陳奐仁 - 差不多女神和差不多先生 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 陳奐仁 - 差不多女神和差不多先生

Almost a Goddess and Almost a Man
What did you mean by doing that?
請你告訴我 告訴我
Please tell me. Tell me honestly.
拜託 拜託 拜託告訴我
Please, please, please tell me.
口中愛理想骨氣 但眼中要帥氣手中要人民幣 對吧
You say you love your ideals and pride. But you also want to look handsome, and have money to spend. Isn't that the truth?
人家説你夠真 只是有禮貌地説你無禮小氣
People say you're real. They're just being polite. Actually, they think you're rude and stingy.
And you even think it's unbelievable that they would say such things to you.
幸好你長得美麗 因此可以不講理
Luckily, you're beautiful. So you don't have to care what they think.
You moved here to escape your mother's control.
反而導致我窒息 遺傳這個東西
But you ended up suffocating me instead. Genetics can be a terrible thing.
放心你媽的基因沒失傳 不必擔心 你你你
Don't worry, your mother's genes will never die out in you!
全世界環繞着你 開心的是你 不開心也是你
The whole world is centered around you. When you're happy, you're happy. When you're sad, you're sad.
我變成你的奴隸 但也不能全怪你
I've become your slave. But I can't really blame you for that.
能跟你在一起 是每個男人的范特西
Being with you is a fantasy for every man.
There is an endless playground of fantasies hidden beneath your skirt.
The mirages reflected in the pools of your beauty are so sweet.
對我這種貨色的 簡直彷彿是遇到神仙
For someone like me, it's as if I'd met a goddess.
I'm willing to let you play with me however you want.
Men love to tame the wildest animals.
天啊 歷史不斷重現人性勝不過天
Oh my, history just keeps repeating itself. Human nature is no match for fate.
越美的女人就越危險 對吧
The more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is, isn't that true?
差不多忘記 差點能放棄你你你你
Almost forgot, I nearly managed to give you up.
I nearly had the courage to delete your WeChat.
差點打給你 差不多女神我好想你
I nearly called you to tell you, "Almost Miss Goddess, I miss you so much."
When you suggested we break up, I just couldn't swallow my pride.
The almost-man's life is an almost-life.
户口沒剩多少 假食物吃多了要洗腎
There's not much left in my savings, and I've eaten so many processed foods that I'll need dialysis soon.
So how on earth did I ever meet a goddess like you? I don't understand!
My name isn't Li Chen, and I'm not a rich man.
最初很迷戀很幸福 但慢慢地睜開了眼才發現
At first, I was so happy and attracted to you. But now I see the truth.
卸了妝洗澡一變 嚇死人
Once your make-up is removed and you get out of the bath, I'm shocked!
洗面盤枱面的假眼睫毛 美瞳雙眼皮貼解釋了一切
The fake eyelashes, contact lenses and double-eyelid tape by the sink explain everything.
差點報警説有陌生的裸女 在我家裏出現
I came close to calling the police to report a strange naked woman in my apartment.
You almost lost your temper with me.
我開始感覺有生命的危險 就那麼一點
I started to feel that my life was in danger. It was that close.
Life and death are often separated by only a thin line.
其實你長得可愛 但你每一樣都差一點
You're actually pretty, but everything about you is just a little bit off.
Your make-up is a little too thick, your breasts are slightly too small.
智商也低了一點 脾氣也燥了一點
Your IQ is a bit too low, and your temper is a little too short.
就連你找男朋友的眼光 也是差了一點
Even your taste in men is a little bit off.
差不多忘記 差點能放棄你你你你
Almost forgot, I nearly managed to give you up.
I nearly had the courage to delete your WeChat.
差點打給你 差不多女神我好想你
I nearly called you to tell you, "Almost Miss Goddess, I miss you so much."
When you suggested we break up, I just couldn't bear the shame.
差不多忘記 差點能放棄你你你你
Almost forgot, I nearly managed to give you up.
差不多了 差不多了 差不多了
Almost, almost, almost.
差點打給你 差不多女神我好想你
I nearly called you to tell you, "Almost Miss Goddess, I miss you so much."
When you suggested we break up, I just couldn't swallow my pride.
Almost Goddess and Almost Man,
We had so much fate, but you treated me like dog crap.
You think you're climbing to the top, but you're just running on a treadmill.
May you find a man who loves you more than I do.
差不多不可能 不可能 不可能
Almost impossible. Impossible, impossible.
我想應該不可能 除非你整容
I don't think it's possible unless you get plastic surgery.
縮小那鼻孔 想起又心痛
And just thinking about getting those nostrils narrowed makes my heart ache.

Авторы: 陳奐仁

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