カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - ヒノマルパワー~君の力~ (オリジナルアーティスト:MUNEHIRO )[カラオケ] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - ヒノマルパワー~君の力~ (オリジナルアーティスト:MUNEHIRO )[カラオケ]

ヒノマルパワー~君の力~ (オリジナルアーティスト:MUNEHIRO )[カラオケ]
Hinomaru Power ~ Your Power ~ (Original Artist: MUNEHIRO) [Karaoke]
今キミの力 必要だから 正義の味方様
Now I need your power, my righteous hero
支えてアタシを 溢れるキミの愛が 流れてく世界中へ
Support me, overflowing with your love that flows throughout the world
1人そんでまた1人 伝わるさ
One person and then another, it will spread
いつだってエネルギッシュ OH!! 情熱みなぎり過ぎ OH!!
Always energetic, oh!! Brimming with passion, oh!!
そんなキミが好き OH OH OH OH OH!!!
I love that about you, oh oh oh oh oh!!!
今この国がピンチよ!! OH!! 栄光まるで蜃気楼 OH!!
Our country is in trouble now!! Oh!! Glory is like a mirage, oh!!
けどキミとアタシを信じよう OH OH OH OH OH!!!
But let's believe in you and me, oh oh oh oh oh!!!
ニッポンはいい所 響く四季折々の音色
Nippon is a great place, where the sounds of the seasons resonate
感じる美しい心 いい女 いい男
Feeling good in your heart, good women, good men
激動のこの時代に 世界沸き立つコトしたい
In this turbulent era, I want to make the world a better place
WE!! ジャパニーズ お通りなら お祭りだ!! 踊りな!!
We!! Japanese, if you come this way, it's a festival!! Everyone, dance!!
この島国を抱きしめたいよ 泣いてるみんな笑わせたいよ
I want to embrace this island nation, make everyone who's crying laugh
けど1人じゃ何もできない 今こそ そばにいてよっ!! OH!!
But I can't do anything alone, now please be by my side!! Oh!!
I need you, need you now!! 今キミの力
I need you, need you now!! Now I need your power
I need you, need you now!! 必要だから
I need you, need you now!! Because I need you
I need you, need you now!! 正義の味方様
I need you, need you now!! My righteous hero
I need you, need you now!! 支えてアタシを
I need you, need you now!! Support me
溢れるキミの愛が 流れてく世界中へ 1人そんでまた1人 伝わるさ
Overflowing with your love that flows throughout the world, one person and then another, it will spread
地震 津波 竜巻 OH!! コワイ事多すぎ OH!!
Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, oh!! There's too many scary things, oh!!
それでも地球が大好き OH OH OH OH OH!!!
Still, I love the Earth, oh oh oh oh oh!!!
今世界がピンチよ OH!! イヤな予言信じそう OH!!
The world is in trouble now, oh!! I feel like I'm going to believe in bad prophecies, oh!!
けど光る未来を信じよう OH OH OH OH OH!!!
But let's believe in a bright future, oh oh oh oh oh!!!
ニッポンそして外国 皆手を取れば大丈夫
Nippon and other countries, it will be okay if we join hands
大切な物守る為なら キモチもチカラも倍増する
If it's to protect what's important, both our feelings and strength will double
青い地球誰のもの? リスペクト 全ての生き物
Who does this blue Earth belong to? Respect, all living things
各地咲いた文化誇ろう 繋がる命喜ぼう
Let's be proud of the cultures that have bloomed in different regions, celebrate the interconnectedness of life
愛おしい 共に生きてる日々 TVの前1人泣いてるキミ
Cherished days living together, you who are crying alone in front of the TV
何とかしなくちゃと燃えてるキミ 見てるとなるよ 人をもっと好きに!!
I get fired up thinking I have to do something, seeing you makes me love people more!!
I need you, need you now!! 今キミの力
I need you, need you now!! Now I need your power
I need you, need you now!! 必要だから
I need you, need you now!! Because I need you
I need you, need you now!! 正義の味方様
I need you, need you now!! My righteous hero
I need you, need you now!! 支えてアタシを
I need you, need you now!! Support me
溢れるキミの愛が 流れてく世界中へ 1人そんでまた1人 伝わるさ
Overflowing with your love that flows throughout the world, one person and then another, it will spread
ホントは分からない明日 怖いよ、、、、、
I don't really know what tomorrow holds, it's scary,...
でもアタシには描く夢がある そこにはキミもいるから
But I have a dream, and you're there in that dream
Let's go together!!!
I need you, need you now!! 今キミの力
I need you, need you now!! Now I need your power
I need you, need you now!! 必要だから
I need you, need you now!! Because I need you
I need you, need you now!! 正義の味方様
I need you, need you now!! My righteous hero
I need you, need you now!! 支えてアタシを
I need you, need you now!! Support me
溢れるキミの愛が 流れてく世界中へ 1人そんでまた1人 伝わるさ
Overflowing with your love that flows throughout the world, one person and then another, it will spread
Surely the world will change, little by little
Big up all ジャパニーズ!!
Big up all Japanese!!
Show dem ヒノマルパワー!!
Show them the power of Hinomaru!!

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