周杰倫 - 超人不會飛 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周杰倫 - 超人不會飛

Man of Steel Can't Fly
媽媽說很多事別太計較 只是使命感找到了我我睡不著
Darling, mother says not to sweat the small stuff, but my sense of duty keeps me up at night
如果說罵人要有點技巧 我會加點旋律你會覺得 超屌
If I were to release a diss track, I'd make it a banger with a touch of finesse
我的槍不會裝彈藥(彈藥) 所以放心不會有人倒(人倒)
My guns don't need bullets (bullets), so rest assured, no one will fall (fall)
我拍青蜂俠不需要替身 因為自信是我繪畫的顏料
I shot "The Green Hornet" without a stunt double, because confidence is my artistic calling
There's more meaning behind much of my work than you can imagine
I did a TV series for my friendship and a ten-year-old dream
No matter how high the ratings, they can't compete with my grand ideals
Because I don't need another award in my life
I don't know when I became a role model for society
I can't give the paparazzi the finger when they're taking my picture; I have to be cool (how?)
我唱的歌詞要有點文化 因為會隨時被當成教材
I infuse my lyrics with culture because they could end up in a textbook
CNN能不能等英文好一點再訪 時代雜誌封面能不能重拍
CNN, can you please wait until my English is better before you interview me? Time Magazine, can we do a cover shoot again?
隨時隨地注意形象 要控制飲食不然就跟杜莎夫人蠟像的我不像(本來就不像)
I constantly have to watch my image and control my diet, or I won't look like my wax figure at Madame Tussauds (I never did anyway)
The Chinese Theater in Hollywood has handprints and footprints all over the place; when will they let me leave my mark?
喔如果超人會飛 那就讓我在空中停一停歇
Oh, if Superman could fly, he'd take a break and hover in the sky
再次俯瞰這個世界 會讓我覺得好一些
Looking down on the world again might make me feel a bit better
拯救地球好累 雖然有些疲憊但我還是會
Saving the world is tiring, but I'll press on despite the exhaustion
不要問我哭過了沒 因為超人不能流眼淚
Don't ask if I've cried, because Superman can't shed tears
唱歌要拿最佳男歌手 拍電影也不能只拿個最佳新人
I want to win Best Male Singer, and when I make a movie, it better be a blockbuster
你不參加頒獎典禮就是沒禮貌 你去參加就是代表你很在乎
If you don't attend an awards show, you're being disrespectful; if you do attend, it means you care too much
得獎時你感動落淚(落淚) 人家就會覺得你誇張做作(做作)
When you win an award, you cry (cry), and people think you're being fake (fake)
你沒表情別人就會說太囂張 如果你天生這個表情 那些人甚至會怪你媽媽(媽媽)
If you show no emotion, they say you're arrogant; if that's just how you are, they blame your mother (mother)
結果最後是別人在得獎 你也要給予充分的掌聲與微笑
In the end, someone else wins the award, and you're expected to applaud and smile
開的車不能太好 住的樓不能太高
My car can't be too fancy and my apartment can't be too luxurious
Am I a singer-songwriter or a do-gooder?
專輯一出就必須是冠軍 拍了電影就必須要大賣
Every album I release has to be number one, and every movie I make has to be a hit
Let's just say that being Superman is hard
如果超人會飛(超人會飛) 那就讓我在空中停一停歇(停一停歇)
If Superman could fly (Superman could fly), he'd take a break and hover in the sky (hover in the sky)
再次俯瞰這個世界 會讓我覺得好一些
Looking down on the world again might make me feel a bit better
拯救地球好累(地球好累) 雖然有些疲憊但我還是會(我還是會)
Saving the world is tiring (world is tiring), but I'll press on despite the exhaustion (I'll press on)
不要問我哭過了沒 因為超人不能流眼淚
Don't ask if I've cried, because Superman can't shed tears

Авторы: Jay Chou

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