Beyond - 半斤八两 - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

半斤八两 - BeyondÜbersetzung ins Englische

Half a Catty
I am this kind of wage earner
Walking around the streets, my stomach is really upset
Earning a small amount at the end of the month is not enough to spend (like a ghost)
It's really depressingly frustrating
Worst of all, the boss acts up (mad as a chicken)
A taste of yes or no and you bark nonsense
When you ask for a raise, his face turns ugly (pretending to scare me)
You really whet my appetite
半斤八兩 做到隻積咁o既樣
Half a catty, you act like you can handle it
半斤八兩 濕水炮仗點會響
Half a catty, a damp firecracker won’t go off
半斤八兩 夠疆呀楂槍走去搶
Half a catty, if you have the guts, grab a gun and rob
出o左半斤力 想話羅番足八兩
Put out half a catty of effort, and you want a full eight taels in return
家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁理想〔吹漲〕
It’s so hard to make a living now. Where can you find half a catty and eight taels so ideally (exaggerated)
I am this kind of wage earner
All my life, I have been a slave to money
The kind of hardship and humiliation I suffer is terrifying (I’ll scare you to death)
Don’t say it’s nothing
半斤八兩 就算有福都冇你享
Half a catty, even if there is good luck, you won’t get any
半斤八兩 重慘過滾水淥豬腸
Half a catty, worse than a pig’s intestine scalded in boiling water
半斤八兩 雞碎咁多都要啄
Half a catty, peck at so many tiny bits of chicken feed
出o左半斤力 想話羅番足八兩
Put out half a catty of effort, and you want a full eight taels in return
家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁理想〔吹漲〕
It’s so hard to make a living now. Where can you find half a catty and eight taels so ideally (exaggerated)
半斤八兩 就算有福都冇你享
Half a catty, even if there is good luck, you won’t get any
半斤八兩 重慘過滾水淥豬腸
Half a catty, worse than a pig’s intestine scalded in boiling water
半斤八兩 雞碎甘多都要啄
Half a catty, peck at so many tiny bits of chicken feed
出左半斤力 想話羅番足八兩
Put out half a catty of effort, and you want a full eight taels in return
家陣惡搵食 邊有半斤八兩咁理想
It’s so hard to make a living now. Where can you find half a catty and eight taels so ideally
半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩
Half a catty, half a catty, half a catty, half a catty
半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩
Half a catty, half a catty, half a catty, half a catty
半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩
Half a catty, half a catty, half a catty, half a catty
半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩
Half a catty, half a catty, half a catty, half a catty
半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩 半斤八兩
Half a catty, half a catty, half a catty, half a catty

Autoren: Sam Hui

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