軟硬天師 - 董事长 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 軟硬天師 - 董事长

Mr. Chairman
Mr. Chairman
你确有你的急智 你建议我不怀疑 暗暗也叫好一致 美好构思 你知我知
You've got your wits for sure, I have no doubt that you meant your suggestions. Secretly, I also agree. A splendid idea, we see eye to eye.
你确有你的高见 你永远也不食言 个个爱你不改变 我的意思 你早己知
You've got your insights for sure, you always keep your word. Everyone loves you, that will never change. My meaning, you already know.
攀新指数 多得他公布 你好我好 拍手叫好
The new record high indices, we're grateful to him for announcing them. We're all doing great, let's applaud.
高科颁布 多么的鼓舞 我好你好 拍手叫好
The high-tech policy, how encouraging! We're all doing great, let's applaud.
Wish, your wish is my command.
努力 尽力为我 事事为我 日夜为我 我为你高歌
Work hard, do your best for me, everything for me, day and night for me. I'll sing for you.
董事 董事 董事长 一呼总百应赞颂你立场
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, with one call, everyone responds with praise for your position.
董事 董事 董事长 坚守的意向确令我欣赏 找到方向 拍手鼓掌 我士气高涨
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, your unwavering commitment impresses me. We've found our direction, let's clap and cheer, my morale is soaring.
每次我觉得失意 你教会我忍这字 你对我一番心意 美好构思 你知我知
Whenever I feel disappointed, you teach me the meaning of patience. Your kind intentions towards me, a splendid idea, we see eye to eye.
你永远冇乜偏见 你永远冇乜怨言 你确冇愧于己见 我的意思 你早已知
You never show any prejudice, you never hold a grudge. You always stay true to your own opinions. My meaning, you already know.
不必申诉 都不必急燥 你好我好 拍手叫好
No need to explain, no need to be impatient. We're all doing great, let's applaud.
亲身赶到 多么的周到 我好你好 拍手叫好
You always show up in person, how thoughtful! We're all doing great, let's applaud.
Wish, your wish is my command.
努力 尽力为我 事事为我 日夜为我 我为你高歌
Work hard, do your best for me, everything for me, day and night for me. I'll sing for you.
董事 董事 董事长 多精劈远见计划佢善长
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, he's so insightful and far-sighted, he excels at planning.
董事 董事 董事长 多得他引进伟大派思想 找到方向 拍手鼓掌 我士气高涨
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, thanks to him, we've adopted a great ideology. We've found our direction, let's clap and cheer, my morale is soaring.
董事 董事 董事长 多得他带挈我步向艳阳
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, thanks to him, I'm on the path to success.
董事 董事 董事长 多么多干劲魄力我欣赏
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, I admire your energy and determination.
董事 董事 董事长 很像很懂事懂事董事长 多关心语气慰问气又长
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, what a thoughtful and understanding Mr. Chairman, so caring and comforting.
董事 董事 董事长 灰灰的秀发最令我欣赏 找到方向 拍手鼓掌 你万世景仰
Mr. Director, Mr. Director, Mr. Chairman, your gray hair is what I admire most. We've found our direction, let's clap and cheer, you'll be admired forever.
很像很 懂事 懂事 董事长
What a thoughtful, understanding, Mr. Chairman.
很像很 懂事 懂事 董事长
What a thoughtful, understanding, Mr. Chairman.
很像很 懂事 懂事 董事长
What a thoughtful, understanding, Mr. Chairman.
很像很 懂事 懂事 董事长
What a thoughtful, understanding, Mr. Chairman.

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