周慧敏 - 孤單的心痛 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 周慧敏 - 孤單的心痛

Lonely Heartache
愛與情 似場夢 彷彿給操縱
Love and feelings, like a dream, manipulated.
留下你偷偷的哭泣 我已經不懂心痛
Left you secretly sobbing. I don't understand the pain.
寂寞是孤單等你 在深宵多冰凍
Loneliness is solitude, waiting for you, in the freezing night.
越要不想起 但卻偏想起 共你虛假的抱擁
The more I try not to remember, the more I recall your fake embrace.
也許我明晨離別你 或你會了解 在孤單中的心痛
Maybe when I leave tomorrow, you'll understand my lonely heartache.
你會發現 這當天的約誓 經已看不懂
You'll notice that our past vows are now forgotten.
卻知道緣來緣盡 在你與我之間 愛已有著裂縫
But you'll know that our fate is over, the love between us has cracked.
感覺不再相同 熱愛今天已是凍
Our feelings are no longer the same, and today our passion has turned cold.
愛與情 似場夢 彷彿給操縱
Love and feelings, like a dream, manipulated.
留下你偷偷的哭泣 我已經不懂心痛
Left you secretly sobbing. I don't understand the pain.
寂寞是孤單等你 在深宵多冰凍
Loneliness is solitude, waiting for you, in the freezing night.
越要不想起 但卻偏想起 共你虛假的抱擁
The more I try not to remember, the more I recall your fake embrace.
也許我明晨離別你 或你會了解 在孤單中的心痛
Maybe when I leave tomorrow, you'll understand my lonely heartache.
你會發現 這當天的約誓 經已看不懂
You'll notice that our past vows are now forgotten.
卻知道緣來緣盡 在你與我之間 愛已有著裂縫
But you'll know that our fate is over, the love between us has cracked.
感覺不再相同 熱愛今天已是凍
Our feelings are no longer the same, and today our passion has turned cold.
你知唔知道永遠既愛係也野 佢只不過係一個美麗既童話
Do you know that eternal love is a fantasy? It's just a beautiful fairy tale.
當故事完結既時後 我地又返番去寂寞裡面
When the story ends, we return to our lonely existence,
去等另外一個故事既開始 但係我好想話俾你聽
Waiting for another story to begin. But I want to tell you,
係我地既童話故事裡面 我係曾經真心真意去愛過你
In our fairy tale, I truly loved you.
也許我明晨離別你 或你會了解 在孤單中的心痛
Maybe when I leave tomorrow, you'll understand my lonely heartache.
然後 你會發現 這當天的約誓 經已看不懂
Then you'll notice that our past vows are now forgotten.
卻知道緣來緣盡 在你與我之間 愛已有著裂縫
But you'll know that our fate is over, the love between us has cracked.
我早知相愛是難永遠 ...但我真心已斷送
I knew love was hard to keep alive forever, but I gave you my all.
也許我明晨離別你 或你會了解 在孤單中的心痛
Maybe when I leave tomorrow, you'll understand my lonely heartache.
相愛是難永遠 真心已斷送
Love is hard to make eternal. I gave you my all.
卻知道緣來緣盡 在你與我之間 愛已有著裂縫
But you'll know that our fate is over, the love between us has cracked.
只有是忘記你 不需再恨痛
I only need to forget you. No more hatred or pain.

Авторы: Kenneth Hirsch, Ronald N. Miller

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