謝霆鋒 - 我存在 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 謝霆鋒 - 我存在

I Exist
我不要 日日夜夜在熟悉的籠牢
I don't want to stay in this familiar cage day and night.
我只要 闖蕩異國走在陌生的街道
I just want to roam foreign countries and walk on unfamiliar streets,
帶上背包 奔向海島 眺望城堡
With my backpack on, heading to the island to gaze upon the castle.
聽得到 站在山崗聆聽風的呼嘯
I can hear the wind howling as I stand on the hilltop,
看得到 躺在稻草享受村落的熱鬧
I can see the village bustling as I lie on the straw.
你會知道 來自靈魂 這種呼召
You will know this calling from your soul.
我存在 就要活個痛快 生命是自由自在
I exist to live a free and unrestrained life.
誰還要等待 時間不要留白 和我異想天開
Who needs to wait? Don't leave any time for boredom. Let's wander together.
嚐一嚐喜怒哀樂的精彩 這味道你明白
Taste the joys, sorrows, and wonders. You will understand this flavor.
聽得到 站在山崗聽風的呼嘯
I can hear the wind howling as I stand on the hilltop,
看得到 躺在稻草享受村落的熱鬧
I can see the village bustling as I lie on the straw.
你會知道 來自靈魂 這種呼召
You will know this calling from your soul.
我存在 就要活個痛快 生命是自由自在
I exist to live a free and unrestrained life.
誰還要等待 時間不要留白 和我異想天開 你會明白
Who needs to wait? Don't leave any time for boredom. Let's wander together, you should understand.
Life is an unknown journey.
There are too many unimportant past events along the way.
I only care about the scenery with you.
我存在 就要活個痛快 生命是自由自在
I exist to live a free and unrestrained life.
誰還要等待 時間不要留白 就劃上屬於我們的色彩
Who needs to wait? Don't leave any time for boredom. Let's add our own colors.
我存在 就要活個痛快 生命是自由自在
I exist to live a free and unrestrained life.
誰還要等待 時間不要留白 和我異想天開
Who needs to wait? Don't leave any time for boredom. Let's wander together.
嚐一嚐喜怒哀樂的精彩 這味道你明白
Taste the joys, sorrows, and wonders. You will understand this flavor.

Авторы: Xing Qiao, Ting-feng Xie, Zi-long Chen

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