Americo - Cupido - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Cupido - AmericoÜbersetzung ins Englische

Ella jamas pensaria lo k daria
She would never think what I would give
Por akariciar su kuerpo
To caress her body
Sentir su pecho junto al mio
To feel her chest next to mine
Daria lo k no tengo
I would give what I don't have
Importaria lo k pasara
It wouldn't matter what happened
Por un momento sentirla mia
For a moment to feel her mine
Ella se esta muriendo por otro amor
She is dying for another love
K no la merece
Who doesn't deserve her
Komo pega kupido
How Cupid strikes
Kon los sentimientos
With feelings
Ella sufre por
She suffers for

Autoren: Domingo Vega, Marcela Toledo, Melvin Vega

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