chelmico - UFO - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни chelmico - UFO

ベランダで UFO 探してる もう寒いな
I'm looking for UFOs on my balcony, it's cold.
いつ言おうか いつ言おうか 正直でいたいのにさ
When should I tell you? When should I tell you? I want to be honest.
I don't want to be hated, I'm a lonely Pinocchio.
とっくにひからびた木の人形 やな夢見ちゃって目がさめる
I've been a withered wooden doll for a long time, I'm having a bad dream and I wake up.
やることないけど起き上がる 迫る壁
I have nothing to do but get up, I'm facing a wall.
潰される夜 手から溢れる水がつくるリズム
The water flowing from my hands makes a rhythm in the crushing night.
ふと思いだすあの人 苦しいのよほんとのところ
I suddenly remember that person, it really hurts.
ここだけの話 girls talk
Between you and me, it's girls talk.
よくわからなくなってる LOVE why that また変わるライター
I'm so confused about LOVE, why is that lighter changing again?
I've been lying all this time, I just want to think it's just for now.
言葉の数だけ距離が開いてく 許してほしいの
The distance between us grows with each word, I want you to forgive me.
何してるの 君に触れたい なんかあんなら talk to me
What are you doing? I want to touch you, if there's anything, talk to me.
気づいてないつもり? バカなフリ 覚悟はできてるとっくに
You're pretending not to notice? You're pretending to be stupid? I was already prepared.
分かってんだよ この先 どうでもいい あの日からそっけない
I know, from now on, it doesn't matter, you've been indifferent since that day.
誰としてるのその LINE 隠し通してよ honey
Who are you with in that LINE? Keep it a secret, honey.
車窓にうつる君と目が合う なんでかそらしちゃってる
I made eye contact with you in the car window, and for some reason I looked away.
I'm sorry I lied.
Just watch as I ruin everything.
太陽さん さようなら 指先がまたかじかんだ
Goodbye, Mr. Sun, my fingers are numb again.
You knew about it long ago.
You sighed and smiled.
なんでか涙が出んだ 私はバカだなぁ
For some reason, I burst into tears. I'm such an idiot.
大小様々な star 星座にすらなれずに消えてった
Stars of various sizes, even constellations, have disappeared.
What time is it? 寝静まった街 しおりをなくした本を開く
What time is it? The city is quiet, I open a book without a bookmark.
どっから読んだって今は同じ なにをしたって同じさ
No matter where I read from, it's the same now, no matter what I do.
I'm just staring at the broken thermometer.
Baby good night もう戻せない 心変わりの相手は誰でもない
Baby good night, it can't be undone, the one who changed his mind is no one.
車窓にうつる君と目が合う なんでかそらしちゃってる
I made eye contact with you in the car window, and for some reason I looked away.
I'm sorry I lied.
Just watch as I ruin everything.
車窓にうつる君と目が合う なんでかそらしちゃってる
I made eye contact with you in the car window, and for some reason I looked away.
嘘ついてたのごめんね 終わってくなんてな
I'm sorry I lied, it's over.
ベランダで UFO 探してる もうタバコが無いな
I'm looking for UFOs on my balcony, I'm out of cigarettes.

Авторы: Mamiko, Rachel, mamiko, rachel

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