農夫 - 愛 不愛我 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 農夫 - 愛 不愛我

愛 不愛我
Do you love me?
如果不碰壁 怎會知我的價值
I won't know my own worth if I don't hit a wall.
別妄想 想我定性
Don't think I can just settle down.
迷戀於我的 花半生花光氣力
You've wasted your whole life chasing after me.
是你蠢 不夠悟性
That's your stupidity and lack of understanding,
第一次接觸你 覺得係我福氣
The first time we met, I felt it was lucky.
記得十七歲 你係我世界嘅唯一
I remember being seventeen and you were the only one.
感覺 係乜記唔起
I can't remember the feeling,
彷彿 喺上個世紀
It feels like it was in a past lide.
淨係 記得我為你做乜都得
I can only remember doing anything for you.
I know I was never frivolous and you,
You disappeared without a sound
Without a trace, like a miracle.
You need me to be lovesick, we barely know each other.
咩目的 要我一世都咁珍惜 你咩意思
What's the point of you expecting me to cherish you forever? what does it mean?
And then, suddenly, you appear before my eyes a year later.
依然 癡纏 似之前 有段牽連 藕斷絲連
You’re still obsessed, isn't that what we had before? We’re connected by fate.
如果不碰壁 怎會知我的價值
I won't know my own worth if I don't hit a wall.
別妄想 想我定性
Don't think I can just settle down.
(You don’t guarantee that I'll be happy, I understood it when it began)
迷戀於我的 花半生花光氣力
You've wasted your whole life chasing after me.
是你蠢 不夠悟性
That's your stupidity and lack of understanding.
你傷害我仲未夠 仲傷害埋我朋友
You haven't hurt me enough, you’re even hurting my friends.
我忍夠你嘅引誘 我想走 但返轉頭
I have endured your temptations, I wanted to leave, but I came back.
好似雙手戴手扣 任由自己又再守候
It’s like I'm wearing handcuffs on both hands, I just keep waiting around.
Come on in, I can be your slave or a dog.
咁多年 等你你無出現
I waited for years and you never showed up.
搵你 搵唔到 你喺出面
I looked for you, but I couldn't find you, you were out there.
Getting entangled with someone else, what do you want me to do about it?
Pretending not to see it is my bottom line.
Is it only right that I've been cheated by your lies?
咪扮莊嚴 你係我污點
Don’t pretend to be holy, you’re my shame.
你膚淺咪敷衍我 我有諗過
You're so superficial, just fool around with me. I've thought about it,
I would be just fine without you.
如果不碰壁 怎會知我的價值
I won't know my own worth if I don't hit a wall.
別妄想 想我定性
Don't think I can just settle down.
(You don’t guarantee that I'll be happy, I understood it when it began)
迷戀於我的 花半生花光氣力
You've wasted your whole life chasing after me.
是你蠢 不夠悟性
That's your stupidity and lack of understanding.
對你嘅幻想 幻滅 我變得慢熱
My fantasy about you has been shattered, I’ve become indifferent.
十幾年啦 你無變過 定係我變得老練咗
It’s been more than ten years, you haven't changed, or have I just become wiser?
我會放棄 播放器那啲歌 若果首歌 又歌頌你
I'm going to give up the playlist of those songs about you.
唔再睇講道理 講到尾 講到你 係完美 嘅那種戲(是我本性)
I'll stop watching the kind of dramas where the stories are about how perfect you are.
一路以嚟我以為 搵到真正嘅你就係我依歸
All along, I thought that finding my soulmate would be the meaning of my life.
Are you really who you say you are? It doesn't matter.
可能我只系為咗發生關係 系係
Maybe I just wanted to have a relationship. yes.
你控制 全人類嘅悲喜 點解你咁卑鄙
You control the happiness and sadness of everyone, why are you so mean?
OK 愛情 唔係送俾邊個呢首歌我送俾你
OK, love is not a gift for anyone, I sing this song for you.
幸福的褪色 因你不夠參透力
Happiness fades because you don’t have the ability to see through things.
是你想 得太完美
It’s because you want to be too perfect.
(你好勝 你無保證 我會高興一早明)
(You don’t guarantee that I'll be happy, I understood it when it began)
萬千小角色 想見識我吸引力
Thousands of little people want to see my charm.
用個傷 口去換領
Use your wounds to get something in return.
I think this is called love.

Авторы: 6 Yong, Wan Zhi Wang

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