AR刘夫阳 - 嘘 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

- AR刘夫阳Übersetzung ins Englische

這幫聾子竟敢 跟校長談聽感 (談聽感)
This bunch of deaf people dare to talk about listening with the principal (talk about listening)
他懂的腔調 只有假英文沒有情感 (沒有情感)
The accent he understands is only fake English without emotion (no emotion)
我的靈感 給那敏感的帶來命案
My inspiration brings murder to the sensitive
對生活態度積極 卻對假的範兒特別陰暗
Have a positive attitude towards life but be particularly gloomy about fake vibes
拿着筆 我戳爛規則的眼
Holding a pen, I pierce the eyes of the rules
他們順從 配合着舔
They obey and lick along
我得用顯微鏡才能看清我的 hater 的臉
I need a microscope to see my hater's face
丟了面子 跪在那撿
Lost face, kneel down and pick it up
我上張碟 stand up 了廣東
My last album stood up Guangdong
I'm G5 盤旋在上空
I'm G5 hovering in the sky
Brian McKnight 級別的唱功
Brian McKnight level singing
把敵人葬送 像送葬者 押韻瘋狂得對你重創着
Bury the enemy like the Undertaker, the rhyme is crazy enough to hit you hard
局勢動蕩地 讓那膨脹的
The situation is turbulent, let the inflated
像在跳着 Poppin' 因為中槍了
Like dancing Poppin' because he got shot
看的電影都是藍光的 黑粉額頭亮着紅光了
The movies I watch are all Blu-ray, and the black fans have red lights on their foreheads
這種 重量 類似功夫胖的
This kind of weight is similar to Kung Fu Panda's
舞台重複唱着 嘴巴封不上的
Singing repeatedly on the stage, the mouth cannot be closed
表情從不喪着 我的棚陸放的
The expression is never lost, my shed is released
水簾洞主掌着 我的金箍棒呢
The owner of the water curtain cave is in charge, where is my golden hoop?
La di da di 我的屏幕放着
La di da di my screen is playing
聽到 808 心花怒放了
Hearing 808, my heart blooms
我們浪打浪 像洪湖水
We ride the waves like the water of Honghu Lake
Flow 高溫 像熔爐水
Flow high temperature like molten pool water
放煙花是蔡國強 器樂編曲是常石磊
Setting off fireworks is Cai Guoqiang, instrumental arrangement is Chang Shilei
I ball
I ball
Talk all that talk 哥們沒用 請你
Talk all that talk buddy is useless please shh
Rolling rolling in the deep body flip 當我們噓
Rolling rolling in the deep that body flip when we shh
對我 Diss 等於對太陽扔石粒 請你噓
Dissing me is like throwing pebbles at the sun, please shut up
你對我 Diss 等於用雞蛋砸個 Jeep
You dissing me is like throwing an egg at a Jeep
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
耳朵豎起 打着我的鼓機 畫面如 Bob Dylan 和他的木吉他
Ears pricked up, playing my drum machine, the picture is like Bob Dylan and his acoustic guitar
我們鼓勵那些 real 獨立 Artist
We encourage those real independent artists
去努力拿着 Mic 走出地下
To work hard to get the Mic out of the ground
代表 True Hip-Hop 往賭局下注
Represent True Hip-Hop and bet on the gambling game
籌碼數一下 不顧其他
Count the chips, regardless of other
都想孤立他 A to the R
Want to isolate him A to the R
我像是 2Pac 轉世說着普通話
I'm like the reincarnation of 2Pac speaking Mandarin
把那組合押韻 玩成數理化
Make that combination rhyme, play it as mathematics and chemistry
Do or Die 負責把藍 圖刻畫
Do or Die is responsible for carving the blue print
沒人或物能阻止他 世俗無法 把他的路同化
No one or thing can stop him, the world cannot assimilate his path
Hip-Hop 來訴訟 Pop 不能怕 腳步正踏着
Use Hip-Hop to sue Pop, don't be afraid, your steps are on the right track
說聲 Guten Tag 哥們流的血都是伏特加
Say Guten Tag, buddy, the blood flowing is all vodka
Hey hey
Hey hey
Shot get fired aye aye
Shot get fired aye aye
那氣氛凝住 aye
The atmosphere froze aye
When blood clots
當殺意把靈魂禁錮 aye
When the killing intent imprisons the soul aye
大城市 nothing sweet
Big city nothing sweet
This jungle tastes zero degrees
Which highway do you live on?
我選擇的路是 京珠
The path I choose is Jingzhu
賭我輸的 賬戶墊底 變成了褥子
Those who bet on me to lose, the account bottomed out and turned into a mattress
所有的 winner 在練就之前 或多或少也試過做 loser
All winners have tried to be losers more or less before practicing
I'm a gorilla in this fuckin coupe
I'm a gorilla in this fuckin coupe
Finna put up in the zoo 哥們
Finna put up in the zoo buddy
Who 哥們 who wanna fuck with me you asse get killed
Who buddy who wanna fuck with me you asse get killed
情緒如 Chief Keef 真的怒 讓敵人的 心裏生着怵
Emotions are like Chief Keef, really angry, making the enemy's heart feel frightened
以前是精氣神帶我 現在我帶精氣神的 crew
It used to be the spirit that led me, now I lead the spirit crew
扛着 Southside 在我的背後
Carrying Southside behind my back
廣東 stand up 當我 say so
Guangdong stand up when I say so
Doja Cat 哥們 I Say So
Doja Cat buddy I Say So
不當 明星 但我照樣參北鬥
Not a star, but I still participate in the North Fight
生活的街道 那依然很凶狠
The streets of life are still very fierce
美麗的旋律 那依然很動人
Beautiful melody, it is still very moving
做到優秀 哥們不要做中等
Be excellent, buddy, don't be mediocre
像咖啡壺 (Kafe.Hu) 坐飛機 你得 頭等
Like a coffee pot (Kafe.Hu) on a plane, you have to be first class
自己創業 賣力的像個工人
Start my own business and work hard like a worker
Every song on this album of mine can be a god
每日三餐 我每頓都很豐盛
Three meals a day, every meal I have is very rich
AR A&R 級別李宗盛
AR's A&R level Li Zongsheng
有些人到達了頂端 卻不再努力
Some people reach the top but don't work hard anymore
所以第二年 人氣就送人
So the second year, popularity is given away
I remain loyal to my lost lover
I take on the important task of Chinese rap
看着像 Boss 實際上是傭人
Looks like a Boss but is actually a servant
They work like a slave I work like a owner
They work like a slave I work like a owner
Hold up hold up, I'm the zone
Hold up hold up, I'm the zone
I got the uh I got the
I got the uh I got the
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
Talk that 校長 talk that talk that motherfucker
Talk that shh principal talk that shh talk that motherfucker
Talk that 校長 talk that
Talk that shh principal talk that shh
把那假的全都揭穿 韻腳多到能把那筆記本給寫穿
Expose all the fakes, there are so many rhymes that you can write through the notebook
這裏只有娛樂圈 但沒有樂壇
There is only entertainment industry here, but no music scene
這是決戰 Real talk 不需要變化 tempo
This is the decisive battle Real talk no need to change tempo
People who can't act continue to receive sky-high paychecks
當那有抱負的 artist 捂着那地下室的肚子
When an ambitious artist covers the stomach of the basement
賤賣出作品 都只為了 租個大城市的住址
Selling works at a low price just to rent an address in a big city
踩着那滑板在 kick push 活成了危險的 pitbull
Stepping on the skateboard and kick push, living a dangerous pitbull
緊握着拳頭自己審判 因為 沒錢 去起訴
Clenching his fists and judging himself because he has no money to sue
Phone project 1.5
Phone project 1.5
Not just a little pain
You have to pay the price in advance
Difficulties temper you
做着 moves 說着故事
Making moves, telling stories
拖着 shoes 坐着出租
Dragging shoes and taking a taxi
逛着都市 固執走着 屬於你的路
Walking around the city, walking stubbornly on the road that belongs to you, cool
忘掉這瘋狂的世界 每天帶來的那些 bullshit - 不適
Forget about this crazy world, the bullshit it brings every day - discomfort

Autoren: Ar劉夫陽

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