王箏 - 爸爸 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 王箏 - 爸爸

忘不了 深夜為我亮的最後一盞燈
I can't forget the last lamp that lit up for me in the dead of night,
那時刻 照耀我專署的心
That moment, illuminating my dedicated heart.
多少次 送我獨自離開紅紅著眼睛
How many times have you sent me away alone with reddened eyes,
轉過身 頭髮漸白的背影
Turning around, your hair gradually turning white.
藍藍的天 下面小小的我
Under the blue sky, I am so small,
I sing your favorite song with all my heart.
縱然世界 不同你曾給我的夢境
Though the world is different from the dreams you gave me,
相信最美好的 一起在下一刻降落
I believe that the best is yet to come.
Ah. Ah...
小時候 每次濃情裡無法將你背起
When I was a child, I couldn't carry you on my back when I was emotional,
這一次 我想我一定可以
This time, I think I can.
好多年 有些話在嘴邊從沒能說清
For many years, there were some words that I have never been able to say,
But now I sing this song for you.
藍藍的天 下面小小的我
Under the blue sky, I am so small,
I sing your favorite song with all my heart.
縱然世界 不同你曾給我的夢境
Though the world is different from the dreams you gave me,
只要有你陪著 哪怕再多哭樂
As long as you are with me, even if I cry and laugh more.
你的笑聲 是我生命的書籤
Your laughter is the bookmark of my life,
It captures a moment of you for eternity.
可是我怕 看著你悄悄改變的臉
But I'm afraid to see your face change quietly,
被無聲的時間 摳出深深的線 你的臉
Your face, carved with deep lines by the无声的时间.
藍藍的天 下面小小的我
Under the blue sky, I am so small,
I sing your favorite song with all my heart.
縱然世界 不同你曾給我的夢境
Though the world is different from the dreams you gave me,
相信最美好的 一起在下一刻降落
I believe that the best is yet to come.
縱然世界 不同你曾給我的夢境
Though the world is different from the dreams you gave me,
相信最美好的 一起在下一刻降落
I believe that the best is yet to come.

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