El Nino - Am Auzit - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Am Auzit - El NinoÜbersetzung ins Englische

Am Auzit
I Heard
A banii fac pamantul sa se invarta
Money makes the world go round
Si am auzit ca-ti trebuie multi, ca fericirea-i scumpa
And I heard you need a lot of it, that happiness is expensive
Ai mei m-au invatat ca trebuie sa-mi iubesc aproapele
My parents taught me to love my neighbour
Ca Dumnezeu e sus si-mi va ierta pacatele
That God is above and will forgive my sins
Au trecut anii... am devenit barbat
Years have passed... I've become a man
Dar mama inca ma priveste ca pe primul ei baiat
But my mother still looks at me as her first boy
E adevarat, lupta mea o duc cu mine
It's true, my fight is with myself
Cand adorm flamand sa pot sa-mi zic ca-i totul bine
When I fall asleep hungry so I can tell myself it's all good
Am auzit ca muzica-i facuta pentru visatori
I heard music is for dreamers
Si am zis ca toata viata mea voi fi cu capul in nori
And I said that all my life I will have my head in the clouds
Am ingropat primaveri cu lacrimi si zambete
I've buried springs with tears and smiles
Daca regret ceva, e ca au trecut prea repede
If I regret anything, it's that they passed too quickly
Si-am invatat din mers cum sa iubesc ce ma inconjoara
And I've learned how to love what surrounds me
Am invatat cand sa zambesc si cand sa ma tranform in fiara
I've learned when to smile and when to become a beast
Am auzit ca tot ce nu te omoara, te intareste
I heard that everything that doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
Am pieptul din otel... e pentru cel ce ma uraste
My chest is made of steel... for those who hate me
Merg mai departe... cu tipete cu soapte
I go on... with screams and whispers
Lupt doar sa tin linistea aproape
I only fight to keep the silence close
Si poate ca toate au rostul lor in viata
And maybe it all has a reason in life
Dar n-am de gand sa traiesc c-o inima de gheata
But I'm not going to live with a heart of ice
Am auzit baietii in cartier, vorbeau de septare
I heard boys in the neighbourhood, talking about guns
Si acum baietii mei trag dupa ei dosare
And now my boys are carrying cases after them
Cand eram copil il auzeam mereu pe tata
When I was a child, I always heard my father
Sa nu fac rau la nimeni fiindca se va intoarce roata
Don't hurt anyone because the wheel will turn
Si acum rasplata... depresii si pastile
And now the reward... depression and pills
Zilele mele bune mi le vezi in pupile
My good days, you can see them in my pupils
Am auzit ca-n viata poti sa cazi de sus si doare
I heard that in life you can fall from the top and it hurts
D-asta n-am visat vreodata sa am lumea la picioare
That's why I never dreamt of having the world at my feet
Am auzit ca dupa moarte, am parte de alta viata
I heard that after death, I'll have another life
Si abia astept pe cei ce m-au crescut sa-i am din nou in fata
And I can't wait to have those that raised me in front of me again
Dar pana atunci, raman sa calc asfaltul
But until then, I'll keep walking the asphalt
Si n-o sa apuci sa vezi in locul meu pe altul
And you won't see someone else in my place
Am auzit ca si barbatii plang cateodata
I heard that even men cry sometimes
Si am plans si-n liceu pt cea mai frumoasa fata
And I cried in high school for the most beautiful girl
De restul nu ma plang, dar stiu ca-n intuneric
I don't complain about the rest, but I know that in the darkness
Am nevoie de iubire sa raman puternic
I need love to stay strong
Merg mai departe... cu tipete cu soapte
I go on... with screams and whispers
Lupt doar sa tin linistea aproape
I only fight to keep the silence close
Si poate ca toate au rostul lor in viata
And maybe it all has a reason in life
Dar n-am de gand sa traiesc c-o inima de gheata
But I'm not going to live with a heart of ice

Autoren: Alin Emil Ghita, Spot

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