華晨宇 - 與火星的孩子對話 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 華晨宇 - 與火星的孩子對話

Conversation with a Martian Child
看著愛笑 卻還有些失落和悲傷
I see you smiling, yet there's still some loss and sadness
那些失落 那些悲傷 也在我心里
Those losses, those sorrows, they're in my heart too
看著自信 卻還有些退縮和逃避
I see you confident, yet still a bit withdrawn and evasive
那些退縮 那些逃避 請你別在意
Those withdrawals, those evasions, please don't mind them
看著努力 卻還有些拒絕和懶惰
I see you trying hard, yet still a bit resistant and lazy
那些拒絕 那些懶惰 其實沒關係
Those resistances, those lazinesses, it's really okay
看著堅強 卻還有些脆弱和疑惑
I see you strong, yet still a bit vulnerable and confused
那些脆弱 那些疑惑 有它的意義
Those vulnerabilities, those confusions, they have their own meanings
那些感受慢慢被阻礙 我摸不到那痛苦
Those feelings are slowly being blocked, I can't touch that pain
看著堅持 卻還有些放棄和冷漠
I see you persevering, yet still a bit放棄 and indifferent
那些放棄 那些冷漠 要做你自己
Those abandonments, those indifferences, just be yourself
看著勇敢 卻還有些害怕和怯懦
I see you brave, yet still a bit fearful and cowardly
那些害怕 那些怯懦 我們在這里
Those fears, those cowardices, we are here
那些光芒漸漸被掩蓋 我猜不透下一幕
Those rays of light are gradually being covered up, I can't guess the next scene
每當我還相信 好的結局 有個聲音在說 可笑的是我
Whenever I still believe in a good ending, there's a voice saying, "How ridiculous of me"
每當我還願意 伸手靠近 有塊陰影拽著我
Whenever I'm still willing to reach out, there's a shadow pulling me back
別再拽著我 我想再次用力解脫
Stop pulling me back, I want to break free again
雖然不說 至少有你在這陪著我
I may not say it, but at least you're here with me
你就是你 最好的你 是我的唯一
You are you, the best of you, my one and only
不再沈默 因為有你選擇理解我
I'm no longer silent, because you've chosen to understand me
你就是你 最好的你 沒人能代替
You are you, the best of you, no one can replace you
那些美好終於被青睞 我等到了這禮物
Those beautiful things are finally being noticed, I've waited for this gift
有時難過 卻還有些快樂和驕傲
I'm sometimes sad, yet I'm also a bit happy and proud
那些快樂 那些驕傲 全都屬於你
Those happinesses, those prides, they all belong to you
有時孤獨 卻還有些撫慰和感動
I'm sometimes lonely, yet I'm also a bit comforted and touched
那些撫慰 那些感動 因為我愛你
Those comforts, those touches, because I love you
這個結局是我的期待 我會一直為你祝福
This ending is what I expected, I will always bless you

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