軟硬天師 - 我杀了一个人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 軟硬天師 - 我杀了一个人

I Killed a Person
I killed a person
啱啱起身 鬼咁眼训
Just woke up, so sleepy
扭开电视 闷死人
Turn on the TV, boring to death
寻晚队到 温温炖
Drank with friends last night
无无聊聊 落街整碗斋河粉
Bored out of my mind, went out for a vegetarian rice noodle soup
行o下商埸 猛片最新最新
Walked around the mall, the latest and greatest movies
蒙蒙查查 比画面吓亲
Dazed and confused, scared by the images
撞正差人 当街搜身搜身
Ran into a cop, stopped me for questioning
无无聊聊 点解你得一个人?
Bored out of my mind, why are you alone?
佢谈吐斯文 佢双目炯炯有神
He spoke softly, his eyes sparkled
佢笑面迎人 佢系个好市民
He smiled at me, he's a good citizen
佢话: 她找了新的爱人, 她不要我亲近, 她今晚庆祝生辰!
He said: She's found a new lover, she doesn't want me near her, tonight's her birthday!
转身他 然后话约了一个人
He turned around and said he has a date
摊响梳化 打机铺铺训身
Laid on the couch, falling asleep playing video games
吱吱㖊㖊 拍死两只蚊
Squashed two mosquitoes
上网倾计 各位化名化身
Chatting online, everyone using fake names
无无聊聊 点解你得一个人
Bored out of my mind, why are you alone?
佢想学日文 佢最钟意睇食神
She wanted to learn Japanese, her favorite was "God of Cookery"
佢关心新闻 佢系个普通人
She cared about the news, she's an ordinary person
佢话: 她找了新的爱人, 她不要我亲近, 她今晚庆祝生辰!
She said: She's found a new lover, she doesn't want me near her, tonight's her birthday!
转身他 留言话约了一个人
He turned around and left a message saying he has a date
He met with his friends
He conquered all sides
宣布庆祝生辰 转身他 然后话杀了一个人
He declared his birthday, he turned around and said he killed someone
He revealed how he did it
He cut her into seven pieces
边切饼边切人 转身他 如常为佢庆祝诞辰
He cut the cake as he cut the person, turned around and celebrated his birthday as usual

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