you - all of us - because this is Polish soil
Naszej goryczy w tej kwestii jestem na bank zasadniczy
I am definitely principled in this matter of our bitterness
Nie szukam inspiracji w niczym bo to niestosowne nieklarowne
I'm not looking for inspiration in anything because it's inappropriate, unclear
Mysle po polsku scisle bo co polskie to dobre
I think in Polish, strictly because what is Polish is good
Zlota polska jesien szczescie mi przyniesie ach
Golden Polish autumn will bring me happiness, oh
Zloty piekny wrzesien kocham ten kraj kocham bez przyczyny
Golden, beautiful September, I love this country, I love it for no reason
Ktory na barkach swych nosi znosi bol i brudne czyny
Which on its shoulders bears, endures pain and dirty deeds
Gdzie korupcja i blat to nie nowiny
Where corruption and shady deals are not news
Gdyz swoje ubostwiamy a obcym gardzimy
Because we adore our own and despise strangers
Kraj w ksztalcie serca tu zawsze tkwimy
A country in the shape of a heart, we always stay here
Ten kawalek dla Polakow dla Polskiej rodziny
This piece is for Poles, for the Polish family
To Patriota jego posag na wage zlota
This is Patriot, his dowry worth gold
To Patriota - anegdota
This is Patriot - an anecdote
Nie jeden nie raz nasz kraj probowal zniszczyc
More than once, our country has been tried to be destroyed
Nie jeden raz powstalismy ze zgliszczy
More than once we rose from the ashes
Teraz nasz czas nadszedl korona blyszczy
Now our time has come, the crown shines
A ja z duma na nia patrze wiec wytrzyj lzy - to wazne
And I look at it with pride, so wipe away your tears - it's important
Nie jeden wrog chcial zniszczyc nasz narod
Many an enemy wanted to destroy our nation
Nie jeden oferowal pomoc zawiodl
Many offered help and failed
Nie jeden z nas ma duzo przeszkod a idzie na przod
Many of us have a lot of obstacles, but they are moving forward
By zaspokoic glod rodziny oraz bliskich osob
To satisfy the hunger of family and loved ones
Nie jeden na to juz znalazl sposob pytanie jakim kosztem
Many have already found a way to do this, the question is at what cost
Spalonym mostem czy po prostu zimnym ostrzem
A burned bridge or just a cold blade
Wiem do czego daze i tak dalej poki nie spoczne
I know what I'm aiming for and I'll keep going until I rest
Co mnie nie zabije to mnie wzmocni o swojej ojczyznie
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger about my homeland
Prosto z Polski z duma na twarzy i z ducha hartem
Straight from Poland, with pride on my face and hardened spirit
Wiec jeszcze raz wiara nadzieja milosc z Bogiem
So once again, faith, hope, love with God
Pragnienie wolnosci porownywalne z nalogiem
The desire for freedom comparable to tax
Nadrabiajac straty ruszymy wielkim krokiem
Making up for the losses, we will move forward with a big step
Zobacz chlopaku jak to poszlo do przodu w Polsce
Look, man, how far things have come in Poland
Proste o swe walczyc bedziemy (zawsze) tradycja nie zginie
Simple, we will fight for ours (always), tradition will not die
Poki my zyjemy na ojczystej ziemi o barwie bieli i czerwieni
As long as we live on our native land of white and red
Symbol czystosci przelanej krwia o tym wiedza
A symbol of purity shed with blood, they know about it
Ktorzy sa w ciaglej walce dla nich hold dla tych noszacych blizny
Those who are in constant struggle, hail to them, for those who bear the scars
Dla nich w imie dobra ojczyzny
For them, in the name of the good of the homeland
Nie jeden nie raz nasz kraj probowal zniszczyc
More than once, our country has been tried to be destroyed
Nie jeden raz powstalismy ze zgliszczy
More than once we rose from the ashes
Teraz nasz czas nadszedl korona blyszczy
Now our time has come, the crown shines
A ja z duma na nia patrze wiec wytrzyj lzy - to wazne
And I look at it with pride, so wipe away your tears - it's important
Jestesmy prosto z srodka od zawsze mozna nas tu spotkac
We are straight from the middle, you can always find us here
Ziemia dana nam po przodkach po niej kraj nam ten pozostal
The land given to us by our ancestors, after them this country remained
Teraz Polska kraj Zipa Rzeczpospolita Trzecia
Now Poland, the land of Zipa, the Third Republic
To znaczy dzieciak ze jestes tu na wlasnych smieciach
It means, kid, that you're here on your own garbage
Jestes stad to twoj kat stad jest twoj rodzinny krag
You're from here, this is your corner, here's your family circle
Jeden blad to Rzad ktory sieje bierny swad
One mistake is the Government that sows passive taste
Duzo rak wyciagnietych po kapuchy biednych ludzi gluche hasla
Many hands reaching for the hoods of poor people, deaf slogans
Do ludzi bo to losu nie odwroci teraz rap ludzi cuci
To people because it won't change their fate, now rap silences people
Rap polski rap rzuci na kolana falsz prowadzi nas do jednosci
Polish rap, rap will bring falsehood to its knees, leads us to unity
By caly narod polski powstal w calosci spojrzal w przyszlosc by zmienic
So that the entire Polish nation would rise up in its entirety, look to the future to change
Ta cala szara rzeczywistosc teraz wszystko w naszych rekach
This whole gray reality, now everything is in our hands
Wspolny bol wspolna meka trzeba zycie se upiekszac
Common pain, common torment, you have to make your life beautiful
Nie ma co sie poglebiac mimo to ze nasz los byl okrutny
There is no need to go deeper, despite the fact that our fate was cruel
Glos historii smutny to jest POLSKA - moja ojczyzna!
The voice of history is sad, this is POLAND - my homeland!
Nie jeden nie raz nasz kraj probowal zniszczyc
More than once, our country has been tried to be destroyed
Nie jeden raz powstalismy ze zgliszczy
More than once we rose from the ashes
Teraz nasz czas nadszedl korona blyszczy
Now our time has come, the crown shines
A ja z duma na nia patrze wiec wytrzyj lzy - to wazne
And I look at it with pride, so wipe away your tears - it's important
Bo ty tak jak kazde istnienie masz wplyw na jej blysk
Because you, like every being, have an impact on its brilliance
Jak kazde z tych z ktorych ty sie wywodzisz ziemie
Like each of those from whom you descended, the lands
Z ktorych ty pochodzisz to marzenie tych
From which you come is the dream of those
Ktorzy odeszli za mlodzi (za mlodzi)
Who left too young (too young)

Авторы: Rafal Poniedzielski, Marcin Korczak, Lukasz Gawel

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