Andy Hui - 寂寞電台 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Andy Hui - 寂寞電台

Lonely Radio
Lonely Radio
聽見凌亂的話 在空中徘徊 每顆心都在 拼湊著一份愛
I hear your messy words in the air, every heart is trying to piece together a love
多少靈魂被寂寞困在 這個虛構的地帶
How many souls are trapped in this fictional area by loneliness
聽見請回答 這裡是寂寞的電台
Please respond, this is the lonely radio station
日夜放送的電波 都是愛 愛愛愛
The radio waves broadcasted day and night are all love, love, love
它穿過城市的天空 迴盪在冷漠的人海
They travel through the city sky and echo through the indifferent crowd
只希望有心的人 能收到真愛
I only hope that someone will receive true love
聽見陌生旋律 在空中徘徊 訊息總不外 訴說不同悲哀
I hear a strange melody in the air, the message is always nothing more than telling different sad stories
謠言飛出窗外 散佈真心不存在 有夢的人都迫不及待 打開他心中的Mic
Rumors fly out the window, spreading that true love does not exist, and people with dreams can't wait to turn on the mic in their hearts
聽見請回答 這裡是寂寞的電台 日夜放送的電波 都是愛 愛愛愛
Please respond, this is the lonely radio station, the radio waves broadcasted day and night are all love, love, love
它穿過城市的天空 迴盪在冷漠的人海 日夜呼喚著心中 壓抑的 那份愛
It travels through the city's sky, and echoes through the indifferent crowd, calling out day and night to the suppressed love in the heart
在每班流浪的夜車 在每個疲倦的胸懷 掩蓋不住的聲音 給我愛 快快快
In every wandering night bus, in every tired heart, I can't hide my voice, give me love quickly
我情願沒有未來 也不要再沈默等待 一切都將不精彩 如果沒有愛
I'd rather not have a future than wait in silence, everything will be dull if there is no love
給我愛 快快快 給我愛 快快快 給我愛
Give me love quickly, give me love quickly, give me love quickly

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