31 FAM - Homies - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Homies - 31 FAMÜbersetzung ins Englische

Doy la vida siempre pa′ mis homies
I give my life for my homies
Intenté coger el timón y eso que no va slowly
I tried to take the helm, and it's not going slowly
Sembla CSI per com m'estan buscant tots (Fakes)
It looks like CSI the way all the (fakes) are looking for me
Van tirant DM
They keep throwing DMs
Com si fossin Paul Jorge
As if they were Paul Jorge
Déu perdona, jo no (Facts)
God forgives, I don't (Facts)
Actitud de Rick Ross
Rick Ross attitude
La meitat esteu dick-riding
Half of you are dick-riding
Sóc qui sóc sense esforç
I am who I am without effort
I estem flying indeed
And we are flying indeed
Estem fly in this shit
We are fly in this shit
Vinc de temps difícils, males hores and shit
I come from hard times, bad hours and shit
Vinc de creure′m invencible, vinc de ser un malparit
I come from believing I'm invincible, I come from being a bastard
Vinc de no voler-te veure, a voler-te al meu llit, yeah
I come from not wanting to see you, to wanting you in my bed, yeah
Sento que tinc el cor gelat, so you know me
I feel like my heart is frozen, so you know me
Els teus ulls brillant com el foc, baby trust me
Your eyes shining like fire, baby trust me
Tu t'enfades quant surto amb tots els meus homies
You get mad when I go out with all my homies
Ja que no estic per tu, no vull estar lonely
I know I'm not for you, I don't want to be lonely
Ja que la música bona es fa dins del carrer
I know that good music is made in the streets
No way, i ens quedem sense sortida, bitch
No way, and we are left with no way out, bitch
Sempre serem la tendència del Vallès Occidental
We will always be the trend of Vallès Occidental
Però si no ens pujem nosaltres
But if we don't go up
Que ho fagi la meva gang
Let my gang do it
Tenim la medicació, està dins del furgó
We have the medication, it's in the van
Hi ha la meva cobertura flashy ready per l'acció
There's my flashy cover ready for action
(Big deal) Necessito anar a caçar
(Big deal) I need to go hunting
Mentre tingui la família tu seràs el meu dinar, mmh yeah
As long as I have my family you will be my dinner, mmh yeah
I ara canto per cobrar
And now I sing to get paid
No vull un treball de merda
I don't want a shitty job
Quan això em pot jubilar, mmh yeah
When this can retire me, mmh yeah
Tots els haters quieren más
All the haters want more
No competim per la copa, la copa tenim ja
We don't compete for the cup, we already have the cup
Sento que tinc el cor gelat, so you know me
I feel like my heart is frozen, so you know me
Els teus ulls brillant com el foc, baby trust me
Your eyes shining like fire, baby trust me
Tu t′enfades quant surto amb tots els meus homies
You get mad when I go out with all my homies
Ja que no estic per tu, no vull estar lonely
I know I'm not for you, I don't want to be lonely
Ja que la música bona es fa dins del carrer
I know that good music is made in the streets
No way, i ens quedem sense sortida, bitch
No way, and we are left with no way out, bitch
Sempre serem la tendència del Vallès Occidental
We will always be the trend of Vallès Occidental
Però si no ens pujem nosaltres
But if we don't go up
Que ho fagi la meva gang
Let my gang do it
Siento que no paro de crecer
I feel like I don't stop growing
Cuando llegue a los 60 con la ganga five hotel
When I reach 60 with the gang five hotel
Subimos al escenario y nos bajamos siempre al 100
We go up on stage and we always go down to 100
Y queda mucho pa′ que llegues al nivel
And there is a lot to go until you reach the level
Viajando torre Eiffel
Traveling Eiffel Tower
Brindando con champagne
Toasting with champagne
No queréis reconocer
You don't want to recognize
Pero muchos estáis
But many of you are
Os falta mucho nivel
You lack a lot of level
Y ¿por qué lo intentáis?
And why do you try?
Ni si quiera lo pilláis
You don't even get it
Mira flow de bandam, y ouh
Look at Bandam's flow, and oh yeah
Doy la vida siempre pa' mis homies
I give my life for my homies
Intenté coger el timón y eso que no va slowly
I tried to take the helm, and it's not going slowly
Volví, y ahora que esto es for real
I came back, and now this is for real
Me tiraron un DM, me escribieron los de Sony
They sent me a DM, the Sony people wrote to me
Quiero contar billetes
I want to count bills
Encima de un Mercedes
On top of a Mercedes
Todos jubilados seguimos en el beat
All retired we are still on the beat
Si no he facturado, no voy a dormir
If I haven't billed, I won't sleep
Like rich (Like rich)
Like rich (Like rich)
Subiendo chill, yeh
Going up chill, yeh
Ahora me siento big,
Now I feel big, yeah
Blessed pa′ to mis gs, yeye
Blessed for all my gs, yeye
Me germana vull un Prada hoe
My sister I want a Prada hoe
Pel Bandamito vull un carro nou
For Bandamito I want a new car
Pel Didi un villa prop del snow
For Didi a villa near the snow
Pel Triple A vull Moët i show
For Triple A I want Moët and show
Pel Koa vull una casa a les hills
For Koa I want a house in the hills
Pel Campillo i pel Rodríguez
For Campillo and Rodríguez
Una cadena de kilo i mig
A kilo and a half chain
Els dos dieu seran tots més rics
You two say they will all be richer
I estem flying indeed
And we are flying indeed
Estem fly in this shit
We are fly in this shit
Vinc de temps difícils, males hores and shit
I come from hard times, bad hours and shit
Vinc de creure'm invencible, vinc de ser un malparit
I come from believing I'm invincible, I come from being a bastard
Vinc de no voler-te veure, a voler-te al meu llit, yeah
I come from not wanting to see you, to wanting you in my bed, yeah
Sento que tinc el cor gelat so you know me
I feel like my heart is frozen so you know me
Els teus ulls brillant com el foc, baby trust
Your eyes shining like fire, baby trust
Tu t′enfades quant surto amb tots els meus homies
You get mad when I go out with all my homies
Ja que no estic per tu, no vull estar lonely
I know I'm not for you, I don't want to be lonely
Ja que la música bona es fa dins del carrer
I know that good music is made in the streets
No way, i ens quedem sense sortida, bitch
No way, and we are left with no way out, bitch
Sempre serem la tendència del Vallès Occidental
We will always be the trend of Vallès Occidental
Però si no pujem nosaltres
But if we don't go up
Que ho fagi la meva gang
Let my gang do it
I seguim en el 100
And we keep going at 100
I seguim en el 100
And we keep going at 100
I seguim en el 100
And we keep going at 100
31, 31, i seguim en el 100
31, 31, and we keep going at 100

Autoren: Alejandro Gil Rodríguez, Dídac Serra Franzi, Eduard Freixas Palou, Ferran Vilalta Aguilar

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