軟硬天師 - 明天會更好 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 軟硬天師 - 明天會更好

Better Tomorrow
輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
Softly awaken the sleeping heart, slowly open your eyes
Whether the busy world is still turning lonely non-stop
春風不解風情 吹動少年的心
The spring breeze doesn't understand romance, stirring the heart of the boy
讓昨日臉上的淚痕 隨記憶風乾了
Let the tear stains on yesterday's face dry with memories
抬頭尋找天空的翅膀 候鳥出現牠的影跡
Lift up your head to search for the sky's wings, migratory birds appear
Bringing news of distant famine, relentless war still exists
玉山白雪飄零 燃燒少年的心
Yushan's white snow flutters, burning the boy's heart
使真情溶化成音符 傾訴遙遠的祝福
Let true feelings melt into musical notes, expressing distant blessings
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Dedicate sincere prayers for tomorrow
誰能不顧自己的家園 拋開記憶中的童年
Who can disregard their homeland, leave behind childhood memories
誰能忍心看他昨日的憂愁 帶走我們的笑容
Who can bear to watch yesterday's sorrow take away our smiles
青春不解紅塵 胭脂沾染了灰
Youth doesn't understand the mortal world, rouge tainted with ash
讓久違不見的淚水 滋潤了你的面容
Let long-lost tears moisten your face
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Dedicate sincere prayers for tomorrow
輕輕敲醒沉睡的心靈 慢慢張開你的眼睛
Softly awaken the sleeping heart, slowly open your eyes
Whether the busy world is still turning lonely non-stop
日出喚醒清晨 大地光彩重生
Sunrise awakens the morning, the earth's splendor is reborn
讓和風拂出的音響 譜成生命的樂章
Let the sounds carried by the gentle breeze compose life's symphony
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Let us look forward to a better tomorrow
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Let us look forward to a better tomorrow
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Let us look forward to a better tomorrow
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Let us look forward to a better tomorrow
唱出你的熱情 伸出你雙手
Sing out your passion, reach out your hands
讓我擁抱著你的夢 讓我擁有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me possess your true face
讓我們的笑容 充滿著青春的驕傲
Let our smiles be filled with youthful pride
Let us look forward to a better tomorrow

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