カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 睡蓮花 (オリジナルアーティスト:湘南乃風) [カラオケ] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни カラオケ歌っちゃ王 - 睡蓮花 (オリジナルアーティスト:湘南乃風) [カラオケ]

睡蓮花 (オリジナルアーティスト:湘南乃風) [カラオケ]
Water Lily (Original Artist: Shonan no Kaze) [Karaoke]
睡蓮の花のように 朝日に向け今日も歌う
Like a water lily, I sing towards the sun every morning
睡蓮の花のように この思い水面に光る
Like a water lily, these feelings shine on the water's surface
花びらが流した涙 貴方は笑えていますか?
The tears the petals shed, can you smile?
The season that intensifies has arrived
ヤバくなれるのは誰... 俺! 俺! 俺! 俺! Ole! Ole!
Who's going to get wild and crazy? Me! Me! Me! Me! Ole! Ole!
Ah 真夏の Jamboree レゲエ砂浜 Big Wave!!
Ah, midsummer Jamboree, reggae on the beach, Big Wave!!
Ah 悪ノリの Heartbeat めっちゃゴリゴリ Welcome Weekend
Ah, misbehaving Heartbeat, super strong, Welcome Weekend
Ah 灼熱の Jamboree 暴れまくってイイぜ!!
Ah, scorching Jamboree, go wild!!
Ah 冷めないで Summer Dream
Ah, don't let the Summer Dream fade
("Get wet and go for it!!!")
夏だぜ(Yeah!!) 夏風(Fuu!!) 夏晴れ(Yeah!!) 夏バテ(Boo↓↓)
It's summer (Yeah!!), summer wind (Fuu!!), summer sun (Yeah!!), summer exhaustion (Boo↓↓)
またコイツで決まりだ Summer Again
We'll do it with this again, Summer Again
青く晴れた日を 笑う太陽
The smiling sun on a clear blue day
溢れる希望 むすぶ靴ひもに期待のせて
Overflowing hope, tying my shoes with anticipation
風を連れて 夢の種植えるため 今走り出そう
Let's run now to plant the seeds of dreams, carried by the wind
黄色いバス越え江ノ島方面 スゲエ混み合ってる
The yellow bus passes towards Enoshima, it's so crowded
ひまわり色した空への冒険 手取りあって
The adventure towards the sunflower-colored sky, hand in hand
確かな思い出を残さなけりゃ そりゃ新たな明日は輝かないから
If we don't create sure memories, then a new tomorrow won't shine
さぁ 笑顔に会いに行こう!!
Come on, let's go meet a smile!!
やって来たぜ イイ風 青い空 何やってもいいんじゃねぇ!?
Here it comes, a nice breeze, blue sky, can't we do whatever we want!?
そんな気分で(Yeah!!) 巨大(Yeah!!)
In that mood (Yeah!!), massive (Yeah!!)
Munching on a frankfurter
バナナボートで ゴールを目指す Seasonに火つく
The season gets fired up as we aim for the goal on a banana boat
コケてる ハイヒールの姉ちゃんを横目に
Out of the corner of my eye, a woman in high heels is stumbling
記念に「ハイ! チーズ!!」
"Smile!" for the記念 photo
Ah 真夏の Jamboree レゲエ砂浜 Big Wave!!
Ah, midsummer Jamboree, reggae on the beach, Big Wave!!
Ah 悪ノリの Heartbeat めっちゃゴリゴリ Welcome Weekend
Ah, misbehaving Heartbeat, super strong, Welcome Weekend
Ah 灼熱の Jamboree 暴れまくってイイぜ!!
Ah, scorching Jamboree, go wild!!
Ah 冷めないで Summer Dream
Ah, don't let the Summer Dream fade
("Get wet and go for it!!!")
夏だぜ(Yeah!!) 夏風(Fuu!!) 夏晴れ(Yeah!!) 夏バテ(Boo↓↓)
It's summer (Yeah!!), summer wind (Fuu!!), summer sun (Yeah!!), summer exhaustion (Boo↓↓)
またコイツで決まりだ Summer Again
We'll do it with this again, Summer Again
突然降り出した雨 ベッドで涙浮かべ
Suddenly the rain starts pouring, tears well up in bed
A small voice says, "Why me..."
待ち受けにしている写メ 変顔で思わず吹き出して
The photo I have as my wallpaper is a funny face, and I can't help but laugh
泣き言なんて言えるか「馬鹿やろうが! 寂しくなんかねぇ!!」
How can I complain? "You idiot! I'm not lonely at all!!"
さぁ 自分との闘い勝てば 大切な人に会えるはずさ
If I win the battle with myself, I should be able to meet important people
頑張っていれば お天道様が 必ず微笑んでくれるさ
If I keep trying, the sun will surely smile down on me
I want to be enveloped by you once more
走り抜けて来たよ 幾つもの季節を
I've run through many seasons to get here
I've finally found you
Ah 真夏の Jamboree レゲエ砂浜 Big Wave!!
Ah, midsummer Jamboree, reggae on the beach, Big Wave!!
Ah 悪ノリの Heartbeat めっちゃゴリゴリ Welcome Weekend
Ah, misbehaving Heartbeat, super strong, Welcome Weekend
Ah 灼熱の Jamboree 暴れまくってイイぜ!!
Ah, scorching Jamboree, go wild!!
Ah 冷めないで Summer Dream
Ah, don't let the Summer Dream fade
夏の日差しが眩しすぎて 本当の笑顔見えなくなって
The summer sun is too bright, and I can't see your real smile
空を見上げることも忘れ 地面向いて足踏みしてるんじゃねぇ!
I've forgotten to look up at the sky and am just looking down at the ground
約束された明日なんてねぇ!! 当たり前なんて思ってるんじゃねぇ!!!
There's no such thing as a promised tomorrow!! Don't think it's a given!!!
朝が迎えに来る幸せ 睡蓮とともに...
The happiness that comes with the morning...
花びらが流した愛が 貴方に届いていますか?
The love the petals shed, has it reached you?
若き小さなこの涙 笑い声になるまで...
These small, young tears...
Ah 人生という旅に出た俺たちには 後戻りはない
Ah, we've set out on the journey of life, and there's no going back
いつの日にか あの睡蓮の花のように
Someday, like the water lilies
We will bloom on the spring that comes from the tears we've shed
("Get wet and go for it!!!")
また始まった 真っ裸で 走り出した Season 夏は好きか?
It's started again, running naked. Do you like summer?
間違って交わった 砂浜のReason 付き合ってみな
The Reason on the beach that we crossed by mistake, try it out
目が合って 気が合って マジになった Season 欲望のまんま!!
Our eyes met, we hit it off, and it got serious. Season of desire!!
出会って 泣いて 笑って 泣いて
We met, cried, laughed, cried
笑って 泣いて 笑って 泣いて
Laughed, cried, laughed, cried
("Get wet and go for it!!!")...

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