Bap - Anna - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Anna - BAPÜbersetzung ins Englische

Do bess janz für mich do
You do the best things for me here
Su wie en Mamm für der Panz
Like a mother for her child
Wenn de Löwin sinn darfs
When it is time for the lioness
Dann jisste dich ganz
She'll eat you whole
Do bess neugierich
You are curious
Selfsüchtig wie e klei Kind
Selfish like a little child
Jäjem Lot' sing Frau möhts
Every man would like to have you
Do ee Salzbergwerk sinn
As his salt mine
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Moondachs besste ne Friedhoff
On Mondays you are a cemetery
Diensdaachs besste ne Pfuff
On Tuesdays you are a chicken
Mittwochs dräumste dich fruh
On Wednesdays you dream early
Donnersdaach stirvste em Suff
On Thursdays you die in the booze
Friedaachs isste kei Fleisch
On Fridays you eat no meat
Sabbat arbeitste nie
On Saturdays you never work
Spaars ding Power für Sonndaachs
You save your power for Sundays
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Oh do Annachronismus
Oh you anachronism
Bess en komische Frau
You are a strange woman
Dingen Janus-Kopp stink mer
Your Janus-head stinks to me
Un dat weißte jenau
And you know that very well
Do wills Priesterin, Hex sinn
You want to be a priestess, a witch
Torero un Stier
A bullfighter and a bull
Nur wenn de janit mieh durchblicks
Only when you can't see through it anymore
Frööhste och ens noh mir
You call for me too
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Ich hann de Haas voll von dir
I am sick and tired of you
Un dinger Schizzophrenie
And your schizophrenia
Dämm ewje Hin und Her Hick Hack
This eternal back and forth Hick Hack
Ich pack et nit mieh
I can't take it anymore
Vun dinge Austausch-Jeseechter
Amongst your changing appearances
Ess nur eins nit zovil
There is only one thing too much
Wenn't sinn muß
If it must be
Mähßte so wigger
You have to continue like this
Doch dann loss mich uss dem Spill
But then leave me out of the game
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna
Drieh dich nit öm
Don't turn around
Anna, Anna
Anna, Anna

Autoren: Wolfgang Niedecken,, Klaus Heuser,

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