traian - MAI INCEARCĂ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни traian - MAI INCEARCĂ

Nu, nu ma poti invinge, mai incearca
No, you can't beat me, try again
Zic doar adevaru', nu dau teapa
I'm just telling the truth, I don't snitch
Nu ma poti intrece, mai incearca
You can't surpass me, try again
Mai incearca, nu-ti iese niciodată
Try again, it will never work out for you
Am fular McQueen pe mine, nu ma poti da în gat
I have a McQueen scarf on me, you can't screw me over
Esti lipsit de energie, esti posomorat
You're drained of energy, you're gloomy
Astia urca si coboara, stii ca eu doar urc
These guys go up and down, you know I only go up
Iau talentul dupa mine oriunde ma duc
I take my talent with me wherever I go
N-ai energie, n-ai viteza esti prea lent
You have no energy, no speed, you're too slow
Nu ridici tu la sala cati ridic eu la concert
You don't lift as much at the gym as I do at a concert
Nu am crescut pe strada, eu vin din laborator
I didn't grow up on the streets, I came from the lab
Sunt un experiment, tot ceea ce fac este nou
I'm an experiment, everything I do is new
Astia vor sa ne intrecem ca pe Trackmania
These guys want to outdo each other like on Trackmania
Cica au haine scumpe, da-s pe Fashion Reps Romania
They say they have expensive clothes, they're on Fashion Reps Romania
Omniprezent, omniscient, atotputernic
Omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent
Sunt singurul real de aici dar nu sunt schizofrenic
I'm the only real one here, but I'm not schizophrenic
Iti fur gagica în mai putin de o secunda
I'll steal your girl in less than a second
Filmez cu ea Titanic doi, ia ghici ce se scufunda
I'm filming Titanic 2 with her, guess what's sinking
Nu ma incerca stii ca sunt o persoana dura
Don't try me, you know I'm a tough guy
Te bat si scrii pe TPU prindeti-l ca dau funda
I'll beat you up and you'll write on TPU catch me because I'm giving out a fund
Nu inteleg ce n-au înțeles
I don't understand what they didn't understand
Incearca sa fie ca mine da' nu reusesc
They try to be like me, but they can't succeed
Astia n-au succes, am bani în exces
These guys aren't successful, I have money in excess
Sunt naspa da' tot ma iubesc
I'm bad but I still love myself
Se da gangsta da' se joaca Minecraft toata ziua
He pretends to be a gangster, but he plays Minecraft all day
Am zis ca nu-mi place fata lui i-a afectat stima
I said I didn't like his face, it affected his self-esteem
M-a enervat acum plange spune-mi a cui e vina
It pissed me off now he cries, tell me whose fault it is
Eu faceam business cand el era la scoala, scria
I was doing business when he was in school, writing
Te folosesc pana se termina bateria
I'll use you until the battery runs out
Ai lesina daca mi-ai vedea galeria
You'd faint if you saw my gallery
Eu raman neschimbat si bravo mie
I remain unchanged and good for me
Exersez pe tine da nu dau la chirurgie
I practice on you, but I don't do surgery
Nu ma poti invinge, mai incearca
You can't beat me, try again
Zic doar adevaru', nu dau teapa
I'm just telling the truth, I don't snitch
Nu ma poti intrece, mai incearca
You can't surpass me, try again
Mai incearca, nu-ti iese niciodată
Try again, it will never work out for you
Nu ma poti invinge, mai incearca
You can't beat me, try again
Zic doar adevaru', nu dau teapa
I'm just telling the truth, I don't snitch
Nu ma poti intrece, mai incearca
You can't surpass me, try again
Mai incearca, nu-ti iese niciodată
Try again, it will never work out for you

Авторы: Xraian Talent

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