Hedgehog - Selfie - Übersetzung des Liedtextes ins Englische

Selfie - HedgehogÜbersetzung ins Englische

Hedgehog Selfie
Hedgehog Selfie
Vers 1:
Verse 1:
Dr ganzi nebel vor de auga macht mi blind, jo i findes schlimm
The thick fog in front of my eyes makes me blind, so I find it difficult
Drum machi mir e schöne tag in irgendeme Spa, bis sorge kei meh sind
So I’m having a nice day in some spa until I don’t have any more worries
Dr ganzi nebel vor de auga stört mi, trotzdem isches schö
The thick fog in front of my eyes bothers me, but it’s still beautiful
Denn au irgendwenn in züri chunt d sunne wieder füri
Because even in Zurich the sun will come out again sometime
Und i glaub do goht no meh jo waisch i
And I believe that even more is going to happen, darling, you know
I glaub do goht no viel, woni nit mit rechne
I believe that even more is going to happen, (yes) although life is sometimes ugly
Doch I glaub do goht no viel, (yeah) isch z läba au mengisch hässlech
But I believe that even more is going to happen, (yes) is life also sometimes ugly
I glaub do goht no meh, i will no meh oder ischs das gsi?
I believe that even more is going to happen, do I want more or was that it?
I schüss mis allerletschta Selfie (Mis allerletschta Selfie)
I'm taking my very last selfie (My very last selfie)
Vers 2:
Verse 2:
Klick, wenns wieder froogend wo du bisch
Click, when they ask again where you are
I sitz uf dr Pyramide doba ufem spitz
I sit on the pyramid at the top of the mountain
Han do immer schomal ufa welle, jetze bini do
I always wanted to go up there, now I'm here
Han mis iPhone im sack, bin für s selfie parat
I have my iPhone in my bag, I'm ready for the selfie
Laufend durch Paris, durch New York und durch Amsterdam
We're walking through Paris, New York, and Amsterdam
Und jo mir reisend noch Berlin, döte schlofemer nit tagelang
and yes, we're still traveling to Berlin, we won't sleep there for days
Chum mir reisend noch Hawaii,
Let's go to Hawaii,
Immer uf dr suechi nochre Wella (Nochre Wella)
Always looking for a wave (For a wave)
Spöter flügemer uf d Seichella (Chum mir flügend drvo)
Later we fly to the Seychelles (Let's fly away)
I glaub do goht no viel, (yeah) woni nit mit rechne
I believe that even more is going to happen, (yes) although life is sometimes ugly
Doch I glaub do goht no viel, (yeah) isch z läba au mengisch hässlech
But I believe that even more is going to happen, (yes) is life also sometimes ugly
I glaub do goht no meh, i will no meh oder ischs das gsi?
I believe that even more is going to happen, do I want more or was that it?
I schüss mis allerletschta Selfie
I'm taking my very last selfie
Vers 3:
Verse 3:
Chum cruisend mer hüt uf Ascona boys, nämend gar nüt mit nume Polaroid
Let's cruise to Ascona today, boys, let's take nothing but the Polaroid
Mol e klick, klick do, klick, klick döt,
Click once, click there, click, click here
Chum dräh emol e rundi mit de Rollerboards(?)
Let's make a round with the rollerboards (?)
Chum cruisend mer hüt uf Ascona boys, nämend gar nüt mit nume Polaroid
Let's cruise to Ascona today, boys, let's take nothing but the Polaroid
Mol e klick, klick do, klick, klick döt,
Click once, click there, click, click here
Chum dräh emol e rundi mit de Rollerboards(?)
Let's make a round with the rollerboards (?)
Laufend durch Paris, durch New York und Amsterdam
We're walking through Paris, New York, and Amsterdam
Und jo mir reisend noch Berlin, döte schloofemer nit tagelang
and yes, we're still traveling to Berlin, we won't sleep there for days
Chum mir reisend noch Hawaii immer
Let's go to Hawaii always
Uf dr suechi nochera wella wella wella
Looking for a wave, wave, wave
Spöter flügemer uf d Seichella chella chella
Later we fly to the Seychelles chella chella
I glaub do goht no viel, (yeah) woni nit mit rechne
I believe that even more is going to happen, (yeah) woni nit mit rechne
Doch I glaub do goht no viel, (yeah) isch z läba au mengisch hässlech
But I believe that even more is going to happen, (yeah) isch z läba au mengisch hässlech
I glaub do goht no meh, i will no meh oder ischs das gsi?
I believe that even more is going to happen, do I want more or was that it?
I schüss mis allerletschta Selfie
I'm taking my very last selfie
Es isch egal wos üs hera triibt, egal wie wiit
It doesn’t matter what drives us out, no matter how far
Mit diar vrbringi gera ziit
I like to spend time with you, baby
Du baby es git nüt wo üs stoppt nei
Nothing can stop us, no way
Genau drum gnüssemers doch waisch (genau drum gnüssemers doch waisch)
That's why we enjoy it, you know (that's why we enjoy it, you know)

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