Hazami - Redha - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Redha - HazamiÜbersetzung ins Englische

Mengapa harus kita rasa kecewa
Why do we feel so disappointed?
Sedangkan Tuhan lebih mengetahui
When God knows better
Apa yang terbaik untuk makhluk-Nya
What is best for His creatures
Bukan ditakdir untuk menyiksa
It is not destined to torture
Biarpun kita terasa berjauhan
Even though we feel so distant
Namun jiwa bagaikan tiada sempadan
But our souls are like there are no boundaries
Itu yang terbaik bagi setiap insan
It is the best for every human
Saling memahami
Understand each other
Redha dengan kehendak Ilahi
Be pleased with the will of God
Ya Rabbi auzi'ni an asykur
O my Lord, inspire me to be grateful
For Your blessings
An'amta 'alayya wa'ala
Which You have bestowed upon me and
My parents
Wahai Tuhanku
O My Lord
Ilhamkanlah daku
Inspire me
Supaya tetap bersyukur
So that I always be grateful
Atas nikmat-Mu
For Your blessings
Yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku
Which You have bestowed upon me
Juga kepada ibu bapaku
Also to my parents
Mengapa harus kita rasa kecewa
Why do we feel so disappointed?
Sedangkan Tuhan lebih mengetahui
When God knows better
Apa yang terbaik untuk makhluk-Nya
What is best for His creatures
Bukan ditakdir untuk menyiksa
It is not destined to torture
Biarpun kita terasa berjauhan
Even though we feel so distant
Namun jiwa bagaikan tiada sempadan
But our souls are like there are no boundaries
Itu yang terbaik untuk setiap insan
It is the best for every human
Saling memahami
Understand each other
Redha dengan kehendak Ilahi
Be pleased with the will of God
Ya Rabbi auzi'ni an asykur
O my Lord, inspire me to be grateful
For Your blessings
An'amta 'alayya wa'ala
Which You have bestowed upon me and
My parents
Ya Rabbi auzi'ni an asykur
O my Lord, inspire me to be grateful
For Your blessings
An'amta 'alayya wa'ala
Which You have bestowed upon me and
My parents
Wahai Tuhanku
O My Lord
Ilhamkanlah daku
Inspire me
Supaya tetap bersyukur
So that I always be grateful
Atas nikmat-Mu
For Your blessings
Yang Engkau kurniakan kepadaku
Which You have bestowed upon me
Juga kepada ibu bapaku
Also to my parents
Ya Rabbi auzi'ni an asykur
O my Lord, inspire me to be grateful
For Your blessings
An'amta 'alayya wa'ala
Which You have bestowed upon me and
My parents
Walau pedih
Even though it hurts
Ku terima
I accept it
Ia hanya sementara jua
It is only temporary
Redha dengan qada' qadar-Nya
Be pleased with His destiny
Ada hikmah disebalik
There is wisdom behind
His provisions


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