Калинов Мост - Конь-Огонь - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Калинов Мост - Конь-Огонь

êòî ìîëчàë â îòâåò ìåäëèë â íîч óéòè ãíàë äûõàíèå äíåé ðàçëóêîé ðîáåë ïåчàëèëñÿ
You were silent, delaying your answer, wanting to leave in the night, chasing away the breath of days with separation, timidly feeling sorrow.
áðàчíûé ìåñÿö öâåë â öåëîì ñâåòå íàñ íå óâèäåë ðîäíåé êàòèëàñü ñëåçà ïðîùàëüíàÿ
Our honeymoon faded, the whole world did not see our loved ones, a farewell tear rolled down.
ïðèïåâ: ñêðèïíóë ñòàâåíü, ïåñ çàëàÿë êðèêíóë âîðîí ó âîðîò. â ïóòü îò êðàÿ è äî êðàÿ êîíü-îãîíü ïîâîäüÿ ðâåò
Chorus: The door creaked, the dog barked, the raven cried at the gate. On the path from edge to edge, the fire-horse tears at the reins.
íå ãîðþé, íå ïëàч äàñò Áîã ñâèäèìñÿ æäè êðûëàòûõ âåñòåé íà ïàìÿòü êîëüöî ãîðÿчåå
Don't grieve, don't cry, God willing, we will meet again, wait for winged news, for memory a hot ring.
ãäåáû íè áûë ÿ ïðî ëþáîâü òâîþ ïîìíèòü áóäó âåçäå äàé ñðîê-îáåðíóñü, ïîæåíèìñÿ
Wherever I am, I will remember your love everywhere, give me time, I will return, we will get married.
áåñ â ðåáðî ìíå, âåòåð â ñïèíó чòî ãóëÿêó â ïîëå æäåò, ìîæåò áûòü ñûðà ìîãìèëà, ìîæåò ñëàâà è ïîчåò
The devil is in my ribs, the wind is at my back, what awaits the reveler in the field, maybe a damp grave, maybe glory and honor.
òîëüêî ìàчåõà-ñóäüáèíà ïðàâäó çíàåò íà ïåðåä êàê ñëåäû â ðàññâåò îñòûíóò ïîä êðûëî ñûíêî âîçüìåò
Only stepmother-fate knows the truth ahead of time, as the tracks cool down at dawn, she will take her son under her wing.

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