Baze - Aus - Live - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Aus - Live - BazeÜbersetzung ins Englische

Aus - Live
Out - Live
U Mir füre u zrügg u füre füre zrüüg
We go back and forth and back and forth again
Rap für mi isch wi type uf bänk i parks
Rap for me is like typing on benches in parks
Huet u stäckä, händschä, us lädr
Hat and sticks, gloves, made of leather
Wi grosis im tearoom, kafee fertig
Like a big guy in the tearoom, coffee's ready
Lottopriis gwunne, när geiht party erscht ri
Won the lottery, now the party's just starting
Chtig ab, do zviu hei sones ding im arsch
Tuesday off, too many have such a thing up their ass
U weidr dis vermassle
And further mess it up
Egau, weisch ds wo eim erwartet
Anyway, you know what to expect from someone
Isch doch einigermasse ds wome vo eim erwartet
It's kind of what you expect from someone
Mi rap wi, schnippo im tramway
My rap is like, snapping fingers in the tram
mit cap u schnouz wo flipped bim jasse
The one with the cap and mustache who flips out playing Jass
Stammtisch u jede luegt itz glas
Regulars' table and everyone looks into their glass
Stigt itz taxi, nach weni stund widr da
Gets in a taxi, back again after a few hours
I liebs u i schribs uf, bis widr los
I love it and write it down until it's gone again
S isch mi fium
It's my flow
I ziehmers inne, kipp um, zieh drvo
I pull it in, tip over, pull away from it
Isch no easy so vo tiefs zu hochs, aus klar
It's not easy from lows to highs, of course
Wär bestigt rap aus wäris füecht
Who raps like it's wet
Aus klar, steu mi gärn zur verfüegig
Of course, I'm happy to be at your disposal
Aus klar, mi style blibt dräckig u früsch
Of course, my style stays dirty and fresh
So wi usem ärmu gschüttlet ja ja
Like it's shaken out of the sleeve, yeah yeah
U Mir füre u zrügg u füre füre zrüüg, U Mir füre u zrügg u füre füre zrüüg,
And we go back and forth and back and forth again, We go back and forth and back and forth again,
U Mir füre u zrügg u füre füre zrüüg
We go back and forth and back and forth again
Wi punks, süfer, technos im hb
Like punks, cleaners, technos in the main station
Dealer, junks, demos, vordr hg wi
Dealers, junkies, demos, in front of the station like
Nachbar wo usem fänschter schreit
A neighbor who yells from the window
Wöune s läbä ackakt, us irgendwo härä schmeisst
Lives life messed up, throws it from somewhere
Wi seniore chor im gmeindesau
Like a senior choir in the community hall
Uf beide ohre toub doch gäbe eifech aues
Deaf in both ears but still giving their all
Wi a bode spöie, lüt for d füess
Like throwing up on the floor, the guy runs for his feet
S isch eifach für üs s isch eifach nüt
It's just for us, it's just nothing
Wi us raschte ab nichtigkeite
Like freaking out over trifles
Wi churz grabsche hei schiebsch alleini
Like grabbing something quickly, you push alone
Ir nacht bumse ufem chileturm
Fucking on the church tower at night
Bis dr pfarrer chunt, scho ziet es gwitter uf
Until the pastor comes, a thunderstorm is already brewing
U i liebs u i schribs uf, bis widr los
And I love it and write it down until it's gone again
S isch mi fium
It's my flow
I ziehmers inne, kipp um, zieh drvo
I pull it in, tip over, pull away from it
Isch no easy so vo tiefs zu hochs, los los
It's not easy from lows to highs, let's go, let's go
Wär bestigt rap aus wäris füecht
Who raps like it's wet
Aus klar, steu mi gärn zur verfüegig
Of course, I'm happy to be at your disposal
Aus klar, mi style blibt dräckig u früsch
Of course, my style stays dirty and fresh
So wi usem ärmu gschüttlet ja ja
Like it's shaken out of the sleeve, yeah yeah
Wi im sumpf gsteckt u grad usezoge
Like stuck in the swamp and just pulled out
Umsvereckt, ab id clubs u rocke
Turned around, off to the clubs and rock
Wi unagschnaut uf achterbahne
Like unsuspecting on a roller coaster
Glag glag am abe, u zag zag a kater
Blah blah in the evening, and show show a hangover
Wi a n rs verstöh nüd vo musig
Like an asshole who doesn't understand music
Weisch chöle machsch o mit gschmacksverstuchig
You know you can make coal with taste too
Rap für mi blibt wi quickies uf toilette,
Rap for me remains like quickies in the toilet,
Dri u ga wett de diggsch itz wirsch akettet
Three and go, bet you dig it now you're tagged
I liebs u i schribs uf, bis widr los
I love it and write it down until it's gone again
S isch mi fium
It's my flow
I ziehmers inne, kipp um, renn drvo
I pull it in, tip over, run away from it
Isch no easy so vo tiefs zu hochs, los los
It's not easy from lows to highs, let's go, let's go
Wär bestigt rap aus wäris
Who raps like it's
Aus klar, steu mi gärn zur verfüegig
Of course, I'm happy to be at your disposal
Aus klar, mi style blibt dräckig u früsch
Of course, my style stays dirty and fresh
So wi usem ärmu gschüttlet ja ja
Like it's shaken out of the sleeve, yeah yeah

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